Makefile finished

Cette révision appartient à :
EyeXion 2021-03-18 15:28:05 +01:00
Parent 22583e6894
révision ec422eaa3d
4 fichiers modifiés avec 496 ajouts et 1 suppressions

Makefile Fichier normal
Voir le fichier

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
default : parser
parser : parser.c
gcc -o parser.exe parser.c
parser.c :
chmod +x
python3 > parser.c
clean :
rm -f parser.c parser.exe

grammar.txt Fichier normal
Voir le fichier

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
S : a S b
S : int
S : " string "
S : { Assoc }
Assoc : KeyVal AssocBis
Assoc :
AssocBis : , KeyVal AssocBis
AssocBis :
KeyVal : id = S

2 Fichier normal → Fichier exécutable
Voir le fichier

@ -162,5 +162,5 @@ int parse_{code}(char* word, int pos) {{
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open("sample.txt", "r") as f:
with open("grammar.txt", "r") as f:

parser.c Fichier normal
Voir le fichier

@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void print_with_indent(int indent, char * string) {
printf("%*s%s", indent, "", string);
int parse_S(char* word, int pos);
int parse_Assoc(char* word, int pos);
int parse_AssocBis(char* word, int pos);
int parse_KeyVal(char* word, int pos);
// ---- Functions to parse terminals ----
int parse_string(char* word, int pos) {
// Extract the next 6 chars of the word
char substr[7];
substr[0] = '\0';
strncat(substr, &word[pos], 6);
// Compare this extracted string to the terminal,
// and check if the next char is a space or the end of the string
if (strcmp(substr, "string") == 0 && (word[pos+6] == ' ' || word[pos+6] == '\0')) {
print_with_indent(pos, "string\n");
return 7;
} else {
return -1;
int parse_a(char* word, int pos) {
// Extract the next 1 chars of the word
char substr[2];
substr[0] = '\0';
strncat(substr, &word[pos], 1);
// Compare this extracted string to the terminal,
// and check if the next char is a space or the end of the string
if (strcmp(substr, "a") == 0 && (word[pos+1] == ' ' || word[pos+1] == '\0')) {
print_with_indent(pos, "a\n");
return 2;
} else {
return -1;
int parse_44(char* word, int pos) {
// Extract the next 1 chars of the word
char substr[2];
substr[0] = '\0';
strncat(substr, &word[pos], 1);
// Compare this extracted string to the terminal,
// and check if the next char is a space or the end of the string
if (strcmp(substr, ",") == 0 && (word[pos+1] == ' ' || word[pos+1] == '\0')) {
print_with_indent(pos, ",\n");
return 2;
} else {
return -1;
int parse_b(char* word, int pos) {
// Extract the next 1 chars of the word
char substr[2];
substr[0] = '\0';
strncat(substr, &word[pos], 1);
// Compare this extracted string to the terminal,
// and check if the next char is a space or the end of the string
if (strcmp(substr, "b") == 0 && (word[pos+1] == ' ' || word[pos+1] == '\0')) {
print_with_indent(pos, "b\n");
return 2;
} else {
return -1;
int parse_125(char* word, int pos) {
// Extract the next 1 chars of the word
char substr[2];
substr[0] = '\0';
strncat(substr, &word[pos], 1);
// Compare this extracted string to the terminal,
// and check if the next char is a space or the end of the string
if (strcmp(substr, "}") == 0 && (word[pos+1] == ' ' || word[pos+1] == '\0')) {
print_with_indent(pos, "}\n");
return 2;
} else {
return -1;
int parse_id(char* word, int pos) {
// Extract the next 2 chars of the word
char substr[3];
substr[0] = '\0';
strncat(substr, &word[pos], 2);
// Compare this extracted string to the terminal,
// and check if the next char is a space or the end of the string
if (strcmp(substr, "id") == 0 && (word[pos+2] == ' ' || word[pos+2] == '\0')) {
print_with_indent(pos, "id\n");
return 3;
} else {
return -1;
int parse_123(char* word, int pos) {
// Extract the next 1 chars of the word
char substr[2];
substr[0] = '\0';
strncat(substr, &word[pos], 1);
// Compare this extracted string to the terminal,
// and check if the next char is a space or the end of the string
if (strcmp(substr, "{") == 0 && (word[pos+1] == ' ' || word[pos+1] == '\0')) {
print_with_indent(pos, "{\n");
return 2;
} else {
return -1;
int parse_34(char* word, int pos) {
// Extract the next 1 chars of the word
char substr[2];
substr[0] = '\0';
strncat(substr, &word[pos], 1);
// Compare this extracted string to the terminal,
// and check if the next char is a space or the end of the string
if (strcmp(substr, "\"") == 0 && (word[pos+1] == ' ' || word[pos+1] == '\0')) {
print_with_indent(pos, "\"\n");
return 2;
} else {
return -1;
int parse_int(char* word, int pos) {
// Extract the next 3 chars of the word
char substr[4];
substr[0] = '\0';
strncat(substr, &word[pos], 3);
// Compare this extracted string to the terminal,
// and check if the next char is a space or the end of the string
if (strcmp(substr, "int") == 0 && (word[pos+3] == ' ' || word[pos+3] == '\0')) {
print_with_indent(pos, "int\n");
return 4;
} else {
return -1;
int parse_61(char* word, int pos) {
// Extract the next 1 chars of the word
char substr[2];
substr[0] = '\0';
strncat(substr, &word[pos], 1);
// Compare this extracted string to the terminal,
// and check if the next char is a space or the end of the string
if (strcmp(substr, "=") == 0 && (word[pos+1] == ' ' || word[pos+1] == '\0')) {
print_with_indent(pos, "=\n");
return 2;
} else {
return -1;
// ---- Functions to parse a non-terminal according to a rule ----
int parse_S1(char* word, int pos) {
int totalCharParsed = 0;
int nbCharParsed;
printf("Entering S1\n");
nbCharParsed = parse_a(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail a in S1\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_S(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail S in S1\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_b(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail b in S1\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
printf("Success S1\n");
return totalCharParsed;
int parse_S2(char* word, int pos) {
int totalCharParsed = 0;
int nbCharParsed;
printf("Entering S2\n");
nbCharParsed = parse_int(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail int in S2\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
printf("Success S2\n");
return totalCharParsed;
int parse_S3(char* word, int pos) {
int totalCharParsed = 0;
int nbCharParsed;
printf("Entering S3\n");
nbCharParsed = parse_34(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail 34 in S3\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_string(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail string in S3\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_34(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail 34 in S3\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
printf("Success S3\n");
return totalCharParsed;
int parse_S4(char* word, int pos) {
int totalCharParsed = 0;
int nbCharParsed;
printf("Entering S4\n");
nbCharParsed = parse_123(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail 123 in S4\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_Assoc(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail Assoc in S4\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_125(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail 125 in S4\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
printf("Success S4\n");
return totalCharParsed;
int parse_Assoc1(char* word, int pos) {
int totalCharParsed = 0;
int nbCharParsed;
printf("Entering Assoc1\n");
nbCharParsed = parse_KeyVal(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail KeyVal in Assoc1\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_AssocBis(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail AssocBis in Assoc1\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
printf("Success Assoc1\n");
return totalCharParsed;
int parse_Assoc2(char* word, int pos) {
int totalCharParsed = 0;
int nbCharParsed;
printf("Entering Assoc2\n");
printf("Epsilon! -> Success\n");
printf("Success Assoc2\n");
return totalCharParsed;
int parse_AssocBis1(char* word, int pos) {
int totalCharParsed = 0;
int nbCharParsed;
printf("Entering AssocBis1\n");
nbCharParsed = parse_44(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail 44 in AssocBis1\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_KeyVal(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail KeyVal in AssocBis1\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_AssocBis(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail AssocBis in AssocBis1\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
printf("Success AssocBis1\n");
return totalCharParsed;
int parse_AssocBis2(char* word, int pos) {
int totalCharParsed = 0;
int nbCharParsed;
printf("Entering AssocBis2\n");
printf("Epsilon! -> Success\n");
printf("Success AssocBis2\n");
return totalCharParsed;
int parse_KeyVal1(char* word, int pos) {
int totalCharParsed = 0;
int nbCharParsed;
printf("Entering KeyVal1\n");
nbCharParsed = parse_id(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail id in KeyVal1\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_61(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail 61 in KeyVal1\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_S(word, pos + totalCharParsed);
if (nbCharParsed == -1) {
printf("Fail S in KeyVal1\n");
return -1;
totalCharParsed += nbCharParsed;
printf("Success KeyVal1\n");
return totalCharParsed;
// ---- Functions to parse a non-terminal by testing all rules ----
int parse_S(char* word, int pos) {
int nbCharParsed;
printf("Entering S\n");
nbCharParsed = parse_S1(word, pos);
if (nbCharParsed != -1) {
return nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_S2(word, pos);
if (nbCharParsed != -1) {
return nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_S3(word, pos);
if (nbCharParsed != -1) {
return nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_S4(word, pos);
if (nbCharParsed != -1) {
return nbCharParsed;
return -1;
int parse_Assoc(char* word, int pos) {
int nbCharParsed;
printf("Entering Assoc\n");
nbCharParsed = parse_Assoc1(word, pos);
if (nbCharParsed != -1) {
return nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_Assoc2(word, pos);
if (nbCharParsed != -1) {
return nbCharParsed;
return -1;
int parse_AssocBis(char* word, int pos) {
int nbCharParsed;
printf("Entering AssocBis\n");
nbCharParsed = parse_AssocBis1(word, pos);
if (nbCharParsed != -1) {
return nbCharParsed;
nbCharParsed = parse_AssocBis2(word, pos);
if (nbCharParsed != -1) {
return nbCharParsed;
return -1;
int parse_KeyVal(char* word, int pos) {
int nbCharParsed;
printf("Entering KeyVal\n");
nbCharParsed = parse_KeyVal1(word, pos);
if (nbCharParsed != -1) {
return nbCharParsed;
return -1;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
char* word;
if (argc >= 2)
word = argv[1];
word = "";
int value = parse_S(word, 0);
printf("%d\n", value);
if (value == strlen(word) + 1) {
} else {