126 lines
3.7 KiB
126 lines
3.7 KiB
extends Control
var text_height = 21
var editor_reference
var preview: String = ''
onready var toggler = get_node("PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/Header/VisibleToggle")
# This is the information of this event and it will get parsed and saved to the JSON file.
var event_data = {
'character': '',
'text': '',
'portrait': '',
onready var portrait_picker = $PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/Header/PortraitPicker
onready var text_editor = $PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/TextEdit
func _ready():
text_editor.syntax_highlighting = true
text_editor.add_color_region('[', ']', get_color("axis_z_color", "Editor"))
var _scale = get_constant("inspector_margin", "Editor")
_scale = _scale * 0.125
text_height = text_height * _scale
connect("gui_input", self, '_on_gui_input')
text_editor.connect("focus_entered", self, "_on_TextEdit_focus_entered")
text_editor.set("rect_min_size", Vector2(0, 80))
$PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/Header/CharacterPicker.connect('character_selected', self , '_on_character_selected')
portrait_picker.get_popup().connect("index_pressed", self, '_on_portrait_selected')
var c_list = DialogicUtil.get_sorted_character_list()
if c_list.size() == 0:
$PanelContainer/VBoxContainer/Header/CharacterPicker.visible = false
# Default Speaker
for c in c_list:
if c['default_speaker']:
event_data['character'] = c['file']
func _on_character_selected(data) -> void:
event_data['character'] = data['file']
func _on_portrait_selected(index) -> void:
var text = portrait_picker.get_popup().get_item_text(index)
if text == "[Don't change]":
text = ''
portrait_picker.text = ''
event_data['portrait'] = text
func _on_TextEdit_text_changed() -> void:
var text = text_editor.text
event_data['text'] = text
func load_text(text) -> void:
get_node("VBoxContainer/TextEdit").text = text
event_data['text'] = text
func load_data(data) -> void:
event_data = data
text_editor.text = event_data['text']
func update_preview() -> String:
portrait_picker.set_character(event_data['character'], event_data['portrait'])
var t = text_editor.text
text_editor.rect_min_size.y = text_height * (2 + t.count('\n'))
for c in DialogicUtil.get_character_list():
if c['file'] == event_data['character']:
var text = event_data['text']
var lines = text.count('\n')
if text == '':
return ''
if '\n' in text:
text = text.split('\n')[0]
preview = text
if preview.length() > 60:
preview = preview.left(60) + '...'
if lines > 0:
preview += ' - ' + str(lines + 1) + ' lines'
return preview
func _on_gui_input(event) -> void:
if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.is_pressed() and event.doubleclick:
if event.button_index == 1:
if toggler.pressed:
toggler.pressed = false
toggler.pressed = true
func _on_TextEdit_focus_entered() -> void:
# propagate to timeline to make this text event as active selected
# to help improve keyboard shortcut workflows
# only maybe only do this on left click since mouse wheel and
# touch scrolling may triggers this event too
if (Input.is_mouse_button_pressed(BUTTON_LEFT)):
var timeline_editor = editor_reference.get_node_or_null('MainPanel/TimelineEditor')
if (timeline_editor != null):
# @todo select item and clear selection is marked as "private" in TimelineEditor.gd
# consider to make it "public" or add a public helper function
func _on_saver_timer_timeout() -> void:
# gets called when the user selects this node in the timeline
func on_timeline_selected() -> void: