123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174 |
- # run pip3 install requests
- import requests
- import json
- import os
- from signal import signal, SIGINT
- from sys import exit
- # API_ENDPOINT = "https://etud.insa-toulouse.fr/~proximo/ajax/zapette.php"
- API_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost/proximo/ajax/zapette.php"
- class bcolors:
- HEADER = '\033[95m'
- OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
- OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
- WARNING = '\033[93m'
- FAIL = '\033[91m'
- ENDC = '\033[0m'
- BOLD = '\033[1m'
- UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
- class scan_types:
- SELL = 'v',
- BUY = 'a',
- class error_types:
- NONE = 0,
- NETWORK = 1,
- URL = 2,
- INPUT = 3,
- NO_EXIST = 4,
- class Scanner:
- def __init__(self):
- self.ask_type()
- self.password = self.get_password()
- self.scannedArticles = []
- def ask_type(self):
- typeInput = input("\nVoulez vous " + bcolors.OKGREEN + "acheter" + bcolors.ENDC + " ou " + bcolors.FAIL + "vendre" + bcolors.ENDC + " ? [" + bcolors.OKGREEN + "a" + bcolors.ENDC + "/" + bcolors.FAIL + "v" + bcolors.ENDC + "] ")
- if (typeInput.lower() == 'a'):
- self.type = scan_types.BUY
- else:
- self.type = scan_types.SELL
- def get_password(self):
- with open('pass') as f:
- password = f.readline()
- return password.strip()
- def display_type(self):
- if (self.type == scan_types.SELL):
- print(" ==> Mode " + bcolors.FAIL + bcolors.BOLD + "VENTE")
- else:
- print(" ==> Mode " + bcolors.OKGREEN + bcolors.BOLD + "ACHAT")
- print(bcolors.ENDC)
- def scan_product(self, code):
- data = {
- 'password': self.password,
- 'action': 'scan',
- 'data': str(code)
- }
- r = requests.post(url=API_ENDPOINT, data=json.dumps(data))
- if (r.json()['status'] == 0):
- article = r.json()["data"]
- self.scannedArticles.append(article)
- return r.json()['status'] == 0
- def display_cart(self):
- total = 0.0
- for article in self.scannedArticles:
- print(article["name"] + ' : ' + bcolors.BOLD + article["price"] + '€' + bcolors.ENDC)
- total += float(article["price"])
- # Print only to only 2 decimals
- total_display = "{:.2f}".format(total)
- print(bcolors.OKGREEN + "Total: " + bcolors.BOLD + total_display + '€' + bcolors.ENDC)
- def send_cart(self):
- scanned_list = []
- modifier = -1 if self.type == scan_types.SELL else 1
- for article in self.scannedArticles:
- scanned_list.append({"id": article["id"], "quantity": modifier})
- data = {
- 'password': self.password,
- 'action': 'validate',
- 'data': scanned_list
- }
- r = requests.post(url=API_ENDPOINT, data=json.dumps(data))
- return r.json()['status'] == 0
- def ask_confirmation(message):
- confirm_input = input(message)
- return confirm_input.lower() == 'o'
- def clear_screen():
- os.system('clear')
- print("Appuyez sur " + bcolors.BOLD + "[CTRL + C]" + bcolors.ENDC + " à tout moment pour quitter.\n")
- def printStartScreen():
- clear_screen()
- print(bcolors.BOLD)
- print(bcolors.WARNING + "#########################################")
- print("#/ \#")
- print("# " + bcolors.FAIL + "-=|" + bcolors.OKGREEN + " ZAPETTE " + bcolors.FAIL + "|=-" + bcolors.WARNING + " #")
- print("#\ /#")
- print("#########################################")
- print(bcolors.ENDC)
- print("Bienvenue dans le programme de la Zapette !")
- def display_scan_header(scanner, last_error):
- clear_screen()
- scanner.display_type()
- print("Scannez le codes puis appuyez sur [ENTRÉE] pour valider.")
- print("Appuyez sur [ENTRÉE] sans code pour valider la commande.\n")
- scanner.display_cart()
- if (last_error == error_types.URL):
- print(bcolors.FAIL + "Format URL invalide !" + bcolors.ENDC)
- elif (last_error == error_types.NETWORK):
- print(bcolors.FAIL + "URL invalide !" + bcolors.ENDC)
- elif (last_error == error_types.INPUT):
- print(bcolors.FAIL + "Code invalide !" + bcolors.ENDC)
- elif (last_error == error_types.NO_EXIST):
- print(bcolors.FAIL + "L'article n'existe pas." + bcolors.ENDC)
- print()
- def confirm_end_scan(scanner):
- display_scan_header(scanner, error_types.NONE)
- return ask_confirmation("Voulez vous vraiment terminer et envoyer les modifications ? [o/n] ")
- def handler(signal_received, frame):
- os.system('clear')
- print('Programme de la zapette terminé.')
- exit(0)
- def validate_cart(scanner):
- clear_screen()
- print("Envoi des modifications au serveur...")
- if (scanner.send_cart()):
- print(bcolors.OKGREEN + bcolors.BOLD + "Succès !" + bcolors.ENDC)
- else:
- print(bcolors.FAIL + bcolors.BOLD + "Échec !" + bcolors.ENDC)
- input("\nAppuyez sur [ENTRÉE] pour continuer...")
- def main():
- signal(SIGINT, handler)
- printStartScreen()
- while True:
- scanner = Scanner()
- last_error = error_types.NONE
- while True:
- display_scan_header(scanner, last_error)
- code_input = input('=> ')
- if (code_input == ""):
- if (confirm_end_scan(scanner)):
- validate_cart(scanner)
- break
- else:
- continue
- try:
- code = int(code_input)
- if (scanner.scan_product(code)):
- last_error = error_types.NONE
- else:
- last_error = error_types.NO_EXIST
- except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:
- last_error = error_types.URL
- except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
- last_error = error_types.NETWORK
- except ValueError:
- last_error = error_types.INPUT
- clear_screen()
- main()