query('SELECT id, texte, points, team, id_staff FROM scores'); if(isset($_GET['del']) AND !empty($_GET['del'])) { $del = (int) htmlspecialchars($_GET['del']); $req_del = $db->prepare("SELECT id_staff FROM scores WHERE id = ?"); $req_del->execute(array($del)); $staff = $req_del -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if($user['perm'] >= 3 OR $staff[0]['id_staff'] == $_SESSION['id']) { $req_del = $db->prepare('DELETE FROM scores WHERE id =?'); $req_del->execute(array($del)); header('Location: stats.php'); } } if(isset($_POST['teamall'])) { $req = $db->query('SELECT id, texte, points, team, id_staff FROM scores'); } if(isset($_POST['team0'])) { $req = $db->query('SELECT id, texte, points, team, id_staff FROM scores WHERE team = 0'); } if(isset($_POST['team1'])) { $req = $db->query('SELECT id, texte, points, team, id_staff FROM scores WHERE team = 1'); } if(isset($_POST['send'])) { if(isset($_POST['texte']) AND !empty($_POST['texte']) AND isset($_POST['point']) AND !empty($_POST['point']) AND isset($_POST['team']) AND !empty($_POST['team'])) { $texte = htmlspecialchars($_POST['texte']); $point = (int) htmlspecialchars($_POST['point']); $team = htmlspecialchars($_POST['team']); switch ($team) { case "t0": $team_int = 0; break; case "t1": $team_int = 1; break; } if(strlen($pseudo) <= 50) { $req_ins = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO scores(texte, points, team, id_staff) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); $req_ins->execute(array($texte, $point, $team_int, $_SESSION['id'])); header('refresh:0'); } else { $error = "le texte de doit pas dépasser 50 char"; } } else { $error = "Tout les champs doivent être complétés"; } } ?> Admin / Stats
".$error.""; } ?>

fetch()) { ?>
ID (db) Texte Points Team Staff Action
prepare("SELECT pseudo FROM admin WHERE id = ?"); $req_adm->execute(array($stat['id_staff'])); $staff = $req_adm -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if(isset($staff[0]['pseudo'])) { echo $staff[0]['pseudo']." (".$stat['id_staff'].")"; } else { echo "UNDEFINED "."(".$stat['id_staff'].")"; } ?> prepare("SELECT id_staff FROM scores WHERE id = ?"); $req_int->execute(array($stat['id'])); $staff = $req_int -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if($user['perm'] >= 3 OR $staff[0]['id_staff'] == $_SESSION['id']) { ?>X