import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import ErrorView from './ErrorView'; import { useRequestLogic } from '../../utils/customHooks'; import { useFocusEffect, useNavigation, useRoute, } from '@react-navigation/native'; import BasicLoadingScreen from './BasicLoadingScreen'; import i18n from 'i18n-js'; import { API_REQUEST_CODES, REQUEST_STATUS } from '../../utils/Requests'; import { StackNavigationProp } from '@react-navigation/stack'; import { MainRoutes } from '../../navigation/MainNavigator'; import { useLogout } from '../../utils/logout'; export type RequestScreenProps = { request: () => Promise; render: ( data: T | undefined, loading: boolean, lastRefreshDate: Date | undefined, refreshData: (newRequest?: () => Promise) => void, status: REQUEST_STATUS, code?: API_REQUEST_CODES ) => React.ReactElement; cache?: T; onCacheUpdate?: (newCache: T) => void; onMajorError?: (status: number, code?: number) => void; showLoading?: boolean; showError?: boolean; refreshOnFocus?: boolean; autoRefreshTime?: number; refresh?: boolean; onFinish?: () => void; }; export type RequestProps = { refreshData: () => void; loading: boolean; }; type Props = RequestScreenProps; const MIN_REFRESH_TIME = 3 * 1000; export default function RequestScreen(props: Props) { const onLogout = useLogout(); const navigation = useNavigation>(); const route = useRoute(); const refreshInterval = useRef(); const [ loading, lastRefreshDate, status, code, data, refreshData, ] = useRequestLogic( props.request, props.cache, props.onCacheUpdate, props.refreshOnFocus, MIN_REFRESH_TIME ); // Store last refresh prop value const lastRefresh = useRef(false); useEffect(() => { // Refresh data if refresh prop changed and we are not loading if (props.refresh && !lastRefresh.current && !loading) { refreshData(); // Call finish callback if refresh prop was set and we finished loading } else if (lastRefresh.current && !loading && props.onFinish) { props.onFinish(); } // Update stored refresh prop value if (props.refresh !== lastRefresh.current) { lastRefresh.current = props.refresh === true; } }, [props, loading, refreshData]); useFocusEffect( React.useCallback(() => { if (!props.cache && props.refreshOnFocus !== false) { refreshData(); } if (props.autoRefreshTime && props.autoRefreshTime > 0) { refreshInterval.current = setInterval( refreshData, props.autoRefreshTime ); } return () => { if (refreshInterval.current) { clearInterval(refreshInterval.current); } }; }, [props.cache, props.refreshOnFocus, props.autoRefreshTime, refreshData]) ); const isErrorCritical = (e: API_REQUEST_CODES | undefined) => { return e === API_REQUEST_CODES.BAD_TOKEN; }; useEffect(() => { if (isErrorCritical(code)) { onLogout(); navigation.replace(MainRoutes.Login, { nextScreen: }); } }, [code, navigation, route, onLogout]); if (data === undefined && loading && props.showLoading !== false) { return ; } else if ( data === undefined && (status !== REQUEST_STATUS.SUCCESS || (status === REQUEST_STATUS.SUCCESS && code !== undefined)) && props.showError !== false ) { return ( refreshData(), } } /> ); } else { return props.render( data, loading, lastRefreshDate, refreshData, status, code ); } }