// @flow import * as React from 'react'; import {Body, Container, Content, Left, ListItem, Right, Text, Thumbnail, H1, H3} from 'native-base'; import CustomHeader from "../../components/CustomHeader"; import {FlatList, Platform, View, Image} from "react-native"; import Touchable from 'react-native-platform-touchable'; import Menu, {MenuItem} from 'react-native-material-menu'; import i18n from "i18n-js"; import CustomMaterialIcon from "../../components/CustomMaterialIcon"; import ThemeManager from "../../utils/ThemeManager"; import Modalize from 'react-native-modalize'; const sortMode = { price: "0", name: '1', }; function sortPrice(a, b) { return a.price - b.price; } function sortPriceReverse(a, b) { return b.price - a.price; } function sortName(a, b) { if (a.name < b.name) return -1; if (a.name > b.name) return 1; return 0; } function sortNameReverse(a, b) { if (a.name < b.name) return 1; if (a.name > b.name) return -1; return 0; } type Props = { navigation: Object } type State = { navData: Array, currentSortMode: string, isSortReversed: boolean, sortPriceIcon: React.Node, sortNameIcon: React.Node, modalCurrentDisplayItem: Object, }; /** * Class defining proximo's article list of a certain category. */ export default class ProximoListScreen extends React.Component { modalRef: { current: null | Modalize }; constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.modalRef = React.createRef(); } state = { navData: this.props.navigation.getParam('data', []).sort(sortPrice), currentSortMode: sortMode.price, isSortReversed: false, sortPriceIcon: '', sortNameIcon: '', modalCurrentDisplayItem: {} }; _menu: Menu; /** * Saves the reference to the sort menu for later use * * @param ref The menu reference */ setMenuRef = (ref: Menu) => { this._menu = ref; }; /** * Sets the sort mode based on the one selected. * If the selected mode is the current one, reverse it. * * @param mode The string representing the mode */ sortModeSelected(mode: string) { let isReverse = this.state.isSortReversed; if (mode === this.state.currentSortMode) // reverse mode isReverse = !isReverse; // this.state not updating on this function cycle else isReverse = false; this.setSortMode(mode, isReverse); } /** * Set the current sort mode. * * @param mode The string representing the mode * @param isReverse Whether to use a reverse sort */ setSortMode(mode: string, isReverse: boolean) { this.setState({ currentSortMode: mode, isSortReversed: isReverse }); let data = this.state.navData; switch (mode) { case sortMode.price: if (isReverse) { data.sort(sortPriceReverse); } else { data.sort(sortPrice); } break; case sortMode.name: if (isReverse) { data.sort(sortNameReverse); } else { data.sort(sortName); } break; } this.setState({ navData: data, }); this.setupSortIcons(mode, isReverse); this._menu.hide(); } /** * Set the sort mode from state when components are ready */ componentDidMount() { this.setSortMode(this.state.currentSortMode, this.state.isSortReversed); } /** * get color depending on quantity available * * @param availableStock * @return */ getStockColor(availableStock: number) { let color: string; if (availableStock > 3) color = ThemeManager.getCurrentThemeVariables().brandSuccess; else if (availableStock > 0) color = ThemeManager.getCurrentThemeVariables().brandWarning; else color = ThemeManager.getCurrentThemeVariables().brandDanger; return color; } /** * Set the sort menu icon based on the given mode. * * @param mode The string representing the mode * @param isReverse Whether to use a reversed icon */ setupSortIcons(mode: string, isReverse: boolean) { const downSortIcon = ; const upSortIcon = ; switch (mode) { case sortMode.price: this.setState({sortNameIcon: ''}); if (isReverse) { this.setState({sortPriceIcon: upSortIcon}); } else { this.setState({sortPriceIcon: downSortIcon}); } break; case sortMode.name: this.setState({sortPriceIcon: ''}); if (isReverse) { this.setState({sortNameIcon: upSortIcon}); } else { this.setState({sortNameIcon: downSortIcon}); } break; } } getModalContent() { return (


{this.state.modalCurrentDisplayItem.quantity + ' ' + i18n.t('proximoScreen.inStock')}


); } showItemDetails(item: Object) { this.setState({ modalCurrentDisplayItem: item }); if (this.modalRef.current) { this.modalRef.current.open(); } } render() { const nav = this.props.navigation; const navType = nav.getParam('type', '{name: "Error"}'); return ( {this.getModalContent()} this._menu.show() }> } > this.sortModeSelected(sortMode.name)}> {this.state.sortNameIcon} {i18n.t('proximoScreen.sortName')} this.sortModeSelected(sortMode.price)}> {this.state.sortPriceIcon} {i18n.t('proximoScreen.sortPrice')} }/> item.name} style={{minHeight: 300, width: '100%'}} renderItem={({item}) => { this.showItemDetails(item); }} > {item.name} {item.quantity + ' ' + i18n.t('proximoScreen.inStock')} {item.price}€ } /> ); } }