$value) {
$path = realpath($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);
if (!is_dir($path)) {
$valid = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == "zip";
if ($valid)
return $valid;
* Get all directories in the specified path and creates them on the page
* @param string $path path to search directories in
function createDirectories($path)
$path = photoRoot . $path;
$displayedItems = 0;
$folders = getDirectories($path);
foreach ($folders as $key => $value) {
$folderTitle = $value;
$photos = getTotalPhotoCount($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);
$albums = getTotalAlbumCount($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);
$folderLink = "?" . urlParam . "=" . getActivePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value;
$value) {
$realPath = realpath($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);
if (isValidDirectory($realPath, $value)) {
array_push($folders, $value);
return $folders;
* Counts directories in the specified folder
* @param string $path path to search directories in
* @return int directories count
function getDirectoriesCount($path)
$files = scandir($path);
$dirCount = 0;
foreach ($files as $key => $value) {
$realPath = realpath($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);
if (isValidDirectory($realPath, $value)) {
return $dirCount;
* Counts images in the specified folder
* @param string $path path to search photos in
* @return int photo count
function getPhotoCount($path)
$files = scandir($path);
$fileCount = 0;
foreach ($files as $key => $value) {
$realPath = realpath($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);
if (isValidImage($realPath)) {
return $fileCount;
* Get the count of all directories, recursively from the path specified
* @param string $path root for search
* @return int total number of directories
function getTotalAlbumCount($path)
$folders = getDirectories($path);
$total = sizeof($folders);
foreach ($folders as $key => $value) {
$total += getTotalAlbumCount($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);
return $total;
function getTotalPhotoCount($path)
$folders = getDirectories($path);
$total = getPhotoCount($path);
foreach ($folders as $key => $value) {
$total += getTotalPhotoCount($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);
return $total;
* Check if the given image is valid
* @param string $imagePath absolute path of the image
* @return bool True if the file is a jpg, jpeg or png, false otherwise
function isValidImage($imagePath)
$ext = pathinfo($imagePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
return !is_dir($imagePath) && ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "JPG" || $ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "JPEG" || $ext == "png" || $ext == "PNG");
* Check if the given folder is valid (is not '.' or '..')
* @param string $directoryPath directory path
* @param string $directory directory name
* @return bool True if the directory is valid, false otherwise
function isValidDirectory($directoryPath, $directory)
return is_dir($directoryPath) && $directory != "." && $directory != ".." && substr($directory, 0, 1) !== ".";
* Creates buttons representing the actual path for easier navigation
* @param string $path Actual Path
function generatePath($path)
$folders = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);
$currentPath = "";
$pathTitle = "Menu";
$pathLink = "?" . urlParam . "=";
echo '
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Vous pouvez vous déconnecter en cliquant ici :Se déconnecter
Clique sur le dossier de ton choix pour afficher les photos. Il faut que tu sois inscrit à l'INSA pour pouvoir les regarder (et oui, pas de spoiler).
Il te suffit ensuite de cliquer sur la photo que tu veux télécharger.
Si tu ne peux pas voir les photos (la fenêtre pour entrer le mot de passe ne s'affiche pas), ouvre cette page avec un autre navigateur.