prepare("SELECT * FROM mots_croise WHERE name=? AND id=? AND trouve=?"); $req->execute(array(htmlspecialchars($_POST["mot"]),(int) $_POST["id_mot"],FALSE)); $mot_exist = $req->rowCount(); if($mot_exist == 1) { if(!empty($_POST['team'])) { $team = htmlspecialchars($_POST['team']); if($team == $TEAM1) { $team = 0; } elseif($team == $TEAM2) { $team = 1; } else { header('Refresh: 0'); } //ajoute des points au score général $req = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO scores(texte, points, team, id_staff) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); $req->execute(array("Mots croises","500", $team, 0)); // maj la valeur de trouve a TRUE $req = $db->prepare("UPDATE mots_croise SET trouve=? WHERE name=?"); $req->execute(array(TRUE,htmlspecialchars($_POST["mot"]))); ?>prepare("SELECT * FROM mots_croise WHERE name=? AND id=? AND trouve=?"); $req->execute(array(htmlspecialchars($_POST["mot"]),(int) $_POST["id_mot"],TRUE)); $mot_exist = $req->rowCount(); if($mot_exist == 1){ ?>

prepare("SELECT * FROM mots_croise WHERE trouve=?"); $req->execute(array(htmlspecialchars(FALSE))); if($req->rowCount() == 0){ ?>

Pas assez rapide ! Tout les mots ont été trouvés !

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