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  1. %union {
  2. int nombre;
  3. char id[30];
  4. }
  5. %{
  6. #include "../Tables/Symboles/table_symboles.h"
  7. #include <stdio.h>
  8. #include <string.h>
  9. #include <stdlib.h>
  10. #include "../Tables/Instructions/tab_instruc.h"
  11. #define TAILLE 1024
  12. struct type_t type_courant;
  13. int instructions_ligne_to_patch[10][20];
  14. int nbs_instructions_to_patch[10];
  15. %}
  16. %token tMAIN
  17. %token tOBRACKET tCBRACKET
  18. %token tOBRACE tCBRACE
  19. %token tOCROCH tCCROCH
  20. %token tINT
  21. %token tCONST
  22. %token tPV tCOMA
  23. %token tMUL tDIV tADD tSUB tEQ
  24. %token<nombre> tNB tNBEXP
  25. %token<id> tID
  26. %token tPRINTF
  27. %token tERROR
  28. %token<nombre> tIF tWHILE tELSE
  29. %token tLT tGT tEQCOND
  30. %token tAND tOR
  31. %token tADDR
  32. %left tLT tGT
  33. %left tEQCOND
  34. %left tAND tOR
  35. %left tNOT
  36. %left tADD tSUB
  37. %left tMUL tDIV
  38. %type<nombre> E Invocation DebutAff SuiteAffPointeur DebutAffPointeur EBis ETer
  39. //%type<nombre> E
  40. /******************************************** FAIRE LA GENERATION DU CODE ASSEMBLEUR DANS UN TABLEAU AVEC UN FPRINTF *******************/
  41. %%
  42. Main : tINT tMAIN tOBRACE Params tCBRACE Body { print(); create_asm();} ;
  43. Params : { printf("Sans Params\n"); } ;
  44. Params : Param SuiteParams ;
  45. Param : Type tID { printf("Prametre : %s\n", $2); };
  46. SuiteParams : tCOMA Param SuiteParams ;
  47. SuiteParams : ;
  48. Body : tOBRACKET {profondeur++;} Instructions tCBRACKET {print(); reset_pronf(); profondeur--;} ;
  49. Instructions : Instruction Instructions ;
  50. Instructions : ;
  51. Instruction : Aff {};
  52. Instruction : Decl {};
  53. Instruction : Invocation tPV{};
  54. Instruction : If {};
  55. Instruction : While {};
  56. //On considère que la première ligne du code en ASM est la ligne 0
  57. If : tIF tOBRACE E tCBRACE {
  58. add_operation(JMF,$3,0,0); $1 = get_current_index() - 1;}
  59. Body {int current = get_current_index();
  60. patch($1,current + 1);
  61. add_operation(JMP,0,0,0);
  62. instructions_ligne_to_patch[profondeur][nbs_instructions_to_patch[profondeur]] = current;
  63. nbs_instructions_to_patch[profondeur]++;
  64. decrement_temp_var();}
  65. Else {printf("If reconnu\n");};
  66. Else : tELSE If { printf("Else if reconnu\n"); };
  67. Else : tELSE Body { printf("Else reconnu\n"); int current = get_current_index();
  68. for (int i = 0; i< nbs_instructions_to_patch[profondeur]; i++){
  69. patch(instructions_ligne_to_patch[profondeur][i],current);
  70. }
  71. nbs_instructions_to_patch[profondeur] = 0;
  72. };
  73. Else : {int current = get_current_index();
  74. for (int i = 0; i< nbs_instructions_to_patch[profondeur]; i++){
  75. patch(instructions_ligne_to_patch[profondeur][i],current);
  76. }
  77. nbs_instructions_to_patch[profondeur] = 0;};
  78. While : tWHILE tOBRACE E tCBRACE {
  79. add_operation(JMF,$3,0,0);
  80. $1 = get_current_index() - 1;
  81. decrement_temp_var();}
  82. Body { printf("While reconnu\n");
  83. int current = get_current_index();
  84. patch($1,current + 1);
  85. add_operation(JMP,$1,0,0);};
  86. Aff : DebutAff tEQ E tPV {add_operation(COP, $1, $3,0); decrement_temp_var();} ;
  87. Aff : DebutAffPointeur tEQ E tPV {add_operation(WR,$1,$3,0); decrement_temp_var(); decrement_temp_var();};
  88. DebutAff : tID {struct symbole_t * symbole = get_variable($1); symbole->initialized = 1; $$=symbole->adresse; printf("%s prend une valeur\n", $1);};
  89. DebutAffPointeur : tMUL SuiteAffPointeur {add_operation(READ, $2, $2, 0); $$=$2;};
  90. DebutAffPointeur : SuiteAffPointeur {$$=$1;};
  91. SuiteAffPointeur : tMUL tID {struct symbole_t * symbole = get_variable($2); int addr = allocate_mem_temp_var(symbole->type.base); add_operation(COP, addr,symbole->adresse,0); $$=addr;};
  92. SuiteAffPointeur : tID tOCROCH E tCCROCH {struct symbole_t * symbole = get_variable($1); int addr = allocate_mem_temp_var(symbole->type.base); add_operation(AFC, addr,symbole->adresse,0); int addr2 = allocate_mem_temp_var(INT); add_operation(AFC, addr2, taille_types[symbole->type.base],0); add_operation(MUL,$3,addr2,$3); add_operation(ADD,$3,addr,$3); $$=$3; decrement_temp_var(); decrement_temp_var();};
  93. E : tNB { int addr = allocate_mem_temp_var(INT); add_operation(AFC, addr,$1,0); $$ = addr;};
  94. E : tNBEXP { printf("Nombre exp\n"); int addr = allocate_mem_temp_var(INT); add_operation(AFC, addr,$1,0); $$ = addr;};
  95. E : E tMUL E { printf("Mul\n"); add_operation(MUL,$1,$1,$3); $$ = $1; decrement_temp_var();};
  96. E : E tDIV E { printf("Div\n"); add_operation(DIV, $1,$1,$3); $$ = $1; decrement_temp_var();};
  97. E : E tSUB E { printf("Sub\n"); add_operation(SOU,$1,$1,$3); $$ = $1; decrement_temp_var();};
  98. E : E tADD E { printf("Add\n"); add_operation(ADD,$1,$1,$3); $$ = $1; decrement_temp_var();};
  99. E : Invocation { printf("Invoc\n"); int addr = allocate_mem_temp_var(INT); add_operation(AFC, addr,$1,0); $$ = addr;};
  100. E : tOBRACE E tCBRACE { printf("Parentheses\n"); $$=$2;};
  101. E : tSUB E { printf("Moins\n"); int addr = allocate_mem_temp_var(INT); add_operation(AFC, addr,0,0); add_operation(SOU, $2,$2,addr); $$ = $2; decrement_temp_var();};
  102. E : E tEQCOND E { printf("==\n"); add_operation(EQU,$1,$1,$3); $$ = $1; decrement_temp_var();};
  103. E : E tGT E { printf(">\n"); add_operation(SUP,$1,$1,$3); $$ = $1; decrement_temp_var();};
  104. E : E tLT E { printf("<\n"); add_operation(INF,$1,$1,$3); $$ = $1; decrement_temp_var();};
  105. E : tNOT E { printf("!\n"); };
  106. E : E tAND E {add_operation(MUL,$1,$1,$3); $$ = $1; decrement_temp_var();};
  107. E : E tOR E {add_operation(ADD,$1,$1,$3); $$ = $1; decrement_temp_var();} ;
  108. E : tMUL E { add_operation(READ, $2, $2, 0); $$=$2;};
  109. E : tADDR EBis {add_operation(COPA,$2, $2,0); $$=$2;};
  110. E : tADDR ETer {add_operation(COPA,$2, $2,0); $$=$2;};
  111. E : tID tID { printf("Id\n"); struct symbole_t * symbole = get_variable($1); int addr = allocate_mem_temp_var(symbole->type.base); add_operation(COP, addr,symbole->adresse,0); $$=addr;};
  112. E : tID tOCROCH E tCCROCH {struct symbole_t * symbole = get_variable($1); int addr = allocate_mem_temp_var(symbole->type.base); add_operation(AFC, addr,symbole->adresse,0); int addr2 = allocate_mem_temp_var(INT); add_operation(AFC, addr2, taille_types[symbole->type.base],0); add_operation(MUL,$3,addr2,$3); add_operation(ADD,$3,addr,$3); add_operation(READ,$3,$3,0); $$=$3; decrement_temp_var(); decrement_temp_var();};
  113. EBis : tID tOCROCH E tCCROCH {struct symbole_t * symbole = get_variable($1); int addr = allocate_mem_temp_var(symbole->type.base); add_operation(AFC, addr,symbole->adresse,0); int addr2 = allocate_mem_temp_var(INT); add_operation(AFC, addr2, taille_types[symbole->type.base],0); add_operation(MUL,$3,addr2,$3); add_operation(ADD,$3,addr,$3); $$=$3; decrement_temp_var(); decrement_temp_var();};
  114. ETer : tID { printf("Id\n"); struct symbole_t * symbole = get_variable($1); int addr = allocate_mem_temp_var(symbole->type.base); add_operation(AFC, addr,symbole->adresse,0); $$=addr;};
  115. //Créer un champ isConst dans la table des symboles
  116. Type : tINT {type_courant.base = INT; type_courant.pointeur_level = 0; type_courant.nb_blocs = 1; printf("Type int\n");} ;
  117. Type : Type tMUL {type_courant.pointeur_level++; printf("Type int *\n");};
  118. //SuiteType : tMUL SuiteType {type_courant.pointeur_level++; printf(" * en plus\n");} ;
  119. //SuiteType : ;
  120. Decl : Type SuiteDecl FinDecl ;
  121. Decl : tCONST Type SuiteDeclConst FinDeclConst;
  122. SuiteDecl : tID {push($1, 0, type_courant); printf("Suite Decl\n");};
  123. SuiteDecl : tID tEQ E {decrement_temp_var(); int addr = push($1,1, type_courant);};
  124. SuiteDecl : tID tOCROCH tNB tCCROCH {type_courant.pointeur_level++; decl_tab($1,type_courant,$3); type_courant.nb_blocs = 1;} ;
  125. FinDecl : tPV { printf("Fin Decl\n");};
  126. FinDecl : tCOMA SuiteDecl FinDecl ;
  127. SuiteDeclConst : tID tEQ E {decrement_temp_var(); int addr = push($1,1, type_courant);};
  128. FinDeclConst : tPV;
  129. FinDeclConst : tCOMA SuiteDeclConst FinDeclConst;
  130. /* //Créer un champ isConst dans la table des symboles
  131. DeclType : tINT {type_courant = INT; printf("Type int\n");} ;
  132. Decl : tCONST DeclType SuiteDeclConst { } ;
  133. SuiteDeclConst : tCOMA tID SuiteDeclConst ;
  134. SuiteDeclConst : tEQ E tPV { };
  135. SuiteDeclConst : tPV { };
  136. Decl : DeclType Decl SuiteDecl { } ;
  137. Decl : tID {push($1, 0, type_courant);};
  138. Decl : tID tEQ E {int addr = push($1,1, type_courant); add_operation(AFC, addr,$3,0);} ;
  139. SuiteDecl : tCOMA Decl SuiteDecl { };
  140. SuiteDecl : tPV { };
  141. */
  142. Invocation : tPRINTF tOBRACE tID tCBRACE { printf("Appel de printf sur %s\n", $3); } ;
  143. /*S : E tPV
  144. { printf("RES: %d\n", $1); }
  145. S
  146. | { printf("END\n"); }
  147. ;
  148. E : E tADD E { $$ = $1 + $3; }
  149. | E tSUB E { $$ = $1 - $3; }
  150. | tOB E tCB { $$ = $2; }
  151. | tNB { $$ = $1; }
  152. ;*/
  153. %%
  154. void main(void) {
  155. init();
  156. yyparse();
  157. }