forked from vergnet/site-accueil-insa
1157 lines
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1157 lines
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* Matomo - free/libre analytics platform
* @link
* @license GPL v3 or later
namespace Piwik;
use Exception;
use Piwik\Container\StaticContainer;
use Piwik\Intl\Data\Provider\DateTimeFormatProvider;
* Utility class that wraps date/time related PHP functions. Using this class can
* be easier than using `date`, `time`, `date_default_timezone_set`, etc.
* ### Performance concerns
* The helper methods in this class are instance methods and thus `Date` instances
* need to be constructed before they can be used. The memory allocation can result
* in noticeable performance degradation if you construct thousands of Date instances,
* say, in a loop.
* ### Examples
* **Basic usage**
* $date = Date::factory('2007-07-24 14:04:24', 'EST');
* $date->addHour(5);
* echo $date->getLocalized("EEE, d. MMM y 'at' HH:mm:ss");
* @api
class Date
/** Number of seconds in a day. */
const NUM_SECONDS_IN_DAY = 86400;
/** The default date time string format. */
const DATE_TIME_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
/** Timestamp when first website came online - Tue, 06 Aug 1991 00:00:00 GMT. */
const FIRST_WEBSITE_TIMESTAMP = 681436800;
const DATE_FORMAT_LONG = DateTimeFormatProvider::DATE_FORMAT_LONG;
const DATE_FORMAT_SHORT = DateTimeFormatProvider::DATE_FORMAT_SHORT;
const DATE_FORMAT_YEAR = DateTimeFormatProvider::DATE_FORMAT_YEAR;
const TIME_FORMAT = DateTimeFormatProvider::TIME_FORMAT;
// for tests
public static $now = null;
* Max days for months (non-leap-year). See {@link addPeriod()} implementation.
* @var int[]
private static $maxDaysInMonth = array(
'1' => 31,
'2' => 28,
'3' => 31,
'4' => 30,
'5' => 31,
'6' => 30,
'7' => 31,
'8' => 31,
'9' => 30,
'10' => 31,
'11' => 30,
'12' => 31
* The stored timestamp is always UTC based.
* The returned timestamp via getTimestamp() will have the conversion applied
* @var int|null
protected $timestamp = null;
* Timezone the current date object is set to.
* Timezone will only affect the returned timestamp via getTimestamp()
* @var string
protected $timezone = 'UTC';
* Constructor.
* @param int $timestamp The number in seconds since the unix epoch.
* @param string $timezone The timezone of the datetime.
* @throws Exception If $timestamp is not an int.
protected function __construct($timestamp, $timezone = 'UTC')
if (!is_int($timestamp)) {
throw new Exception("Date is expecting a unix timestamp, got: '$timestamp'.");
$this->timezone = $timezone;
$this->timestamp = $timestamp;
* Creates a new Date instance using a string datetime value. The timezone of the Date
* result will be in UTC.
* @param string|int $dateString `'today'`, `'yesterday'`, `'now'`, `'yesterdaySameTime'`, a string with
* `'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'` format or a unix timestamp.
* @param string $timezone The timezone of the result. If specified, `$dateString` will be converted
* from UTC to this timezone before being used in the Date return value.
* @throws Exception If `$dateString` is in an invalid format or if the time is before
* Tue, 06 Aug 1991.
* @return Date
public static function factory($dateString, $timezone = null)
if ($dateString instanceof self) {
return new Date($dateString->timestamp, $dateString->timezone);
if ($dateString === 'now') {
$date = self::now();
} elseif ($dateString === 'today') {
$date = self::today();
} else if ($dateString === 'tomorrow') {
$date = self::tomorrow();
} elseif ($dateString === 'yesterday') {
$date = self::yesterday();
} elseif ($dateString === 'yesterdaySameTime') {
$date = self::yesterdaySameTime();
} else if (preg_match('/last[ -]?week/i', urldecode($dateString))) {
$date = self::lastWeek();
} else if (preg_match('/last[ -]?month/i', urldecode($dateString))) {
$date = self::lastMonth();
} else if (preg_match('/last[ -]?year/i', urldecode($dateString))) {
$date = self::lastYear();
} elseif (!is_int($dateString)
&& (
// strtotime returns the timestamp for April 1st for a date like 2011-04-01,today
// but we don't want this, as this is a date range and supposed to throw the exception
strpos($dateString, ',') !== false
($dateString = strtotime($dateString)) === false
) {
throw self::getInvalidDateFormatException($dateString);
} else {
$date = new Date($dateString);
$timestamp = $date->getTimestamp();
if ($timestamp < self::FIRST_WEBSITE_TIMESTAMP) {
$dateOfFirstWebsite = new self(self::FIRST_WEBSITE_TIMESTAMP);
$message = Piwik::translate('General_ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite', array(
throw new Exception($message . ": $dateString");
if (empty($timezone)) {
return $date;
$timestamp = self::adjustForTimezone($timestamp, $timezone);
return Date::factory($timestamp);
* Returns Date w/ UTC timestamp of time $dateString/$timezone.
* (Only applies to special strings, like 'now','today','yesterday','yesterdaySameTime'.
* @param $dateString
* @param $timezone
* @return Date
* @ignore
public static function factoryInTimezone($dateString, $timezone)
if ($dateString === 'now') {
return self::nowInTimezone($timezone);
} else if ($dateString === 'today') {
return self::todayInTimezone($timezone);
} else if ($dateString === 'yesterday') {
return self::yesterdayInTimezone($timezone);
} else if ($dateString === 'yesterdaySameTime') {
return self::yesterdaySameTimeInTimezone($timezone);
} else if (preg_match('/last[ -]?week/i', urldecode($dateString))) {
return self::lastWeekInTimezone($timezone);
} else if (preg_match('/last[ -]?month/i', urldecode($dateString))) {
return self::lastMonthInTimezone($timezone);
} else if (preg_match('/last[ -]?year/i', urldecode($dateString))) {
return self::lastYearInTimezone($timezone);
} else {
throw new \Exception("Date::factoryInTimezone() should not be used with $dateString.");
private static function nowInTimezone($timezone)
$now = self::getNowTimestamp();
$now = self::adjustForTimezone($now, $timezone);
return new Date($now);
private static function todayInTimezone($timezone)
return self::nowInTimezone($timezone)->getStartOfDay();
private static function yesterdayInTimezone($timezone)
return self::todayInTimezone($timezone)->subDay(1);
private static function yesterdaySameTimeInTimezone($timezone)
return self::nowInTimezone($timezone)->subDay(1);
private static function lastWeekInTimezone($timezone)
return new Date(strtotime('-1week', self::todayInTimezone($timezone)->getTimestamp()));
private static function lastMonthInTimezone($timezone)
return new Date(strtotime('-1month', self::todayInTimezone($timezone)->getTimestamp()));
private static function lastYearInTimezone($timezone)
return new Date(strtotime('-1year', self::todayInTimezone($timezone)->getTimestamp()));
* Returns the current timestamp as a string with the following format: `'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'`.
* @return string
public function getDatetime()
return $this->toString(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
* Returns the current hour in UTC timezone.
* @return string
* @throws Exception
public function getHourUTC()
$dateTime = $this->getDatetime();
$hourInTz = Date::factory($dateTime, 'UTC')->toString('G');
return $hourInTz;
* @return string
* @deprecated
public function getDateStartUTC()
return $this->getStartOfDay()->toString(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
* Returns the start of the day of the current timestamp in UTC. For example,
* if the current timestamp is `'2007-07-24 14:04:24'` in UTC, the result will
* be `'2007-07-24'` as a Date.
* @return Date
public function getStartOfDay()
$dateStartUTC = gmdate('Y-m-d', $this->timestamp);
return Date::factory($dateStartUTC)->setTimezone($this->timezone);
* @return string
* @deprecated
public function getDateEndUTC()
return $this->getEndOfDay()->toString(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
* Returns the end of the day of the current timestamp in UTC. For example,
* if the current timestamp is `'2007-07-24 14:03:24'` in UTC, the result will
* be `'2007-07-24 23:59:59'`.
* @return Date
public function getEndOfDay()
$dateEndUTC = gmdate('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $this->timestamp);
return Date::factory($dateEndUTC)->setTimezone($this->timezone);
* Returns a new date object with the same timestamp as `$this` but with a new
* timezone.
* See {@link getTimestamp()} to see how the timezone is used.
* @param string $timezone eg, `'UTC'`, `'Europe/London'`, etc.
* @return Date
public function setTimezone($timezone)
return new Date($this->timestamp, $timezone);
* Returns the offset to UTC time for the given timezone
* @param string $timezone
* @return int offset in seconds
public static function getUtcOffset($timezone)
$timestampUTC = self::today()->getTimestampUTC();
$timestampZone = self::adjustForTimezone($timestampUTC, $timezone);
return ($timestampZone - $timestampUTC);
* Helper function that returns the offset in the timezone string 'UTC+14'
* Returns false if the timezone is not UTC+X or UTC-X
* @param string $timezone
* @return int|bool utc offset or false
protected static function extractUtcOffset($timezone)
if ($timezone === 'UTC') {
return 0;
$start = substr($timezone, 0, 4);
if ($start !== 'UTC-'
&& $start !== 'UTC+'
) {
return false;
$offset = (float)substr($timezone, 4);
if ($start === 'UTC-') {
$offset = -$offset;
return $offset;
* Converts a timestamp from UTC to a timezone.
* @param int $timestamp The UNIX timestamp to adjust.
* @param string $timezone The timezone to adjust to.
* @return int The adjusted time as seconds from EPOCH.
public static function adjustForTimezone($timestamp, $timezone)
if (empty($timezone)) {
return $timestamp;
// manually adjust for UTC timezones
$utcOffset = self::extractUtcOffset($timezone);
if ($utcOffset !== false) {
return self::addHourTo($timestamp, $utcOffset);
$datetime = date(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $timestamp);
return strtotime($datetime);
* Returns the date in the "Y-m-d H:i:s" PHP format
* @param int $timestamp
* @return string
public static function getDatetimeFromTimestamp($timestamp)
return date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp);
* Returns the Unix timestamp of the date in UTC.
* @return int
public function getTimestampUTC()
return $this->timestamp;
* Returns the unix timestamp of the date in UTC, converted from the current
* timestamp timezone.
* @return int
public function getTimestamp()
if (empty($this->timezone)) {
$this->timezone = 'UTC';
$utcOffset = self::extractUtcOffset($this->timezone);
if ($utcOffset !== false) {
return (int)($this->timestamp - $utcOffset * 3600);
// The following code seems clunky - I thought the DateTime php class would allow to return timestamps
// after applying the timezone offset. Instead, the underlying timestamp is not changed.
// I decided to get the date without the timezone information, and create the timestamp from the truncated string.
// Unit tests pass (@see Date.test.php) but I'm pretty sure this is not the right way to do it
$dtzone = timezone_open('UTC');
$time = date('r', $this->timestamp);
$dtime = date_create($time);
date_timezone_set($dtime, $dtzone);
$dateWithTimezone = date_format($dtime, 'r');
$dateWithoutTimezone = substr($dateWithTimezone, 0, -6);
$timestamp = strtotime($dateWithoutTimezone);
return (int) $timestamp;
* Returns `true` if the current date is older than the given `$date`.
* @param Date $date
* @return bool
public function isLater(Date $date)
return $this->getTimestamp() > $date->getTimestamp();
* Returns `true` if the current date is earlier than the given `$date`.
* @param Date $date
* @return bool
public function isEarlier(Date $date)
return $this->getTimestamp() < $date->getTimestamp();
* Returns `true` if the current year is a leap year, false otherwise.
* @return bool
public function isLeapYear()
$isLeap = (bool)(date('L', $this->getTimestamp()));
return $isLeap;
* Converts this date to the requested string format. See {@link}
* for the list of format strings.
* @param string $format
* @return string
public function toString($format = 'Y-m-d')
return date($format, $this->getTimestamp());
* See {@link toString()}.
* @return string The current date in `'YYYY-MM-DD'` format.
public function __toString()
return $this->toString();
* Performs three-way comparison of the week of the current date against the given `$date`'s week.
* @param \Piwik\Date $date
* @return int Returns `0` if the current week is equal to `$date`'s, `-1` if the current week is
* earlier or `1` if the current week is later.
public function compareWeek(Date $date)
$currentWeek = date('W', $this->getTimestamp());
$toCompareWeek = date('W', $date->getTimestamp());
if ($currentWeek == $toCompareWeek) {
return 0;
if ($currentWeek < $toCompareWeek) {
return -1;
return 1;
* Performs three-way comparison of the month of the current date against the given `$date`'s month.
* @param \Piwik\Date $date Month to compare
* @return int Returns `0` if the current month is equal to `$date`'s, `-1` if the current month is
* earlier or `1` if the current month is later.
public function compareMonth(Date $date)
$currentMonth = date('n', $this->getTimestamp());
$toCompareMonth = date('n', $date->getTimestamp());
if ($currentMonth == $toCompareMonth) {
return 0;
if ($currentMonth < $toCompareMonth) {
return -1;
return 1;
* Performs three-way comparison of the month of the current date against the given `$date`'s year.
* @param \Piwik\Date $date Year to compare
* @return int Returns `0` if the current year is equal to `$date`'s, `-1` if the current year is
* earlier or `1` if the current year is later.
public function compareYear(Date $date)
$currentYear = date('Y', $this->getTimestamp());
$toCompareYear = date('Y', $date->getTimestamp());
if ($currentYear == $toCompareYear) {
return 0;
if ($currentYear < $toCompareYear) {
return -1;
return 1;
* Returns `true` if current date is today.
* @return bool
public function isToday()
return $this->toString('Y-m-d') === Date::factory('today', $this->timezone)->toString('Y-m-d');
* Returns a date object set to now in UTC (same as {@link today()}, except that the time is also set).
* @return \Piwik\Date
public static function now()
return new Date(self::getNowTimestamp());
* Returns a date object set to today at midnight in UTC.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public static function today()
return new Date(strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", self::getNowTimestamp())));
* Returns a date object set to tomorrow at midnight in UTC.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public static function tomorrow()
return new Date(strtotime('tomorrow', self::getNowTimestamp()));
* Returns a date object set to yesterday at midnight in UTC.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public static function yesterday()
return new Date(strtotime("yesterday", self::getNowTimestamp()));
* Returns a date object set to yesterday with the current time of day in UTC.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public static function yesterdaySameTime()
return new Date(strtotime("yesterday " . date('H:i:s', self::getNowTimestamp()), self::getNowTimestamp()));
* Returns a date object set to the day a week ago at midnight in UTC.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public static function lastWeek()
return new Date(strtotime("-1week 00:00:00", self::getNowTimestamp()));
* Returns a date object set to the day a month ago at midnight in UTC.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public static function lastMonth()
return new Date(strtotime("-1month 00:00:00", self::getNowTimestamp()));
* Returns a date object set to the day a year ago at midnight in UTC.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public static function lastYear()
return new Date(strtotime("-1year 00:00:00", self::getNowTimestamp()));
* Returns a new Date instance with `$this` date's day and the specified new
* time of day.
* @param string $time String in the `'HH:MM:SS'` format.
* @return \Piwik\Date The new date with the time of day changed.
public function setTime($time)
return new Date(strtotime(date("Y-m-d", $this->timestamp) . " $time"), $this->timezone);
* Returns a new Date instance with `$this` date's time of day and the day specified
* by `$day`.
* @param int $day The day eg. `31`.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public function setDay($day)
$ts = $this->timestamp;
$result = mktime(
date('H', $ts),
date('i', $ts),
date('s', $ts),
date('n', $ts),
date('Y', $ts)
return new Date($result, $this->timezone);
* Returns a new Date instance with `$this` date's time of day, month and day, but with
* a new year (specified by `$year`).
* @param int $year The year, eg. `2010`.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public function setYear($year)
$ts = $this->timestamp;
$result = mktime(
date('H', $ts),
date('i', $ts),
date('s', $ts),
date('n', $ts),
date('j', $ts),
return new Date($result, $this->timezone);
* Subtracts `$n` number of days from `$this` date and returns a new Date object.
* @param int $n An integer > 0.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public function subDay($n)
if ($n === 0) {
return clone $this;
$ts = strtotime("-$n day", $this->timestamp);
return new Date($ts, $this->timezone);
* Subtracts `$n` weeks from `$this` date and returns a new Date object.
* @param int $n An integer > 0.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public function subWeek($n)
return $this->subDay(7 * $n);
* Subtracts `$n` months from `$this` date and returns the result as a new Date object.
* @param int $n An integer > 0.
* @return \Piwik\Date new date
public function subMonth($n)
if ($n === 0) {
return clone $this;
$ts = $this->timestamp;
$result = mktime(
date('H', $ts),
date('i', $ts),
date('s', $ts),
date('n', $ts) - $n,
1, // we set the day to 1
date('Y', $ts)
return new Date($result, $this->timezone);
* Subtracts `$n` years from `$this` date and returns the result as a new Date object.
* @param int $n An integer > 0.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public function subYear($n)
if ($n === 0) {
return clone $this;
$ts = $this->timestamp;
$result = mktime(
date('H', $ts),
date('i', $ts),
date('s', $ts),
1, // we set the month to 1
1, // we set the day to 1
date('Y', $ts) - $n
return new Date($result, $this->timezone);
* Returns a localized date string using the given template.
* The template should contain tags that will be replaced with localized date strings.
* @param string $template eg. `"MMM y"`
* @param bool $ucfirst whether the first letter should be upper-cased
* @return string eg. `"Aug 2009"`
public function getLocalized($template, $ucfirst = true)
$dateTimeFormatProvider = StaticContainer::get('Piwik\Intl\Data\Provider\DateTimeFormatProvider');
$template = $dateTimeFormatProvider->getFormatPattern($template);
$tokens = self::parseFormat($template);
$out = '';
foreach ($tokens AS $token) {
if (is_array($token)) {
$out .= $this->formatToken(array_shift($token));
} else {
$out .= $token;
if ($ucfirst) {
$out = mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($out, 0, 1)) . mb_substr($out, 1);
return $out;
protected function formatToken($token)
$dayOfWeek = $this->toString('N');
$monthOfYear = $this->toString('n');
$translator = StaticContainer::get('Piwik\Translation\Translator');
switch ($token) {
// year
case "yyyy":
case "y":
return $this->toString('Y');
case "yy":
return $this->toString('y');
// month
case "MMMM":
return $translator->translate('Intl_Month_Long_' . $monthOfYear);
case "MMM":
return $translator->translate('Intl_Month_Short_' . $monthOfYear);
case "MM":
return $this->toString('n');
case "M":
return $this->toString('m');
case "LLLL":
return $translator->translate('Intl_Month_Long_StandAlone_' . $monthOfYear);
case "LLL":
return $translator->translate('Intl_Month_Short_StandAlone_' . $monthOfYear);
case "LL":
return $this->toString('n');
case "L":
return $this->toString('m');
// day
case "dd":
return $this->toString('d');
case "d":
return $this->toString('j');
case "EEEE":
return $translator->translate('Intl_Day_Long_' . $dayOfWeek);
case "EEE":
case "EE":
case "E":
return $translator->translate('Intl_Day_Short_' . $dayOfWeek);
case "cccc":
return $translator->translate('Intl_Day_Long_StandAlone_' . $dayOfWeek);
case "ccc":
case "cc":
case "c":
return $translator->translate('Intl_Day_Short_StandAlone_' . $dayOfWeek);
case "D":
return 1 + (int)$this->toString('z'); // 1 - 366
case "F":
return (int)(((int)$this->toString('j') + 6) / 7);
// week in month
case "w":
$weekDay = date('N', mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->toString('m'), 1, $this->toString('y')));
return floor(($weekDay + (int)$this->toString('m') - 2) / 7) + 1;
// week in year
case "W":
return $this->toString('N');
// hour
case "HH":
return $this->toString('H');
case "H":
return $this->toString('G');
case "hh":
return $this->toString('h');
case "h":
return $this->toString('g');
case "KK": // 00 .. 11
return str_pad($this->toString('g') - 1, 2, '0');
case "K": // 0 .. 11
return $this->toString('g') - 1;
case "kk": // 01 .. 24
return str_pad($this->toString('G') + 1, 2, '0');
case "k": // 1 .. 24
return $this->toString('G') + 1;
// minute
case "mm":
case "m":
return $this->toString('i');
// second
case "ss":
case "s":
return $this->toString('s');
// would normally also include AM, PM, Noon and Midnight
case "b":
// would normally be a textual presentation like "in the afternoon"
case "B":
// am / pm
case "a":
return $this->toString('a') == 'am' ? $translator->translate('Intl_Time_AM') : $translator->translate('Intl_Time_PM');
// currently not implemented:
case "G":
case "GG":
case "GGG":
case "GGGG":
case "GGGGG":
return ''; // era
case "z":
case "Z":
case "v":
return ''; // time zone
return '';
protected static $tokens = array(
'G', 'y', 'M', 'L', 'd', 'h', 'H', 'k', 'K', 'm', 's', 'E', 'c', 'e', 'D', 'F', 'w', 'W', 'a', 'b', 'B', 'z', 'Z', 'v',
* Parses the datetime format pattern and returns a tokenized result array
* Examples:
* Input Output
* '' array(array('dd'), '.', array('mm'), '.', array('yyyy'))
* 'y?M?d?EEEE ah:mm:ss' array(array('y'), '?', array('M'), '?', array('d'), '?', array('EEEE'), ' ', array('a'), array('h'), ':', array('mm'), ':', array('ss'))
* @param string $pattern the pattern to be parsed
* @return array tokenized parsing result
protected static function parseFormat($pattern)
static $formats = array(); // cache
if (isset($formats[$pattern])) {
return $formats[$pattern];
$tokens = array();
$n = strlen($pattern);
$isLiteral = false;
$literal = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$c = $pattern[$i];
if ($c === "'") {
if ($i < $n - 1 && $pattern[$i + 1] === "'") {
$tokens[] = "'";
} elseif ($isLiteral) {
$tokens[] = $literal;
$literal = '';
$isLiteral = false;
} else {
$isLiteral = true;
$literal = '';
} elseif ($isLiteral) {
$literal .= $c;
} else {
for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $n; ++$j) {
if ($pattern[$j] !== $c) {
$p = str_repeat($c, $j - $i);
if (in_array($c, self::$tokens)) {
$tokens[] = array($p);
} else {
$tokens[] = $p;
$i = $j - 1;
if ($literal !== '') {
$tokens[] = $literal;
return $formats[$pattern] = $tokens;
* Adds `$n` days to `$this` date and returns the result in a new Date.
* instance.
* @param int $n Number of days to add, must be > 0.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public function addDay($n)
$ts = strtotime("+$n day", $this->timestamp);
return new Date($ts, $this->timezone);
* Adds `$n` Month to `$this` date and returns the result in a new Date.
* instance.
* @param int $n Number of days to add, must be > 0.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public function addMonth($n)
$ts = strtotime("+$n month", $this->timestamp);
return new Date($ts, $this->timezone);
* Adds `$n` hours to `$this` date and returns the result in a new Date.
* @param int $n Number of hours to add. Can be less than 0.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public function addHour($n)
$ts = self::addHourTo($this->timestamp, $n);
return new Date($ts, $this->timezone);
* Adds N number of hours to a UNIX timestamp and returns the result. Using
* this static function instead of {@link addHour()} will be faster since a
* Date instance does not have to be created.
* @param int $timestamp The timestamp to add to.
* @param number $n Number of hours to add, must be > 0.
* @return int The result as a UNIX timestamp.
public static function addHourTo($timestamp, $n)
$isNegative = ($n < 0);
$minutes = 0;
if ($n != round($n)) {
if ($n >= 1 || $n <= -1) {
$extraMinutes = floor(abs($n));
if ($isNegative) {
$extraMinutes = -$extraMinutes;
$minutes = abs($n - $extraMinutes) * 60;
if ($isNegative) {
$minutes *= -1;
} else {
$minutes = $n * 60;
$n = floor(abs($n));
if ($isNegative) {
$n *= -1;
return (int)($timestamp + round($minutes * 60) + $n * 3600);
* Subtracts `$n` hours from `$this` date and returns the result in a new Date.
* @param int $n Number of hours to subtract. Can be less than 0.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public function subHour($n)
return $this->addHour(-$n);
* Subtracts `$n` seconds from `$this` date and returns the result in a new Date.
* @param int $n Number of seconds to subtract. Can be less than 0.
* @return \Piwik\Date
public function subSeconds($n)
return new Date($this->timestamp - $n, $this->timezone);
* Adds a period to `$this` date and returns the result in a new Date instance.
* @param int $n The number of periods to add. Can be negative.
* @param string $period The type of period to add (YEAR, MONTH, WEEK, DAY, ...)
* @return \Piwik\Date
public function addPeriod($n, $period)
if (strtolower($period) == 'month') { // TODO: comments
$dateInfo = getdate($this->timestamp);
$ts = mktime(
$dateInfo['mon'] + (int)$n,
$daysToAdd = min($dateInfo['mday'], self::getMaxDaysInMonth($ts)) - 1;
$ts += self::NUM_SECONDS_IN_DAY * $daysToAdd;
} else {
$time = $n < 0 ? "$n $period" : "+$n $period";
$ts = strtotime($time, $this->timestamp);
return new Date($ts, $this->timezone);
private static function getMaxDaysInMonth($timestamp)
$month = (int)date('m', $timestamp);
if (date('L', $timestamp) == 1
&& $month == 2
) {
return 29;
} else {
return self::$maxDaysInMonth[$month];
* Subtracts a period from `$this` date and returns the result in a new Date instance.
* @param int $n The number of periods to add. Can be negative.
* @param string $period The type of period to add (YEAR, MONTH, WEEK, DAY, ...)
* @return \Piwik\Date
public function subPeriod($n, $period)
return $this->addPeriod(-$n, $period);
* Returns the number of days represented by a number of seconds.
* @param int $secs
* @return float
public static function secondsToDays($secs)
return $secs / self::NUM_SECONDS_IN_DAY;
private static function getInvalidDateFormatException($dateString)
$message = Piwik::translate('General_ExceptionInvalidDateFormat', array("YYYY-MM-DD, or 'today' or 'yesterday'", "strtotime", ""));
return new Exception($message . ": $dateString");
* For tests.
* @return int|null
* @ignore
public static function getNowTimestamp()
return isset(self::$now) ? self::$now : time();