
205 lines
6.4 KiB

// @flow
import AsyncStorageManager from "./AsyncStorageManager";
import {DarkTheme, DefaultTheme} from 'react-native-paper';
import AprilFoolsManager from "./AprilFoolsManager";
import {Appearance} from 'react-native-appearance';
const colorScheme = Appearance.getColorScheme();
* Singleton class used to manage themes
export default class ThemeManager {
static instance: ThemeManager | null = null;
updateThemeCallback: Function;
constructor() {
this.updateThemeCallback = null;
* Gets the light theme
* @return {Object} Object containing theme variables
* */
static getWhiteTheme(): Object {
return {
colors: {
primary: '#be1522',
accent: '#be1522',
tabIcon: "#929292",
card: "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
dividerBackground: '#e2e2e2',
textDisabled: '#c1c1c1',
icon: '#5d5d5d',
subtitle: '#707070',
success: "#5cb85c",
warning: "#f0ad4e",
danger: "#d9534f",
// Calendar/Agenda
agendaBackgroundColor: '#f3f3f4',
agendaDayTextColor: '#636363',
proxiwashFinishedColor: "#a5dc9d",
proxiwashReadyColor: "transparent",
proxiwashRunningColor: "#a0ceff",
proxiwashRunningBgColor: "#c7e3ff",
proxiwashBrokenColor: "#8e8e8e",
proxiwashErrorColor: "rgba(204,7,0,0.31)#e35f57",
// Screens
planningColor: '#d9b10a',
proximoColor: '#ec5904',
proxiwashColor: '#1fa5ee',
menuColor: '#e91314',
tutorinsaColor: '#f93943',
// Tetris
tetrisI : '#3cd9e6',
tetrisO : '#ffdd00',
tetrisT : '#a716e5',
tetrisS : '#09c528',
tetrisZ : '#ff0009',
tetrisJ : '#2a67e3',
tetrisL : '#da742d',
* Gets the dark theme
* @return {Object} Object containing theme variables
* */
static getDarkTheme(): Object {
return {
colors: {
primary: '#be1522',
accent: '#be1522',
tabBackground: "#181818",
tabIcon: "#6d6d6d",
card: "rgb(18, 18, 18)",
dividerBackground: '#222222',
textDisabled: '#5b5b5b',
icon: '#b3b3b3',
subtitle: '#aaaaaa',
success: "#5cb85c",
warning: "#f0ad4e",
danger: "#d9534f",
// Calendar/Agenda
agendaBackgroundColor: '#171717',
agendaDayTextColor: '#6d6d6d',
proxiwashFinishedColor: "#31682c",
proxiwashReadyColor: "transparent",
proxiwashRunningColor: "#213c79",
proxiwashRunningBgColor: "#1a2033",
proxiwashBrokenColor: "#656565",
proxiwashErrorColor: "#7e2e2f",
// Screens
planningColor: '#d99e09',
proximoColor: '#ec5904',
proxiwashColor: '#1fa5ee',
menuColor: '#b81213',
tutorinsaColor: '#f93943',
// Tetris
tetrisI : '#30b3be',
tetrisO : '#c1a700',
tetrisT : '#9114c7',
tetrisS : '#08a121',
tetrisZ : '#b50008',
tetrisJ : '#0f37b9',
tetrisL : '#b96226',
* Get this class instance or create one if none is found
* @returns {ThemeManager}
static getInstance(): ThemeManager {
return ThemeManager.instance === null ?
ThemeManager.instance = new ThemeManager() :
* Gets night mode status.
* If Follow System Preferences is enabled, will first use system theme.
* If disabled or not available, will use value stored din preferences
* @returns {boolean} Night mode state
static getNightMode(): boolean {
return (AsyncStorageManager.getInstance().preferences.nightMode.current === '1' &&
(AsyncStorageManager.getInstance().preferences.nightModeFollowSystem.current !== '1' ||
colorScheme === 'no-preference')) ||
(AsyncStorageManager.getInstance().preferences.nightModeFollowSystem.current === '1' && colorScheme === 'dark');
* Get the current theme based on night mode and events
* @returns {Object} The current theme
static getCurrentTheme(): Object {
if (AprilFoolsManager.getInstance().isAprilFoolsEnabled())
return AprilFoolsManager.getAprilFoolsTheme(ThemeManager.getWhiteTheme());
return ThemeManager.getBaseTheme()
* Get the theme based on night mode
* @return {Object} The theme
static getBaseTheme() {
if (ThemeManager.getNightMode())
return ThemeManager.getDarkTheme();
return ThemeManager.getWhiteTheme();
* Sets the function to be called when the theme is changed (allows for general reload of the app)
* @param callback Function to call after theme change
setUpdateThemeCallback(callback: ?Function) {
this.updateThemeCallback = callback;
* Set night mode and save it to preferences
* @param isNightMode True to enable night mode, false to disable
setNightMode(isNightMode: boolean) {
let nightModeKey = AsyncStorageManager.getInstance().preferences.nightMode.key;
AsyncStorageManager.getInstance().savePref(nightModeKey, isNightMode ? '1' : '0');
if (this.updateThemeCallback !== null)