2020-03-08 19:50:17 +01:00

238 行
10 KiB

"screens": {
"home": "Home",
"planning": "Planning",
"planningDisplayScreen": "Event Details",
"proxiwash": "Proxiwash",
"proximo": "Proximo",
"menuSelf": "RU Menu",
"settings": "Settings",
"availableRooms": "Available rooms",
"bib": "Bib'Box",
"bluemind": "INSA Mails",
"ent": "INSA ENT",
"about": "About",
"debug": "Debug"
"sidenav": {
"divider1": "Student websites",
"divider2": "Services",
"divider3": "Personalisation"
"intro": {
"slide1": {
"title": "Welcome to CAMPUS",
"text": "The new app to use during your coffee break to get updates on the campus life!"
"slide2": {
"title": "Stay up to date",
"text": "CAMPUS allows you to be aware of any event occurring on the campus, from pancake sales to Enfoiros concerts!"
"slide3": {
"title": "Never forget your laundry",
"text": "CAMPUS will inform you on the availability of washing machines and will remind you just before yours finishes!"
"slide4": {
"title": "Proximo",
"text": "Are you short on pasta? Or maybe you feel a little peckish, then look up your INSA shop's stock in real time"
"slide5": {
"title": "Planex",
"text": "Lookup your timetable on CAMPUS"
"slide6": {
"title": "RU Menu",
"text": "For the hungry, check this week's menu!"
"slide7": {
"title": "More to come...",
"text": "New features are coming soon, do not hesitate to give us feedback to improve the app"
"updateSlide": {
"title": "New in this update!",
"text": "Never miss an email anymore! Acces your INSA webmail from the app using the left menu.\nPlanex has also seen some improvements!\n\nSome of your remarks where taken into account for this update, more to come.\nThanks for your feedback on the survey! "
"aprilFoolsSlide": {
"title": "New in this update!",
"text": "We heard you, you don't like the new design and colors, so we changed them!\nLove."
"buttons": {
"next": "Next",
"skip": "Skip",
"done": "Done"
"settingsScreen": {
"generalCard": "General",
"nightMode": "Night Mode",
"nightModeSubOn": "Your eyes are at peace",
"nightModeSubOff": "Your eyes are burning",
"nightModeAuto": "Follow system dark mode",
"startScreen": "Start Screen",
"startScreenSub": "Select which screen to start the app on",
"proxiwashNotifReminder": "Machine running reminder",
"proxiwashNotifReminderSub": "How many minutes before"
"homeScreen": {
"listUpdated": "List updated!",
"listUpdateFail": "Error while updating list",
"newsFeed": "Campus News",
"dashboard": {
"seeMore": "Click to see more",
"todayEventsTitle": "Today's events",
"todayEventsSubtitleNA": "No events today",
"todayEventsSubtitle": " event coming today",
"todayEventsSubtitlePlural": " events coming today",
"proximoTitle": "Proximo",
"proximoSubtitleNA": "No articles available",
"proximoSubtitle": " article available",
"proximoSubtitlePlural": " articles available",
"tutorinsaSubtitleNA": "No tutorial available",
"tutorinsaSubtitle": " tutorial available",
"tutorinsaSubtitlePlural": " tutorials available",
"proxiwashTitle": "Available machines",
"proxiwashSubtitleNA": "No machines available",
"proxiwashSubtitle1": " dryer",
"proxiwashSubtitle1Plural": " dryers",
"proxiwashSubtitle2": " washer",
"proxiwashSubtitle2Plural": " washers",
"menuTitle": "Today's menu",
"menuSubtitleNA": "No menu available",
"menuSubtitle": "Click here to see the menu"
"planningScreen": {
"wipTitle": "WORK IN PROGRESS",
"wipSubtitle": "Soon, every event at the INSA Toulouse in one place !"
"aboutScreen": {
"appstore": "See on the Appstore",
"playstore": "See on the Playstore",
"bugs": "Report Bugs",
"bugsDescription": "Reporting bugs helps us make the app better. Please be as precise as possible when describing your problem!",
"bugsMail": "Send a Mail",
"bugsGit": "Open an issue on Git",
"changelog": "Changelog",
"license": "License",
"debug": "Debug",
"team": "Team",
"author": "Author",
"authorMail": "Send an email",
"additionalDev": "Additional developer",
"technologies": "Technologies",
"reactNative": "Made with React Native",
"libs": "Libraries used"
"proximoScreen": {
"emptyList": "Empty List",
"article": "Article",
"articles": "Articles",
"sortOrder": "Sort by",
"sortName": "Name",
"sortNameReverse": "Name (reverse)",
"sortPrice": "Price",
"sortPriceReverse": "Price (reverse)",
"listUpdated": "Article list updated!",
"listUpdateFail": "Error while updating article list",
"loading": "Loading...",
"inStock": "in stock",
"description": "The Proximo is your small grocery store maintained by students directly on the campus. Open every day from 18h30 to 19h30, we welcome you when you are short on pastas or sodas ! Different products for different problems, everything at cost price. You can pay by Lydia or cash.",
"openingHours": "Openning Hours",
"paymentMethods": "Payment Methods",
"paymentMethodsDescription": "Cash or Lydia",
"search": "Search",
"all": "All"
"proxiwashScreen": {
"dryer": "Dryer",
"dryers": "Dryers",
"washer": "Washer",
"washers": "Washers",
"min": "min",
"listUpdated": "Machines state updated",
"listUpdateFail": "Error while updating machines state",
"error": "Could not update machines state. Pull down to retry.",
"loading": "Loading...",
"description": "This is the washing service operated by Promologis for INSA's residences (We don't mind if you do not live on the campus and you do your laundry here). The room is right next to the R2, with 3 dryers and 9 washers, is open 7d/7 24h/24 ! Here you can check their availability ! You can bring your own detergent, use the one given on site or buy it at the Proximo (cheaper than the one given by the machines ). You can pay by credit card or cash.",
"informationTab": "Information",
"paymentTab": "Payment",
"tariffs": "Tariffs",
"washersTariff": "3€ the washer + 0.80€ with detergent.",
"dryersTariff": "0.35€ for 5min of dryer usage.",
"paymentMethods": "Payment Methods",
"paymentMethodsDescription": "Cash up until 10€.\nCredit Card also accepted.",
"washerProcedure": "Put your laundry in the tumble without tamping it and by respecting charge limits.\n\nClose the machine's door.\n\nChoose a program using one of the four favorite program buttons.\n\nPay to the command central, then press the START button on the machine.\n\nWhen the program is finished, the screen indicates 'Programme terminé', press the yellow button to open the lid and retrieve your laundry.",
"washerTips": "Program 'blanc/couleur': 6kg of dry laundry (cotton linen, linen, underwear, sheets, jeans, towels).\n\nProgram 'non repassable': 3,5 kg of dry laundry (synthetic fibre linen, cotton and polyester mixed).\n\nProgram 'fin 30°C': 2,5 kg of dry laundry (delicate linen in synthetic fibres).\n\nProgram 'laine 30°C': 2,5 kg of dry laundry (wool textiles).",
"dryerProcedure": "Put your laundry in the tumble without tamping it and by respecting charge limits.\n\nClose the machine's door.\n\nChoose a program using one of the four favorite program buttons.\n\nPay to the command central, then press the START button on the machine.",
"dryerTips": "The advised dryer length is 35 minutes for 14 kg of laundry. You can choose a shorter length if the dryer is not fully charged.",
"procedure": "Procedure",
"tips": "Tips",
"enableNotificationsTip": "Click on a running machine to enable notifications",
"numAvailable": "available",
"modal": {
"enableNotifications": "Notify me",
"disableNotifications": "Stop notifications",
"ok": "OK",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"finished": "This machine is finished. If you started it, you can get back your laundry.",
"ready": "This machine is empty and ready to use.",
"running": "This machine has been started at %{start} and will end at %{end}.\nRemaining time: %{remaining} min",
"broken": "This machine is broken and cannot be used. Thank you for your comprehension.",
"error": "There has been an error and we are unable to get information from this machine. Sorry for the inconvenience.",
"notificationErrorTitle": "Error",
"notificationErrorDescription": "Impossible to create notifications. Please make sure you enabled notifications then restart the app."
"states": {
"finished": "FINISHED",
"ready": "READY",
"running": "RUNNING",
"broken": "BROKEN",
"error": "ERROR"
"notifications": {
"machineFinishedTitle": "Laundry Ready",
"machineFinishedBody": "The machine n°{{number}} is finished and your laundry is ready to pickup",
"machineRunningTitle": "Laundry running: {{time}} minutes left",
"machineRunningBody": "The machine n°{{number}} is still running"
"planexScreen": {
"enableStartScreen": "Come here often? Set it as default screen!",
"enableStartOK": "Yes please!",
"enableStartCancel": "Later"
"availableRoomScreen": {
"normalRoom": "Work",
"computerRoom": "Computer",
"bibRoom": "Bib'Box"
"general": {
"loading": "Loading...",
"networkError": "Unable to contact servers. Make sure you are connected to Internet."
"date": {
"daysOfWeek": {
"monday": "Monday",
"tuesday": "Tuesday",
"wednesday": "Wednesday",
"thursday": "Thursday",
"friday": "Friday",
"saturday": "Saturday",
"sunday": "Sunday"
"monthsOfYear": {
"january": "January",
"february": "February",
"march": "March",
"april": "April",
"may": "May",
"june": "June",
"july": "July",
"august": "August",
"september": "September",
"october": "October",
"november": "November",
"december": "December"