diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e420ee4..f1472b8 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assignments/lab-2.html b/assignments/lab-2.html
index 40979d1..639592f 100644
--- a/assignments/lab-2.html
+++ b/assignments/lab-2.html
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
After having written each functions, run the tests. You can read the code for the tests if you are unsure of what you should do.
Implementing IControlFunctions
- The controler uses functions from the model, and uses them to enrich the dataset. Once you complete the interface implementation, go to the main function in the Controler class. You must edit some code snippets depending on your environment.
+ The controller uses functions from the model, and uses them to enrich the dataset. Once you complete the interface implementation, go to the main function in the Controler class. You must edit some code snippets depending on your environment.
This is a purely pedagogical codebase, and its performances are not great: many optimisations could be done. Moreover, the generated knowledge graph is managed in memory only: when the software stops, the knowledge base disappears. Export it if you want to persist it. The bottleneck are queries to the knowledge base, so think about caching.
diff --git a/export.ttl b/export.ttl
deleted file mode 100644
index cf7f328..0000000
--- a/export.ttl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
- a , ;
- "TemperatureSensor_1@en" ;
- .
- a ;
- "Continent@en" , "Continent@fr" ;
- .
- a .
- a ;
- ;
- "mesure@fr" , "measures@en" ;
- .
- a , ;
- "TemperatureSensor_3@en" ;
- .
- a ;
- "Lieu@fr" , "Place@en" .
- a ;
- "a pour maximum@en" .
- a ;
- "Beau temps@fr" , "Nice Weather@en" ;
- .
- a ;
- "3043c3cfe6c9e26bb1a96a9ea27976f2" ;
- ;
- "a pour capitale@fr" , "has capital@en" ;
- ;
- .
- a , ;
- "Paris@fr" .
- a , ;
- "Pluviométrie@en" .
- a ;
- ;
- "débute à@fr" , "starts at@en" ;
- .
- a , ;
- "Positive temperature range relatively common on earth. Expressed in °C" ;
- "Positive earthly temperatures@en" , "Températures positives" ;
- ;
- "0.0^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float" ;
- "50.0^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float" .
- a , ;
- "Output T2@en" ;
- .
- a ;
- .
- a , ;
- "France@fr" ;
- , .
- a ;
- "Paramètre observable@en" .
- a ;
- "a pour minimum@en" .
- a ;
- ;
- "a pour localisation@fr" , "has location@en" ;
- .
- a .
- a ;
- "Phénomène@fr" , "Phenomenon@en" .
- a ;
- "Observation@fr" , "Observation météo@fr" , "WeatherObservation@en" .
- a , ;
- "TemperatureSensor_2@en" ;
- .
- a ;
- "Ensoleillement@fr" , "Sunshine@en" ;
- .
- a ;
- ;
- "caractérisé par@fr" , "has characteristics@en" ;
- .
- a , ;
- "P1@en" ;
- ;
- ;
- "3.0^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float" ;
- .
- a .
- a , ;
- "Platform1@en" ;
- ;
- .
- a , ;
- "Température" .
- a , ;
- "France@en" .
- a , ;
- "Vitesse du vent@en" .
- a ;
- "est la capitale de@fr" , "is capital@en" ;
- .
- a .
- a ;
- ;
- "a pour symptome@fr" , "has symptom@en" ;
- .
- a ;
- "Brouillard@fr" , "Fog@en" ;
- .
- a , ;
- "Range B@en" ;
- .
- a ;
- "Pluie@en" ;
- ;
- "591fc5014267cd4faa70a08765865245" .
- a ;
- ;
- "finit à@fr" , "end at@en" ;
- .
- a .
- a ;
- "Mauvais temps@fr" , "Bad Weather@en" ;
- .
- a , ;
- "Pression athmosphérique@en" .
- a , ;
- "Temperatures commonly measured on earth, both positive and negative, expressed in °C." ;
- "Common temperatures@en" ;
- ;
- "-30.0^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float" ;
- "50.0^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float" .
- a , ;
- "Output T1@en" ;
- .
- a , ;
- "Range A@en" ;
- .
- a , ;
- "A1@en" ;
- .
- a .
- a ;
- ;
- "a pour date@fr" , "has date@en" ;
- .
- a .
- a , ;
- "La ville Lumière@fr" .
- a ,