101 lines
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101 lines
3.4 KiB
// @flow
import * as React from 'react';
import {Image, Linking} from 'react-native';
import {Text, Button, Card, CardItem, Left, Body, Thumbnail} from 'native-base';
import i18n from "i18n-js";
import CustomMaterialIcon from '../components/CustomMaterialIcon';
import FetchedDataSectionList from "../components/FetchedDataSectionList";
const ICON_AMICALE = require('../assets/amicale.png');
const NAME_AMICALE = 'Amicale INSA Toulouse';
const FB_URL = "https://graph.facebook.com/v3.3/amicale.deseleves/posts?fields=message%2Cfull_picture%2Ccreated_time%2Cpermalink_url&&date_format=U&access_token=EAAGliUs4Ei8BAGwHmg7SNnosoEDMuDhP3i5lYOGrIGzZBNeMeGzGhpUigJt167cKXEIM0GiurSgaC0PS4Xg2GBzOVNiZCfr8u48VVB15a9YbOsuhjBqhHAMb2sz6ibwOuDhHSvwRZCUpBZCjmAW12e7RjWJp0jvyNoYYvIQbfaLWi3Nk2mBc";
* Opens a link in the device's browser
* @param link The link to open
function openWebLink(link) {
Linking.openURL(link).catch((err) => console.error('Error opening link', err));
* Class defining the app's home screen
export default class HomeScreen extends FetchedDataSectionList {
getHeaderTranslation() {
return i18n.t("screens.home");
getUpdateToastTranslations () {
return [i18n.t("homeScreen.listUpdated"),i18n.t("homeScreen.listUpdateFail")];
getKeyExtractor(item : Object) {
return item.id;
createDataset(fetchedData : Object) {
let data = [];
if (fetchedData.data !== undefined)
data = fetchedData.data;
return [
title: '',
data: data,
extraData: super.state
getFetchUrl() {
return FB_URL;
* Converts a dateString using Unix Timestamp to a formatted date
* @param dateString {string} The Unix Timestamp representation of a date
* @return {string} The formatted output date
static getFormattedDate(dateString: string) {
let date = new Date(Number.parseInt(dateString) * 1000);
return date.toLocaleString();
getRenderItem(item: Object, section : Object, data : Object) {
return (
<Card style={{flex: 0}}>
<Thumbnail source={ICON_AMICALE}/>
<Text note>{HomeScreen.getFormattedDate(item.created_time)}</Text>
<Image source={{uri: item.full_picture}}
style={{width: '100%', height: 200, flex: 1}}/>
<Button transparent
onPress={() => openWebLink(item.permalink_url)}>
<Text>En savoir plus</Text>