Application Android et IOS pour l'amicale des élèves
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

HomeScreen.js 1008B

  1. import React from 'react';
  2. import {Container, Content, Text, Button, Icon} from 'native-base';
  3. import CustomHeader from '../components/CustomHeader';
  4. import i18n from "i18n-js";
  5. import NotificationsManager from '../utils/NotificationsManager'
  6. import { Notifications } from 'expo';
  7. export default class HomeScreen extends React.Component {
  8. render() {
  9. const nav = this.props.navigation;
  10. return (
  11. <Container>
  12. <CustomHeader navigation={nav} title={i18n.t('screens.home')}/>
  13. <Content padder>
  14. <Button onPress={() => NotificationsManager.sendNotificationImmediately('coucou', 'whoa')}>
  15. <Icon
  16. active
  17. name={'bell-ring'}
  18. type={'MaterialCommunityIcons'}
  19. />
  20. <Text>Notif</Text>
  21. </Button>
  22. </Content>
  23. </Container>
  24. );
  25. }
  26. }