123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160 |
- # Run this script to create the Vivado project files NEXT TO THIS script
- # If ::create_path global variable is set, the project is created under that path instead of the working dir
- # Project specific settings. These must be updated for each project.
- set proj_name "GPIO"
- if {[info exists ::create_path]} {
- set dest_dir $::create_path
- } else {
- set dest_dir [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]]
- }
- puts "INFO: Creating new project in $dest_dir"
- cd $dest_dir
- set part "xc7a35tcpg236-1"
- set brd_part "digilentinc.com:basys3:part0:1.1"
- # Set the reference directory for source file relative paths (by default the value is script directory path)
- set origin_dir ".."
- # Set the directory path for the original project from where this script was exported
- set orig_proj_dir "[file normalize "$origin_dir/proj"]"
- set src_dir $origin_dir/src
- set repo_dir $origin_dir/repo
- # # Set the board repo
- # # Uncomment if distributing board files with project in the "repo/board_files" folder.
- # # This is currently untested. It intends to also keep any existing board repo paths, since this is a global Vivado setting (not project specific.
- # # Ideally, if the project is closed, and then a new project is created (without closing Vivado), this should still be able to see a board repo specified in init.tcl.
- #set_param board.repoPaths "[file normalize "$repo_dir/board_files"]"
- # Create project
- create_project $proj_name $dest_dir
- # Set the directory path for the new project
- set proj_dir [get_property directory [current_project]]
- # Set project properties
- set obj [get_projects $proj_name]
- set_property "default_lib" "xil_defaultlib" $obj
- set_property "part" $part $obj
- set_property "board_part" $brd_part $obj
- set_property "simulator_language" "Mixed" $obj
- set_property "target_language" "VHDL" $obj
- # Uncomment the following 3 lines to greatly increase build speed while working with IP cores (and/or block diagrams)
- set_property "corecontainer.enable" "0" $obj
- set_property "ip_cache_permissions" "read write" $obj
- set_property "ip_output_repo" "[file normalize "$origin_dir/repo/cache"]" $obj
- # Create 'sources_1' fileset (if not found)
- if {[string equal [get_filesets -quiet sources_1] ""]} {
- create_fileset -srcset sources_1
- }
- # Create 'constrs_1' fileset (if not found)
- if {[string equal [get_filesets -quiet constrs_1] ""]} {
- create_fileset -constrset constrs_1
- }
- # Set IP repository paths
- set obj [get_filesets sources_1]
- set_property "ip_repo_paths" "[file normalize $repo_dir]" $obj
- # Refresh IP Repositories
- update_ip_catalog -rebuild
- # Add conventional sources
- add_files -quiet $src_dir/hdl
- # Add IPs
- # TODO: handle IP containers files
- add_files -quiet [glob -nocomplain ../src/ip/*/*.xci]
- # Add constraints
- add_files -fileset constrs_1 -quiet $src_dir/constraints
- # Create 'synth_1' run (if not found)
- if {[string equal [get_runs -quiet synth_1] ""]} {
- create_run -name synth_1 -part $part -flow {Vivado Synthesis 2015} -strategy "Vivado Synthesis Defaults" -constrset constrs_1
- } else {
- set_property strategy "Vivado Synthesis Defaults" [get_runs synth_1]
- set_property flow "Vivado Synthesis 2015" [get_runs synth_1]
- }
- set obj [get_runs synth_1]
- set_property "part" $part $obj
- set_property "steps.synth_design.args.flatten_hierarchy" "none" $obj
- set_property "steps.synth_design.args.directive" "RuntimeOptimized" $obj
- set_property "steps.synth_design.args.fsm_extraction" "off" $obj
- # set the current synth run
- current_run -synthesis [get_runs synth_1]
- # Create 'impl_1' run (if not found)
- if {[string equal [get_runs -quiet impl_1] ""]} {
- create_run -name impl_1 -part $part -flow {Vivado Implementation 2015} -strategy "Vivado Implementation Defaults" -constrset constrs_1 -parent_run synth_1
- } else {
- set_property strategy "Vivado Implementation Defaults" [get_runs impl_1]
- set_property flow "Vivado Implementation 2015" [get_runs impl_1]
- }
- set obj [get_runs impl_1]
- set_property "part" $part $obj
- set_property "steps.opt_design.args.directive" "RuntimeOptimized" $obj
- set_property "steps.place_design.args.directive" "RuntimeOptimized" $obj
- set_property "steps.route_design.args.directive" "RuntimeOptimized" $obj
- # set the current impl run
- current_run -implementation [get_runs impl_1]
- puts "INFO: Project created:$proj_name"
- # Comment the rest of this script if there is no block design
- # Note that this script currently only supports a single block diagram
- # Uncomment this if building the block diagram from a tcl
- # Create block design
- # source $origin_dir/src/bd/system.tcl
- # Uncomment this block if importing an existing block diagram project
- # Import block design if it exists
- set bd_list [glob -nocomplain $src_dir/bd/*/*.bd]
- if {[llength $bd_list] != 0} {
- add_files -norecurse -quiet -fileset sources_1 [glob -nocomplain $src_dir/bd/*/*.bd]
- open_bd_design [glob -nocomplain $src_dir/bd/*/*.bd]
- set design_name [get_bd_designs]
- set file "$origin_dir/src/bd/$design_name/$design_name.bd"
- set file [file normalize $file]
- set file_obj [get_files -of_objects [get_filesets sources_1] [list "*$file"]]
- if { ![get_property "is_locked" $file_obj] } {
- set_property "synth_checkpoint_mode" "Hierarchical" $file_obj
- }
- # Generate the wrapper
- set design_name [get_bd_designs]
- add_files -norecurse [make_wrapper -files [get_files $design_name.bd] -top -force]
- set obj [get_filesets sources_1]
- set_property "top" "${design_name}_wrapper" $obj
- }
- set sdk_dir $origin_dir/sdk
- set hw_list [glob -nocomplain $sdk_dir/*hw_platform*]
- if {[llength $hw_list] != 0} {
- foreach hw_plat $hw_list {
- file delete -force $hw_plat
- }
- }
- set sdk_list [glob -nocomplain $sdk_dir/*]
- set sdk_list [lsearch -inline -all -not -exact $sdk_list "../sdk/.keep"]
- if {[llength $sdk_list] != 0} {
- exec xsct -eval "setws -switch ../sdk; importproject ../sdk"
- }
- #
- #
- # puts "INFO: Block design ready: $design_name.bd"