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a_1802466774_3212880686.c 2.4KB

  1. /**********************************************************************/
  2. /* ____ ____ */
  3. /* / /\/ / */
  4. /* /___/ \ / */
  5. /* \ \ \/ */
  6. /* \ \ Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Xilinx, Inc. */
  7. /* / / All Right Reserved. */
  8. /* /---/ /\ */
  9. /* \ \ / \ */
  10. /* \___\/\___\ */
  11. /***********************************************************************/
  12. /* This file is designed for use with ISim build 0x8ddf5b5d */
  13. #define XSI_HIDE_SYMBOL_SPEC true
  14. #include "xsi.h"
  15. #include <memory.h>
  16. #ifdef __GNUC__
  17. #include <stdlib.h>
  18. #else
  19. #include <malloc.h>
  20. #define alloca _alloca
  21. #endif
  22. static const char *ng0 = "/home/foussats/Bureau/projet_system/projet_systeme/xilinx/ALU/bm_instr.vhd";
  23. extern char *IEEE_P_1242562249;
  24. int ieee_p_1242562249_sub_17802405650254020620_1035706684(char *, char *, char *);
  25. static void work_a_1802466774_3212880686_p_0(char *t0)
  26. {
  27. char *t1;
  28. char *t2;
  29. char *t3;
  30. int t4;
  31. int t5;
  32. unsigned int t6;
  33. unsigned int t7;
  34. unsigned int t8;
  35. char *t9;
  36. char *t10;
  37. char *t11;
  38. char *t12;
  39. char *t13;
  40. char *t14;
  41. char *t15;
  42. LAB0: xsi_set_current_line(72, ng0);
  43. LAB3: t1 = (t0 + 1512U);
  44. t2 = *((char **)t1);
  45. t1 = (t0 + 1032U);
  46. t3 = *((char **)t1);
  47. t1 = (t0 + 5224U);
  48. t4 = ieee_p_1242562249_sub_17802405650254020620_1035706684(IEEE_P_1242562249, t3, t1);
  49. t5 = (t4 - 0);
  50. t6 = (t5 * 1);
  51. xsi_vhdl_check_range_of_index(0, 255, 1, t4);
  52. t7 = (32U * t6);
  53. t8 = (0 + t7);
  54. t9 = (t2 + t8);
  55. t10 = (t0 + 3064);
  56. t11 = (t10 + 56U);
  57. t12 = *((char **)t11);
  58. t13 = (t12 + 56U);
  59. t14 = *((char **)t13);
  60. memcpy(t14, t9, 32U);
  61. xsi_driver_first_trans_fast_port(t10);
  62. LAB2: t15 = (t0 + 2984);
  63. *((int *)t15) = 1;
  64. LAB1: return;
  65. LAB4: goto LAB2;
  66. }
  67. extern void work_a_1802466774_3212880686_init()
  68. {
  69. static char *pe[] = {(void *)work_a_1802466774_3212880686_p_0};
  70. xsi_register_didat("work_a_1802466774_3212880686", "isim/process_test_isim_beh.exe.sim/work/a_1802466774_3212880686.didat");
  71. xsi_register_executes(pe);
  72. }