supportsAsync = $this->supportsAsync(); $this->logger = $logger ?: new NullLogger(); } /** * It will request all given URLs in parallel (async) using the CLI and wait until all requests are finished. * If multi cli is not supported (eg windows) it will initiate an HTTP request instead (not async). * * @param string[] $piwikUrls An array of urls, for instance: * * `array('')` * * **Make sure query parameter values are properly encoded in the URLs.** * * @return array The response of each URL in the same order as the URLs. The array can contain null values in case * there was a problem with a request, for instance if the process died unexpected. */ public function request(array $piwikUrls) { if ($this->isTimingRequests) { foreach ($piwikUrls as $url) { $this->timers[] = new Timer(); } } $chunks = array($piwikUrls); if ($this->concurrentProcessesLimit) { $chunks = array_chunk($piwikUrls, $this->concurrentProcessesLimit); } $results = array(); foreach ($chunks as $urlsChunk) { $results = array_merge($results, $this->requestUrls($urlsChunk)); } return $results; } /** * Forwards the given configuration options to the PHP cli command. * @param string $phpCliOptions eg "-d memory_limit=8G -c=path/to/php.ini" */ public function setPhpCliConfigurationOptions($phpCliOptions) { $this->phpCliOptions = (string) $phpCliOptions; } /** * Ok, this sounds weird. Why should we care about ssl certificates when we are in CLI mode? It is needed for * our simple fallback mode for Windows where we initiate HTTP requests instead of CLI. * @param $acceptInvalidSSLCertificate */ public function setAcceptInvalidSSLCertificate($acceptInvalidSSLCertificate) { $this->acceptInvalidSSLCertificate = $acceptInvalidSSLCertificate; } /** * @param $limit int Maximum count of requests to issue in parallel */ public function setConcurrentProcessesLimit($limit) { $this->concurrentProcessesLimit = $limit; } public function runAsSuperUser($runAsSuperUser = true) { $this->runAsSuperUser = $runAsSuperUser; } private function start($piwikUrls) { $numUrls = count($piwikUrls); foreach ($piwikUrls as $index => $url) { $shouldStart = null; if ($url instanceof Request) { $shouldStart = $url->start(); } $cmdId = $this->generateCommandId($url) . $index; if ($shouldStart === Request::ABORT) { // output is needed to ensure same order of url to response $output = new StaticOutput($cmdId); $output->write(serialize(array('aborted' => '1'))); $this->outputs[] = $output; } else { $this->executeUrlCommand($cmdId, $url, $numUrls); } } } private function executeUrlCommand($cmdId, $url, $numUrls) { if ($this->supportsAsync) { if ($numUrls === 1) { $output = new StaticOutput($cmdId); $this->executeSyncCli($url, $output); } else { $output = new Output($cmdId); $this->executeAsyncCli($url, $output, $cmdId); } } else { $output = new StaticOutput($cmdId); $this->executeNotAsyncHttp($url, $output); } $this->outputs[] = $output; } private function buildCommand($hostname, $query, $outputFileIfAsync, $doEsacpeArg = true) { $bin = $this->findPhpBinary(); $superuserCommand = $this->runAsSuperUser ? "--superuser" : ""; $append = '2>&1'; if ($outputFileIfAsync) { $append = sprintf(' > %s 2>&1 &', $outputFileIfAsync); } if ($doEsacpeArg) { $hostname = escapeshellarg($hostname); $query = escapeshellarg($query); } return sprintf('%s %s %s/console climulti:request -q --matomo-domain=%s %s %s %s', $bin, $this->phpCliOptions, PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH, $hostname, $superuserCommand, $query,$append); } private function getResponse() { $response = array(); foreach ($this->outputs as $output) { $content = $output->get(); // Remove output that can be ignored in climulti . works around some worpdress setups where the hash bang may // be printed $search = '#!/usr/bin/env php'; if (!empty($content) && is_string($content) && mb_substr(trim($content), 0, strlen($search)) === $search) { $content = trim(mb_substr(trim($content), strlen($search))); } $response[] = $content; } return $response; } private function hasFinished() { foreach ($this->processes as $index => $process) { $hasStarted = $process->hasStarted(); if (!$hasStarted && 8 <= $process->getSecondsSinceCreation()) { // if process was created more than 8 seconds ago but still not started there must be something wrong. // ==> declare the process as finished $process->finishProcess(); continue; } elseif (!$hasStarted) { return false; } if ($process->isRunning()) { return false; } $pid = $process->getPid(); foreach ($this->outputs as $output) { if ($output->getOutputId() === $pid && $output->isAbnormal()) { $process->finishProcess(); continue; } } if ($process->hasFinished()) { // prevent from checking this process over and over again unset($this->processes[$index]); if ($this->isTimingRequests) { $this->timers[$index]->finish(); } if ($this->onProcessFinish) { $onProcessFinish = $this->onProcessFinish; $onProcessFinish($pid); } } } return true; } private function generateCommandId($command) { return substr(Common::hash($command . microtime(true) . rand(0, 99999)), 0, 100); } /** * What is missing under windows? Detection whether a process is still running in Process::isProcessStillRunning * and how to send a process into background in start() */ public function supportsAsync() { $supportsAsync = Process::isSupported() && !Common::isPhpCgiType() && $this->findPhpBinary(); /** * Triggered to allow plugins to force the usage of async cli multi execution or to disable it. * * **Example** * * public function supportsAsync(&$supportsAsync) * { * $supportsAsync = false; // do not allow async climulti execution * } * * @param bool &$supportsAsync Whether async is supported or not. */ Piwik::postEvent('CliMulti.supportsAsync', array(&$supportsAsync)); return $supportsAsync; } private function findPhpBinary() { $cliPhp = new CliPhp(); return $cliPhp->findPhpBinary(); } private function cleanup() { foreach ($this->processes as $pid) { $pid->finishProcess(); } foreach ($this->outputs as $output) { $output->destroy(); } $this->processes = array(); $this->outputs = array(); } /** * Remove files older than one week. They should be cleaned up automatically after each request but for whatever * reason there can be always some files left. */ public static function cleanupNotRemovedFiles() { $timeOneWeekAgo = strtotime('-1 week'); $files = _glob(self::getTmpPath() . '/*'); if (empty($files)) { return; } foreach ($files as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { $timeLastModified = filemtime($file); if ($timeLastModified !== false && $timeOneWeekAgo > $timeLastModified) { unlink($file); } } } } public static function getTmpPath() { return StaticContainer::get('path.tmp') . '/climulti'; } private function executeAsyncCli($url, Output $output, $cmdId) { $this->processes[] = new Process($cmdId); $url = $this->appendTestmodeParamToUrlIfNeeded($url); $query = UrlHelper::getQueryFromUrl($url, array('pid' => $cmdId, 'runid' => getmypid())); $hostname = Url::getHost($checkIfTrusted = false); $command = $this->buildCommand($hostname, $query, $output->getPathToFile()); $this->logger->debug("Running command: {command}", ['command' => $command]); shell_exec($command); } private function executeSyncCli($url, StaticOutput $output) { $url = $this->appendTestmodeParamToUrlIfNeeded($url); $query = UrlHelper::getQueryFromUrl($url, array()); $hostname = Url::getHost($checkIfTrusted = false); $command = $this->buildCommand($hostname, $query, '', true); $this->logger->debug("Running command: {command}", ['command' => $command]); $result = shell_exec($command); if ($result) { $result = trim($result); } $output->write($result); } private function executeNotAsyncHttp($url, StaticOutput $output) { $piwikUrl = $this->urlToPiwik ?: SettingsPiwik::getPiwikUrl(); if (empty($piwikUrl)) { $piwikUrl = 'http://' . Url::getHost() . '/'; } $url = $piwikUrl . $url; if (Config::getInstance()->General['force_ssl'] == 1) { $url = str_replace("http://", "https://", $url); } $requestBody = null; if ($this->runAsSuperUser) { $tokenAuth = self::getSuperUserTokenAuth(); if (strpos($url, '?') === false) { $url .= '?'; } else { $url .= '&'; } $requestBody = 'token_auth=' . $tokenAuth; } try { $this->logger->debug("Execute HTTP API request: " . $url); $response = Http::sendHttpRequestBy('curl', $url, $timeout = 0, $userAgent = null, $destinationPath = null, $file = null, $followDepth = 0, $acceptLanguage = false, $this->acceptInvalidSSLCertificate, false, false, 'POST', null, null, $requestBody, [], $forcePost = true); $output->write($response); } catch (\Exception $e) { $message = "Got invalid response from API request: $url. "; if (isset($response) && empty($response)) { $message .= "The response was empty. This usually means a server error. This solution to this error is generally to increase the value of 'memory_limit' in your php.ini file. Please check your Web server Error Log file for more details."; } else { $message .= "Response was '" . $e->getMessage() . "'"; } $output->write($message); $this->logger->debug($message, ['exception' => $e]); } } private function appendTestmodeParamToUrlIfNeeded($url) { $isTestMode = defined('PIWIK_TEST_MODE'); if ($isTestMode && false === strpos($url, '?')) { $url .= "?testmode=1"; } elseif ($isTestMode) { $url .= "&testmode=1"; } return $url; } /** * @param array $piwikUrls * @return array */ private function requestUrls(array $piwikUrls) { $this->start($piwikUrls); $startTime = time(); do { $elapsed = time() - $startTime; $timeToWait = $this->getTimeToWaitBeforeNextCheck($elapsed); if (count($this->processes)) { usleep($timeToWait); } } while (!$this->hasFinished()); $results = $this->getResponse(); $this->cleanup(); self::cleanupNotRemovedFiles(); return $results; } private static function getSuperUserTokenAuth() { return Piwik::requestTemporarySystemAuthToken('CliMultiNonAsyncArchive', 36); } public function setUrlToPiwik($urlToPiwik) { $this->urlToPiwik = $urlToPiwik; } public function onProcessFinish(callable $callback) { $this->onProcessFinish = $callback; } // every minute that passes adds an extra 100ms to the wait time. so 5 minutes results in 500ms extra, 20mins results in 2s extra. private function getTimeToWaitBeforeNextCheck($elapsed) { $minutes = floor($elapsed / 60); return self::BASE_WAIT_TIME + $minutes * 100000; // 100 * 1000 = 100ms } public static function isCliMultiRequest() { return Common::getRequestVar('pid', false) !== false; } public function timeRequests() { $this->timers = []; $this->isTimingRequests = true; } public function getTimers() { return $this->timers; } }