forked from vergnet/site-accueil-insa
850 lines
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850 lines
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* Matomo - free/libre analytics platform
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
namespace Piwik\Plugins\Goals;
use Exception;
use Piwik\API\Request;
use Piwik\Archive;
use Piwik\CacheId;
use Piwik\Cache as PiwikCache;
use Piwik\Common;
use Piwik\DataTable;
use Piwik\DbHelper;
use Piwik\Metrics;
use Piwik\Piwik;
use Piwik\Plugin\Manager;
use Piwik\Plugins\API\DataTable\MergeDataTables;
use Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ConversionRate;
use Piwik\Plugins\Goals\Columns\Metrics\AverageOrderRevenue;
use Piwik\Plugin\ReportsProvider;
use Piwik\Plugins\Goals\Columns\Metrics\GoalConversionRate;
use Piwik\Segment;
use Piwik\Segment\SegmentExpression;
use Piwik\Site;
use Piwik\Tracker\Cache;
use Piwik\Tracker\GoalManager;
use Piwik\Plugins\VisitFrequency\API as VisitFrequencyAPI;
use Piwik\Validators\Regex;
use Piwik\Validators\WhitelistedValue;
* Goals API lets you Manage existing goals, via "updateGoal" and "deleteGoal", create new Goals via "addGoal",
* or list existing Goals for one or several websites via "getGoals"
* If you are <a href='' target='_blank'>tracking Ecommerce orders and products</a> on your site, the functions "getItemsSku", "getItemsName" and "getItemsCategory"
* will return the list of products purchased on your site, either grouped by Product SKU, Product Name or Product Category. For each name, SKU or category, the following
* metrics are returned: Total revenue, Total quantity, average price, average quantity, number of orders (or abandoned carts) containing this product, number of visits on the Product page,
* Conversion rate.
* By default, these functions return the 'Products purchased'. These functions also accept an optional parameter &abandonedCarts=1.
* If the parameter is set, it will instead return the metrics for products that were left in an abandoned cart therefore not purchased.
* The API also lets you request overall Goal metrics via the method "get": Conversions, Visits with at least one conversion, Conversion rate and Revenue.
* If you wish to request specific metrics about Ecommerce goals, you can set the parameter &idGoal=ecommerceAbandonedCart to get metrics about abandoned carts (including Lost revenue, and number of items left in the cart)
* or &idGoal=ecommerceOrder to get metrics about Ecommerce orders (number of orders, visits with an order, subtotal, tax, shipping, discount, revenue, items ordered)
* See also the documentation about <a href='' rel='noreferrer' target='_blank'>Tracking Goals</a> in Matomo.
* @method static \Piwik\Plugins\Goals\API getInstance()
class API extends \Piwik\Plugin\API
const AVG_PRICE_VIEWED = 'avg_price_viewed';
* Return a single goal.
* @param int $idSite
* @param int $idGoal
* @return array An array of goal attributes.
public function getGoal($idSite, $idGoal)
$goal = $this->getModel()->getActiveGoal($idSite, $idGoal);
if (!empty($goal)) {
return $this->formatGoal($goal);
* Returns all Goals for a given website, or list of websites
* @param string|array $idSite Array or Comma separated list of website IDs to request the goals for
* @return array Array of Goal attributes
public function getGoals($idSite)
$cacheId = self::getCacheId($idSite);
$cache = $this->getGoalsInfoStaticCache();
if (!$cache->contains($cacheId)) {
// note: the reason this is secure is because the above cache is a static cache and cleared after each request
// if we were to use a different cache that persists the result, this would not be secure because when a
// result is in the cache, it would just return the result
$idSite = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSite);
if (empty($idSite)) {
return array();
$goals = $this->getModel()->getActiveGoals($idSite);
$cleanedGoals = array();
foreach ($goals as &$goal) {
$cleanedGoals[$goal['idgoal']] = $this->formatGoal($goal);
$cache->save($cacheId, $cleanedGoals);
return $cache->fetch($cacheId);
private function formatGoal($goal)
$goal['name'] = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($goal['name']);
$goal['description'] = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($goal['description']);
$goal['pattern_type'] = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($goal['pattern_type']);
if ($goal['match_attribute'] == 'manually') {
return $goal;
* Creates a Goal for a given website.
* @param int $idSite
* @param string $name
* @param string $matchAttribute 'url', 'title', 'file', 'external_website', 'manually', 'visit_duration', 'visit_total_actions', 'visit_total_pageviews',
* 'event_action', 'event_category' or 'event_name'
* @param string $pattern eg. purchase-confirmation.htm or numeric value if used with a numeric match attribute
* @param string $patternType 'regex', 'contains', 'exact', or 'greater_than' for numeric match attributes
* @param bool $caseSensitive
* @param bool|float $revenue If set, default revenue to assign to conversions
* @param bool $allowMultipleConversionsPerVisit By default, multiple conversions in the same visit will only record the first conversion.
* If set to true, multiple conversions will all be recorded within a visit (useful for Ecommerce goals)
* @param string $description
* @return int ID of the new goal
public function addGoal($idSite, $name, $matchAttribute, $pattern, $patternType, $caseSensitive = false, $revenue = false, $allowMultipleConversionsPerVisit = false, $description = '',
$useEventValueAsRevenue = false)
$patternType = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($patternType);
$this->checkPatternIsValid($patternType, $pattern, $matchAttribute);
$name = $this->checkName($name);
$pattern = $this->checkPattern($pattern, $matchAttribute);
$patternType = $this->checkPatternType($patternType, $matchAttribute);
$description = $this->checkDescription($description);
$revenue = Common::forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint((float)$revenue);
$goal = array(
'name' => $name,
'description' => $description,
'match_attribute' => $matchAttribute,
'pattern' => $pattern,
'pattern_type' => $patternType,
'case_sensitive' => (int)$caseSensitive,
'allow_multiple' => (int)$allowMultipleConversionsPerVisit,
'revenue' => $revenue,
'deleted' => 0,
'event_value_as_revenue' => (int)$useEventValueAsRevenue,
$idGoal = $this->getModel()->createGoalForSite($idSite, $goal);
return $idGoal;
private function getModel()
return new Model();
* Updates a Goal description.
* Will not update or re-process the conversions already recorded
* @param int $idSite
* @param int $idGoal
* @param $name
* @param $matchAttribute
* @param string $pattern
* @param string $patternType
* @param bool $caseSensitive
* @param bool|float $revenue
* @param bool $allowMultipleConversionsPerVisit
* @param string $description
* @return void
* @see addGoal() for parameters description
public function updateGoal($idSite, $idGoal, $name, $matchAttribute, $pattern, $patternType, $caseSensitive = false, $revenue = false, $allowMultipleConversionsPerVisit = false, $description = '',
$useEventValueAsRevenue = false)
$patternType = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($patternType);
$name = $this->checkName($name);
$description = $this->checkDescription($description);
$patternType = $this->checkPatternType($patternType, $matchAttribute);
$pattern = $this->checkPattern($pattern, $matchAttribute);
$this->checkPatternIsValid($patternType, $pattern, $matchAttribute);
$revenue = Common::forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint((float)$revenue);
$goal = array(
'name' => $name,
'description' => $description,
'match_attribute' => $matchAttribute,
'pattern' => $pattern,
'pattern_type' => $patternType,
'case_sensitive' => (int)$caseSensitive,
'allow_multiple' => (int)$allowMultipleConversionsPerVisit,
'revenue' => $revenue,
'event_value_as_revenue' => (int)$useEventValueAsRevenue,
$this->getModel()->updateGoal($idSite, $idGoal, $goal);
private function checkEventValueAsRevenue($goal)
if ($goal['event_value_as_revenue'] && !GoalManager::isEventMatchingGoal($goal)) {
throw new \Exception("'useEventValueAsRevenue' can only be 1 if the goal matches an event attribute.");
private function checkPatternIsValid($patternType, $pattern, $matchAttribute)
if ($patternType == 'exact'
&& substr($pattern, 0, 4) != 'http'
&& substr($matchAttribute, 0, 6) != 'event_'
&& $matchAttribute != 'title'
) {
throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('Goals_ExceptionInvalidMatchingString', array("http:// or https://", "")));
if ($patternType == 'regex') {
$validator = new Regex();
private function checkName($name)
return urldecode($name);
private function checkDescription($description)
return urldecode($description);
private function checkPatternType($patternType, $matchAttribute)
if (empty($patternType)) {
return '';
$patternType = strtolower($patternType);
if (in_array($matchAttribute, GoalManager::$NUMERIC_MATCH_ATTRIBUTES)) {
$validValues = ['greater_than'];
} else {
$validValues = ['exact', 'contains', 'regex'];
$validator = new WhitelistedValue($validValues);
return $patternType;
private function checkPattern($pattern, $matchAttribute)
if (in_array($matchAttribute, GoalManager::$NUMERIC_MATCH_ATTRIBUTES)
&& !is_numeric($pattern)
) {
throw new \Exception("Invalid pattern for match attribute '$matchAttribute'. (got '$pattern', expected numeric value).");
return urldecode($pattern);
* Soft deletes a given Goal.
* Stats data in the archives will still be recorded, but not displayed.
* @param int $idSite
* @param int $idGoal
* @return void
public function deleteGoal($idSite, $idGoal)
$this->getModel()->deleteGoal($idSite, $idGoal);
$this->getModel()->deleteGoalConversions($idSite, $idGoal);
* Returns a datatable of Items SKU/name or categories and their metrics
* If $abandonedCarts set to 1, will return items abandoned in carts. If set to 0, will return items ordered
protected function getItems($recordName, $idSite, $period, $date, $abandonedCarts, $segment)
$recordNameFinal = $recordName;
if ($abandonedCarts) {
$recordNameFinal = Archiver::getItemRecordNameAbandonedCart($recordName);
$archive = Archive::build($idSite, $period, $date, $segment);
$dataTable = $archive->getDataTable($recordNameFinal);
// Before Matomo 4.0.0 ecommerce views were tracked in custom variables
// So if Matomo was installed before try to fetch the views from custom variables and enrich the report
if (version_compare(DbHelper::getInstallVersion(), '4.0.0-b2', '<')) {
$this->enrichItemsTableWithViewMetrics($dataTable, $recordName, $idSite, $period, $date, $segment);
// use average ecommerce view price if no cart price is available
$dataTable->filter(function (DataTable $table) {
foreach ($table->getRowsWithoutSummaryRow() as $row) {
if (!$row->getColumn('avg_price') && !$row->getColumn(Metrics::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_PRICE)) {
$row->renameColumn(self::AVG_PRICE_VIEWED, 'avg_price');
$reportToNotDefinedString = array(
'Goals_ItemsSku' => Piwik::translate('General_NotDefined', Piwik::translate('Goals_ProductSKU')), // Note: this should never happen
'Goals_ItemsName' => Piwik::translate('General_NotDefined', Piwik::translate('Goals_ProductName')),
'Goals_ItemsCategory' => Piwik::translate('General_NotDefined', Piwik::translate('Goals_ProductCategory'))
$notDefinedStringPretty = $reportToNotDefinedString[$recordName];
$this->renameNotDefinedRow($dataTable, $notDefinedStringPretty);
if ($abandonedCarts) {
$ordersColumn = 'abandoned_carts';
$dataTable->renameColumn(Metrics::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ORDERS, $ordersColumn);
$dataTable->queueFilter('ColumnDelete', array('price'));
return $dataTable;
protected function renameNotDefinedRow($dataTable, $notDefinedStringPretty)
if ($dataTable instanceof DataTable\Map) {
foreach ($dataTable->getDataTables() as $table) {
$this->renameNotDefinedRow($table, $notDefinedStringPretty);
$rowNotDefined = $dataTable->getRowFromLabel('Value not defined');
if ($rowNotDefined) {
$rowNotDefined->setColumn('label', $notDefinedStringPretty);
protected function enrichItemsDataTableWithItemsViewMetrics($dataTable, $idSite, $period, $date, $segment, $idSubtable)
if (!Manager::getInstance()->isPluginActivated('CustomVariables') || in_array('nb_visits', $dataTable->getColumns())) {
// skip if CustomVariables plugin is not available or table already contains visits
$ecommerceViews = \Piwik\Plugins\CustomVariables\API::getInstance()->getCustomVariablesValuesFromNameId($idSite, $period, $date, $idSubtable, $segment, $_leavePriceViewedColumn = true);
// For Product names and SKU reports, and for Category report
// Use the Price (tracked on page views)
// ONLY when the price sold in conversions is not found (ie. product viewed but not sold)
foreach ($ecommerceViews->getRows() as $rowView) {
// If there is not already a 'sum price' for this product
$rowFound = $dataTable->getRowFromLabel($rowView->getColumn('label'));
$price = $rowFound
? $rowFound->getColumn(Metrics::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_PRICE)
: false;
if (empty($price)) {
// If a price was tracked on the product page
if ($rowView->getColumn(Metrics::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_PRICE_VIEWED)) {
public function getItemsSku($idSite, $period, $date, $abandonedCarts = false, $segment = false)
return $this->getItems('Goals_ItemsSku', $idSite, $period, $date, $abandonedCarts, $segment);
public function getItemsName($idSite, $period, $date, $abandonedCarts = false, $segment = false)
return $this->getItems('Goals_ItemsName', $idSite, $period, $date, $abandonedCarts, $segment);
public function getItemsCategory($idSite, $period, $date, $abandonedCarts = false, $segment = false)
return $this->getItems('Goals_ItemsCategory', $idSite, $period, $date, $abandonedCarts, $segment);
* Helper function that checks for special string goal IDs and converts them to
* their integer equivalents.
* Checks for the following values:
* @param string|int $idGoal The goal id as an integer or a special string.
* @return int The numeric goal id.
protected static function convertSpecialGoalIds($idGoal)
return GoalManager::IDGOAL_ORDER;
} else if ($idGoal == Piwik::LABEL_ID_GOAL_IS_ECOMMERCE_CART) {
return GoalManager::IDGOAL_CART;
} else {
return $idGoal;
* Returns Goals data.
* @param int $idSite
* @param string $period
* @param string $date
* @param bool $segment
* @param bool|int $idGoal
* @param array $columns Array of metrics to fetch: nb_conversions, conversion_rate, revenue
* @param bool $showAllGoalSpecificMetrics whether to show all goal specific metrics when no goal is set
* @return DataTable
public function get($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $idGoal = false, $columns = array(), $showAllGoalSpecificMetrics = false, $compare = false)
/** @var DataTable|DataTable\Map $table */
$table = null;
$segments = array(
'' => false,
'_new_visit' => VisitFrequencyAPI::NEW_VISITOR_SEGMENT,
'_returning_visit' => VisitFrequencyAPI::RETURNING_VISITOR_SEGMENT
foreach ($segments as $appendToMetricName => $predefinedSegment) {
if (!empty($predefinedSegment)) {
// we are disabling the archiving of these segments as the archiver archives them already using
// archiveProcessDependend logic. Otherwise we would eg archive reports that we don't need:
// userid=5;visitorType%3D%3Dnew;visitorType%3D%3Dreturning%2CvisitorType%3D%3DreturningCustomer
// userid=5;visitorType%3D%3Dreturning%2CvisitorType%3D%3DreturningCustomer;visitorType%3D%3Dnew;
// it would also archive dependends for these segments that we already combined here and then combine
// segments again when archiving dependends
Archiver::$ARCHIVE_DEPENDENT = false;
$segmentToUse = $this->appendSegment($segment, $predefinedSegment);
/** @var DataTable|DataTable\Map $tableSegmented */
$tableSegmented = Request::processRequest('Goals.getMetrics', array(
'segment' => $segmentToUse,
'idSite' => $idSite,
'period' => $period,
'date' => $date,
'idGoal' => $idGoal,
'columns' => $columns,
'showAllGoalSpecificMetrics' => $showAllGoalSpecificMetrics,
'format_metrics' => !empty($compare) ? 0 : Common::getRequestVar('format_metrics', 'bc'),
), $default = []);
Archiver::$ARCHIVE_DEPENDENT = true;
if (!isset($table)) {
$table = $tableSegmented;
} else {
$merger = new MergeDataTables();
$merger->mergeDataTables($table, $tableSegmented);
// if we are comparing, this will be queried with format_metrics=0, but we will eventually need to format the metrics.
// unfortunately, we can't do that since the processed metric information is in the GetMetrics report. in this case,
// we queue the filter so it will eventually be formatted.
if (!empty($compare)) {
$getMetricsReport = ReportsProvider::factory('Goals', 'getMetrics');
$table->queueFilter(function (DataTable $t) use ($getMetricsReport) {
$t->setMetadata(Metrics\Formatter::PROCESSED_METRICS_FORMATTED_FLAG, false);
$formatter = new Metrics\Formatter();
$formatter->formatMetrics($t, $getMetricsReport, $metricsToFormat = null, $formatAll = true);
return $table;
* Similar to {@link get()} but does not return any metrics for new and returning visitors. It won't apply
* any segment by default. This method is deprecated from the API as it is only there to make the implementation of
* the actual {@link get()} method easy.
* @deprecated
* @internal
public function getMetrics($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $idGoal = false, $columns = array(), $showAllGoalSpecificMetrics = false)
$archive = Archive::build($idSite, $period, $date, $segment);
$showAllGoalSpecificMetrics = $showAllGoalSpecificMetrics && $idGoal === false;
// Mapping string idGoal to internal ID
$idGoal = self::convertSpecialGoalIds($idGoal);
$isEcommerceGoal = $idGoal === GoalManager::IDGOAL_ORDER || $idGoal === GoalManager::IDGOAL_CART;
$allMetrics = Goals::getGoalColumns($idGoal);
if ($showAllGoalSpecificMetrics) {
foreach ($this->getGoals($idSite) as $aGoal) {
foreach (Goals::getGoalColumns($aGoal['idgoal']) as $goalColumn) {
$allMetrics[] = Goals::makeGoalColumn($aGoal['idgoal'], $goalColumn);
$allMetrics[] = 'nb_visits';
$columnsToShow = Piwik::getArrayFromApiParameter($columns);
$requestedColumns = $columnsToShow;
$shouldAddAverageOrderRevenue = (in_array('avg_order_revenue', $requestedColumns) || empty($requestedColumns)) && $isEcommerceGoal;
if ($shouldAddAverageOrderRevenue && !empty($requestedColumns)) {
$avgOrder = new AverageOrderRevenue();
$metricsToAdd = $avgOrder->getDependentMetrics();
$requestedColumns = array_unique(array_merge($requestedColumns, $metricsToAdd));
if ($showAllGoalSpecificMetrics && !empty($requestedColumns)) {
foreach ($requestedColumns as $requestedColumn) {
if (strpos($requestedColumn, '_conversion_rate') !== false) {
$columnIdGoal = Goals::getGoalIdFromGoalColumn($requestedColumn);
if ($columnIdGoal) {
$goalConversionRate = new GoalConversionRate($idSite, $columnIdGoal);
$metricsToAdd = $goalConversionRate->getDependentMetrics();
$requestedColumns = array_unique(array_merge($requestedColumns, $metricsToAdd));
$report = ReportsProvider::factory('Goals', 'getMetrics');
$columnsToGet = $report->getMetricsRequiredForReport($allMetrics, $requestedColumns);
$inDbMetricNames = array_map(function ($name) use ($idGoal) {
$name = str_replace('goal_', '', $name);
return $name == 'nb_visits' ? $name : Archiver::getRecordName($name, $idGoal);
}, $columnsToGet);
$dataTable = $archive->getDataTableFromNumeric($inDbMetricNames);
if (count($columnsToGet) > 0) {
$newNameMapping = array_combine($inDbMetricNames, $columnsToGet);
} else {
$newNameMapping = array();
$dataTable->filter('ReplaceColumnNames', array($newNameMapping));
// TODO: this should be in Goals/Get.php but it depends on idGoal parameter which isn't always in _GET (ie,
// it's not in ProcessedReport.php). more refactoring must be done to report class before this can be
// corrected.
if ($shouldAddAverageOrderRevenue) {
$dataTable->filter(function (DataTable $table) {
$extraProcessedMetrics = $table->getMetadata(DataTable::EXTRA_PROCESSED_METRICS_METADATA_NAME);
if (empty($extraProcessedMetrics)) {
$extraProcessedMetrics = array();
$extraProcessedMetrics[] = new AverageOrderRevenue();
$table->setMetadata(DataTable::EXTRA_PROCESSED_METRICS_METADATA_NAME, $extraProcessedMetrics);
if ($showAllGoalSpecificMetrics) {
$dataTable->filter(function (DataTable $table) use ($idSite, &$allMetrics, $requestedColumns) {
$extraProcessedMetrics = $table->getMetadata(DataTable::EXTRA_PROCESSED_METRICS_METADATA_NAME);
if (empty($extraProcessedMetrics)) {
$extraProcessedMetrics = array();
foreach ($this->getGoals($idSite) as $aGoal) {
$metric = new GoalConversionRate($idSite, $aGoal['idgoal']);
if (!empty($requestedColumns) && !in_array($metric->getName(), $requestedColumns)) {
$extraProcessedMetrics[] = $metric;
$allMetrics[] = $metric->getName();
$table->setMetadata(DataTable::EXTRA_PROCESSED_METRICS_METADATA_NAME, $extraProcessedMetrics);
// remove temporary metrics that were not explicitly requested
if (empty($columnsToShow)) {
$columnsToShow = $allMetrics;
$columnsToShow[] = 'conversion_rate';
if ($isEcommerceGoal) {
$columnsToShow[] = 'avg_order_revenue';
$dataTable->queueFilter('ColumnDelete', array($columnsToRemove = array(), $columnsToShow));
return $dataTable;
protected function appendSegment($segment, $segmentToAppend)
return Segment::combine($segment, SegmentExpression::AND_DELIMITER, $segmentToAppend);
protected function getNumeric($idSite, $period, $date, $segment, $toFetch)
$archive = Archive::build($idSite, $period, $date, $segment);
$dataTable = $archive->getDataTableFromNumeric($toFetch);
return $dataTable;
* @ignore
public function getConversions($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $idGoal = false)
return $this->getNumeric($idSite, $period, $date, $segment, Archiver::getRecordName('nb_conversions', $idGoal));
* @ignore
public function getNbVisitsConverted($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $idGoal = false)
return $this->getNumeric($idSite, $period, $date, $segment, Archiver::getRecordName('nb_visits_converted', $idGoal));
* @ignore
public function getConversionRate($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $idGoal = false)
$table = $this->get($idSite, $period, $date, $segment, $idGoal, 'conversion_rate');
$table->setMetadata(DataTable::EXTRA_PROCESSED_METRICS_METADATA_NAME, array(new ConversionRate()));
return $table;
* @ignore
public function getRevenue($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $idGoal = false)
return $this->getNumeric($idSite, $period, $date, $segment, Archiver::getRecordName('revenue', $idGoal));
* Utility method that retrieve an archived DataTable for a specific site, date range,
* segment and goal. If not goal is specified, this method will retrieve and sum the
* data for every goal.
* @param string $recordName The archive entry name.
* @param int|string $idSite The site(s) to select data for.
* @param string $period The period type.
* @param string $date The date type.
* @param string $segment The segment.
* @param int|bool $idGoal The id of the goal to get data for. If this is set to false,
* data for every goal that belongs to $idSite is returned.
* @return false|DataTable
protected function getGoalSpecificDataTable($recordName, $idSite, $period, $date, $segment, $idGoal)
$archive = Archive::build($idSite, $period, $date, $segment);
// check for the special goal ids
$realGoalId = $idGoal != true ? false : self::convertSpecialGoalIds($idGoal);
// get the data table
$dataTable = $archive->getDataTable(Archiver::getRecordName($recordName, $realGoalId), $idSubtable = null);
return $dataTable;
* Gets a DataTable that maps ranges of days to the number of conversions that occurred
* within those ranges, for the specified site, date range, segment and goal.
* @param int $idSite The site to select data from.
* @param string $period The period type.
* @param string $date The date type.
* @param string|bool $segment The segment.
* @param int|bool $idGoal The id of the goal to get data for. If this is set to false,
* data for every goal that belongs to $idSite is returned.
* @return false|DataTable
public function getDaysToConversion($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $idGoal = false)
$dataTable = $this->getGoalSpecificDataTable(
Archiver::DAYS_UNTIL_CONV_RECORD_NAME, $idSite, $period, $date, $segment, $idGoal);
$dataTable->queueFilter('Sort', array('label', 'asc', true, false));
'BeautifyRangeLabels', array(Piwik::translate('Intl_OneDay'), Piwik::translate('Intl_NDays')));
return $dataTable;
* Gets a DataTable that maps ranges of visit counts to the number of conversions that
* occurred on those visits for the specified site, date range, segment and goal.
* @param int $idSite The site to select data from.
* @param string $period The period type.
* @param string $date The date type.
* @param string|bool $segment The segment.
* @param int|bool $idGoal The id of the goal to get data for. If this is set to false,
* data for every goal that belongs to $idSite is returned.
* @return bool|DataTable
public function getVisitsUntilConversion($idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false, $idGoal = false)
$dataTable = $this->getGoalSpecificDataTable(
Archiver::VISITS_UNTIL_RECORD_NAME, $idSite, $period, $date, $segment, $idGoal);
$dataTable->queueFilter('Sort', array('label', 'asc', true, false));
'BeautifyRangeLabels', array(Piwik::translate('General_OneVisit'), Piwik::translate('General_NVisits')));
return $dataTable;
* Enhances the dataTable with Items attributes found in the Custom Variables report.
* @param $dataTable
* @param $recordName
* @param $idSite
* @param $period
* @param $date
* @param $segment
protected function enrichItemsTableWithViewMetrics($dataTable, $recordName, $idSite, $period, $date, $segment)
if (!Manager::getInstance()->isPluginActivated('CustomVariables')) {
// Enrich the datatable with Product/Categories views, and conversion rates
$customVariables = \Piwik\Plugins\CustomVariables\API::getInstance()->getCustomVariables($idSite, $period, $date, $segment, $expanded = false,
$_leavePiwikCoreVariables = true);
$mapping = array(
'Goals_ItemsSku' => '_pks',
'Goals_ItemsName' => '_pkn',
'Goals_ItemsCategory' => '_pkc',
$customVarNameToLookFor = $mapping[$recordName];
// Handle case where date=last30&period=day
if ($customVariables instanceof DataTable\Map) {
$customVariableDatatables = $customVariables->getDataTables();
$dataTables = $dataTable->getDataTables();
foreach ($customVariableDatatables as $key => $customVariableTableForDate) {
$dataTableForDate = isset($dataTables[$key]) ? $dataTables[$key] : new DataTable();
// we do not enter the IF
// if case idSite=1,3 AND period=day&date=datefrom,dateto,
if ($customVariableTableForDate instanceof DataTable
&& $customVariableTableForDate->getMetadata(Archive\DataTableFactory::TABLE_METADATA_PERIOD_INDEX)
) {
$dateRewrite = $customVariableTableForDate->getMetadata(Archive\DataTableFactory::TABLE_METADATA_PERIOD_INDEX)->getDateStart()->toString();
$row = $customVariableTableForDate->getRowFromLabel($customVarNameToLookFor);
if ($row) {
$idSubtable = $row->getIdSubDataTable();
$this->enrichItemsDataTableWithItemsViewMetrics($dataTableForDate, $idSite, $period, $dateRewrite, $segment, $idSubtable);
$dataTable->addTable($dataTableForDate, $key);
} elseif ($customVariables instanceof DataTable) {
$row = $customVariables->getRowFromLabel($customVarNameToLookFor);
if ($row) {
$idSubtable = $row->getIdSubDataTable();
$this->enrichItemsDataTableWithItemsViewMetrics($dataTable, $idSite, $period, $date, $segment, $idSubtable);
private function getCacheId($idSite)
return CacheId::pluginAware('Goals.getGoals.' . $idSite);
private function getGoalsInfoStaticCache()
return PiwikCache::getTransientCache();