2021-03-15 16:22:11 +01:00
extends Node
2021-03-25 22:46:46 +01:00
## Exposed and safe to use methods for Dialogic
## See documentation here:
## https://github.com/coppolaemilio/dialogic
## ### /!\ ###
## Do not use methods from other classes as it could break the plugin's integrity
## ### /!\ ###
## Trying to follow this documentation convention: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/41095
2021-03-15 16:22:11 +01:00
class_name Dialogic
2021-04-12 10:26:50 +02:00
## Starts the dialog for the given timeline and returns a Dialog node.
## You must then add it manually to the scene to display the dialog.
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## Example:
## var new_dialog = Dialogic.start('Your Timeline Name Here')
## add_child(new_dialog)
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## This is exactly the same as using the editor:
## you can drag and drop the scene located at /addons/dialogic/Dialog.tscn
## and set the current timeline via the inspector.
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## @param timeline The timeline to load. You can provide the timeline name or the filename.
## @param reset_saves True to reset dialogic saved data such as definitions.
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## @param dialog_scene_path If you made a custom Dialog scene or moved it from its default path, you can specify its new path here.
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## @param debug_mode Debug is disabled by default but can be enabled if needed.
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## @returns A Dialog node to be added into the scene tree.
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static func start(timeline: String, reset_saves: bool=true, dialog_scene_path: String="res://addons/dialogic/Dialog.tscn", debug_mode: bool=false):
var dialog: = load(dialog_scene_path)
var d = dialog.instance()
d.reset_saves = reset_saves
d.debug_mode = debug_mode
if not timeline.empty():
for t in DialogicUtil.get_timeline_list():
if t['name'] == timeline or t['file'] == timeline:
d.timeline = t['file']
return d
d.dialog_script = {
"text":"[Dialogic Error] Loading dialog [color=red]" + timeline + "[/color]. It seems like the timeline doesn't exists. Maybe the name is wrong?"}]
return d
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2021-04-12 10:26:50 +02:00
## Same as the start method above, but using the last timeline saved.
## @param initial_timeline The timeline to load in case no save is found.
## @param dialog_scene_path If you made a custom Dialog scene or moved it from its default path, you can specify its new path here.
## @param debug_mode Debug is disabled by default but can be enabled if needed.
## @returns A Dialog node to be added into the scene tree.
static func start_from_save(initial_timeline: String, dialog_scene_path: String="res://addons/dialogic/Dialog.tscn", debug_mode: bool=false):
var current := get_current_timeline()
if current.empty():
current = initial_timeline
return start(current, false, dialog_scene_path, debug_mode)
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## Gets default values for definitions.
## @returns Dictionary in the format {'variables': [], 'glossary': []}
static func get_default_definitions() -> Dictionary:
return DialogicSingleton.get_default_definitions()
## Gets currently saved values for definitions.
## @returns Dictionary in the format {'variables': [], 'glossary': []}
static func get_definitions() -> Dictionary:
return DialogicSingleton.get_definitions()
## Save current definitions to the filesystem.
## Definitions are automatically saved on timeline start/end
## @returns Error status, OK if all went well
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func save_definitions():
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return DialogicSingleton.save_definitions()
## Resets data to default values. This is the same as calling start with reset_saves to true
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func reset_saves():
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## Gets the value for the variable with the given name.
## The returned value is a String but can be easily converted into a number
## using Godot built-in methods:
## [`is_valid_float`](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/classes/class_string.html#class-string-method-is-valid-float)
## [`float()`](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/classes/class_float.html#class-float-method-float).
## @param name The name of the variable to find.
## @returns The variable's value as string, or an empty string if not found.
static func get_variable(name: String) -> String:
return DialogicSingleton.get_variable(name)
## Sets the value for the variable with the given name.
## The given value will be converted to string using the
## [`str()`](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/classes/class_string.html) function.
## @param name The name of the variable to edit.
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## @param value The value to set the variable to.
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static func set_variable(name: String, value) -> void:
DialogicSingleton.set_variable(name, value)
## Gets the glossary data for the definition with the given name.
## Returned format:
## { title': '', 'text' : '', 'extra': '' }
## @param name The name of the glossary to find.
## @returns The glossary data as a Dictionary.
## A structure with empty strings is returned if the glossary was not found.
static func get_glossary(name: String) -> Dictionary:
return DialogicSingleton.get_glossary(name)
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## Sets the data for the glossary of the given name.
## @param name The name of the glossary to edit.
## @param title The title to show in the information box.
## @param text The text to show in the information box.
## @param extra The extra information at the bottom of the box.
static func set_glossary(name: String, title: String, text: String, extra: String) -> void:
DialogicSingleton.set_glossary(name, title, text, extra)
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## Gets the currently saved timeline.
## Timeline saves are set on timeline start, and cleared on end.
## This means you can keep track of timeline changes and detect when the dialog ends.
## @returns The current timeline filename, or an empty string if none was saved.
static func get_current_timeline() -> String:
return DialogicSingleton.get_current_timeline()