/* * Copyright (c) 2019 - 2020 Arnaud Vergnet. * * This file is part of Campus INSAT. * * Campus INSAT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Campus INSAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Campus INSAT. If not, see . */ import * as React from 'react'; import {LogBox, Platform, SafeAreaView, View} from 'react-native'; import {NavigationContainer} from '@react-navigation/native'; import {Provider as PaperProvider} from 'react-native-paper'; import {setSafeBounceHeight} from 'react-navigation-collapsible'; import SplashScreen from 'react-native-splash-screen'; import {OverflowMenuProvider} from 'react-navigation-header-buttons'; import AsyncStorageManager from './src/managers/AsyncStorageManager'; import CustomIntroSlider from './src/components/Overrides/CustomIntroSlider'; import ThemeManager from './src/managers/ThemeManager'; import MainNavigator from './src/navigation/MainNavigator'; import AprilFoolsManager from './src/managers/AprilFoolsManager'; import Update from './src/constants/Update'; import ConnectionManager from './src/managers/ConnectionManager'; import type {ParsedUrlDataType} from './src/utils/URLHandler'; import URLHandler from './src/utils/URLHandler'; import {setupStatusBar} from './src/utils/Utils'; import initLocales from './src/utils/Locales'; import {NavigationContainerRef} from '@react-navigation/core'; // Native optimizations https://reactnavigation.org/docs/react-native-screens // Crashes app when navigating away from webview on android 9+ // enableScreens(true); LogBox.ignoreLogs([ // collapsible headers cause this warning, just ignore as it is not an issue 'Non-serializable values were found in the navigation state', 'Cannot update a component from inside the function body of a different component', ]); type StateType = { isLoading: boolean; showIntro: boolean; showUpdate: boolean; showAprilFools: boolean; currentTheme: ReactNativePaper.Theme | undefined; }; export default class App extends React.Component { navigatorRef: {current: null | NavigationContainerRef}; defaultHomeRoute: string | null; defaultHomeData: {[key: string]: string}; urlHandler: URLHandler; constructor() { super(null); this.state = { isLoading: true, showIntro: true, showUpdate: true, showAprilFools: false, currentTheme: undefined, }; initLocales(); this.navigatorRef = React.createRef(); this.defaultHomeRoute = null; this.defaultHomeData = {}; this.urlHandler = new URLHandler(this.onInitialURLParsed, this.onDetectURL); this.urlHandler.listen(); setSafeBounceHeight(Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 100 : 20); this.loadAssetsAsync().finally(() => { this.onLoadFinished(); }); } /** * The app has been started by an url, and it has been parsed. * Set a new default start route based on the data parsed. * * @param parsedData The data parsed from the url */ onInitialURLParsed = (parsedData: ParsedUrlDataType) => { this.defaultHomeRoute = parsedData.route; this.defaultHomeData = parsedData.data; }; /** * An url has been opened and parsed while the app was active. * Redirect the user to the screen according to parsed data. * * @param parsedData The data parsed from the url */ onDetectURL = (parsedData: ParsedUrlDataType) => { // Navigate to nested navigator and pass data to the index screen const nav = this.navigatorRef.current; if (nav != null) { nav.navigate('home', { screen: 'index', params: {nextScreen: parsedData.route, data: parsedData.data}, }); } }; /** * Updates the current theme */ onUpdateTheme = () => { this.setState({ currentTheme: ThemeManager.getCurrentTheme(), }); setupStatusBar(); }; /** * Callback when user ends the intro. Save in preferences to avoid showing back the introSlides */ onIntroDone = () => { this.setState({ showIntro: false, showUpdate: false, showAprilFools: false, }); AsyncStorageManager.set( AsyncStorageManager.PREFERENCES.showIntro.key, false, ); AsyncStorageManager.set( AsyncStorageManager.PREFERENCES.updateNumber.key, Update.number, ); AsyncStorageManager.set( AsyncStorageManager.PREFERENCES.showAprilFoolsStart.key, false, ); }; /** * Async loading is done, finish processing startup data */ onLoadFinished() { // Only show intro if this is the first time starting the app ThemeManager.getInstance().setUpdateThemeCallback(this.onUpdateTheme); // Status bar goes dark if set too fast on ios if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { setTimeout(setupStatusBar, 1000); } else { setupStatusBar(); } this.setState({ isLoading: false, currentTheme: ThemeManager.getCurrentTheme(), showIntro: AsyncStorageManager.getBool( AsyncStorageManager.PREFERENCES.showIntro.key, ), showUpdate: AsyncStorageManager.getNumber( AsyncStorageManager.PREFERENCES.updateNumber.key, ) !== Update.number, showAprilFools: AprilFoolsManager.getInstance().isAprilFoolsEnabled() && AsyncStorageManager.getBool( AsyncStorageManager.PREFERENCES.showAprilFoolsStart.key, ), }); SplashScreen.hide(); } /** * Loads every async data * * @returns {Promise} */ loadAssetsAsync = async () => { await AsyncStorageManager.getInstance().loadPreferences(); await ConnectionManager.getInstance() .recoverLogin() .catch(() => {}); }; /** * Renders the app based on loading state */ render() { const {state} = this; if (state.isLoading) { return null; } if (state.showIntro || state.showUpdate || state.showAprilFools) { return ( ); } return ( ); } }