diff --git a/App.js b/App.js
index 7d771f2..5f60e71 100644
--- a/App.js
+++ b/App.js
@@ -1,19 +1,54 @@
import React from 'react';
-import { StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native';
+import {Dimensions, StyleSheet, View, Text} from 'react-native';
+import {StyleProvider} from 'native-base';
+import AppNavigator from './navigation/AppNavigator';
+import ThemeManager from './utils/ThemeManager';
+import LocaleManager from './utils/LocaleManager';
+import * as Font from 'expo-font';
-export default function App() {
- return (
- Open up App.js to start working on your app!
- );
+export default class App extends React.Component {
+ constructor(props) {
+ super(props);
+ LocaleManager.getInstance().initTranslations();
+ this.updateTheme = this.updateTheme.bind(this);
+ this.state = {
+ isLoading: true,
+ currentTheme: undefined,
+ };
+ }
+ async componentWillMount() {
+ await Font.loadAsync({
+ 'Roboto': require('native-base/Fonts/Roboto.ttf'),
+ 'Roboto_medium': require('native-base/Fonts/Roboto_medium.ttf'),
+ });
+ ThemeManager.getInstance().setUpdateThemeCallback(this.updateTheme);
+ await ThemeManager.getInstance().getDataFromPreferences();
+ this.setState({
+ isLoading: false,
+ currentTheme: ThemeManager.getInstance().getCurrentTheme()
+ });
+ }
+ updateTheme() {
+ console.log('update theme called');
+ // Change not propagating, need to restart the app
+ // this.setState({
+ // currentTheme: ThemeManager.getInstance().getCurrentTheme()
+ // });
+ }
+ render() {
+ if (this.state.isLoading) {
+ return ;
+ }
+ console.log('rendering');
+ // console.log(this.state.currentTheme.variables.containerBgColor);
+ return (
+ );
+ }
-const styles = StyleSheet.create({
- container: {
- flex: 1,
- backgroundColor: '#fff',
- alignItems: 'center',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- },
diff --git a/assets/amicale.png b/assets/amicale.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1cdd1b
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/amicale.png differ
diff --git a/assets/drawer-cover.png b/assets/drawer-cover.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..895f486
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/drawer-cover.png differ
diff --git a/assets/icon.png b/assets/icon.png
index 7f5e01c..e56d6ab 100644
Binary files a/assets/icon.png and b/assets/icon.png differ
diff --git a/assets/image-missing.png b/assets/image-missing.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0252766
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/image-missing.png differ
diff --git a/assets/splash.png b/assets/splash.png
index 4f9ade6..9cb8c72 100644
Binary files a/assets/splash.png and b/assets/splash.png differ
diff --git a/components/CustomHeader.js b/components/CustomHeader.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1f2174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/CustomHeader.js
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import React from "react";
+import {Body, Button, Header, Icon, Left, Right, Title} from "native-base";
+import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";
+import {getStatusBarHeight} from "react-native-status-bar-height";
+export default class CustomHeader extends React.Component {
+ render() {
+ return (
+ {this.props.title}
+ );
+ }
+// Fix header in status bar on Android
+const styles = StyleSheet.create({
+ header: {
+ paddingTop: getStatusBarHeight(),
+ height: 54 + getStatusBarHeight(),
+ },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/SideMenu.js b/components/SideMenu.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cff317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/SideMenu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import {Platform, Dimensions, ScrollView, StyleSheet, View, Image, FlatList} from 'react-native';
+import {Drawer} from 'react-native-paper';
+import {Badge, Text, Container, Content, Icon, Left, List, ListItem, Right} from "native-base";
+import i18n from "i18n-js";
+const deviceHeight = Dimensions.get("window").height;
+const drawerCover = require("../assets/drawer-cover.png");
+export default class SideBar extends React.Component {
+ constructor(props) {
+ super(props);
+ this.state = {
+ active: 'Home',
+ };
+ this.dataSet = [
+ {
+ name: i18n.t('screens.home'),
+ route: "Home",
+ icon: "home",
+ bg: "#C5F442"
+ // types: "11" // Shows the badge
+ },
+ {
+ name: i18n.t('screens.planning'),
+ route: "Planning",
+ icon: "calendar-range",
+ bg: "#477EEA",
+ // types: "11"
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Proxiwash",
+ route: "Proxiwash",
+ icon: "washing-machine",
+ bg: "#477EEA",
+ // types: "11"
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Proximo",
+ route: "Proximo",
+ icon: "shopping",
+ bg: "#477EEA",
+ // types: "11"
+ },
+ {
+ name: i18n.t('screens.settings'),
+ route: "Settings",
+ icon: "settings",
+ bg: "#477EEA",
+ // types: "11"
+ },
+ {
+ name: i18n.t('screens.about'),
+ route: "About",
+ icon: "information",
+ bg: "#477EEA",
+ // types: "11"
+ },
+ ];
+ }
+ navigateToScreen = (route) => () => {
+ this.props.navigation.navigate(route);
+ this.props.navigation.closeDrawer();
+ this.setState({active: route});
+ };
+ render() {
+ return (
+ item.route}
+ renderItem={({item}) =>
+ {item.name}
+ {item.types &&
+ {`${item.types} Types`}
+ }
+ }
+ />
+ );
+ }
+const styles = StyleSheet.create({
+ drawerCover: {
+ alignSelf: "stretch",
+ height: deviceHeight / 4,
+ width: null,
+ position: "relative",
+ marginBottom: 10,
+ marginTop: 20
+ },
+ text: {
+ fontWeight: Platform.OS === "ios" ? "500" : "400",
+ fontSize: 16,
+ marginLeft: 20
+ },
+ badgeText: {
+ fontSize: Platform.OS === "ios" ? 13 : 11,
+ fontWeight: "400",
+ textAlign: "center",
+ marginTop: Platform.OS === "android" ? -3 : undefined
+ }
diff --git a/components/TabBarIcon.js b/components/TabBarIcon.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..245d56b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/TabBarIcon.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import {Ionicons} from '@expo/vector-icons/build/Icons';
+export default class TabBarIcon extends React.Component {
+ render() {
+ return (
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Badge.js b/native-base-theme/components/Badge.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b164a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Badge.js
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const badgeTheme = {
+ ".primary": {
+ backgroundColor: variables.btnPrimaryBg
+ },
+ ".warning": {
+ backgroundColor: variables.btnWarningBg
+ },
+ ".info": {
+ backgroundColor: variables.btnInfoBg
+ },
+ ".success": {
+ backgroundColor: variables.btnSuccessBg
+ },
+ ".danger": {
+ backgroundColor: variables.btnDangerBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.badgeColor,
+ fontSize: variables.fontSizeBase,
+ lineHeight: variables.lineHeight - 1,
+ textAlign: "center",
+ paddingHorizontal: 3
+ },
+ backgroundColor: variables.badgeBg,
+ padding: variables.badgePadding,
+ paddingHorizontal: 6,
+ alignSelf: "flex-start",
+ justifyContent: variables.platform === "ios" ? "center" : undefined,
+ borderRadius: 13.5,
+ height: 27
+ };
+ return badgeTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Body.js b/native-base-theme/components/Body.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f85f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Body.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from './../variables/platform';
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const bodyTheme = {
+ flex: 1,
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ alignSelf: 'center',
+ };
+ return bodyTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Button.js b/native-base-theme/components/Button.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62cefe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Button.js
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const platformStyle = variables.platformStyle;
+ const platform = variables.platform;
+ const darkCommon = {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.brandDark
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.brandDark
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.brandDark
+ }
+ };
+ const lightCommon = {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.brandLight
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.brandLight
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.brandLight
+ }
+ };
+ const primaryCommon = {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.btnPrimaryBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.btnPrimaryBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.btnPrimaryBg
+ }
+ };
+ const successCommon = {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.btnSuccessBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.btnSuccessBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.btnSuccessBg
+ }
+ };
+ const infoCommon = {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.btnInfoBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.btnInfoBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.btnInfoBg
+ }
+ };
+ const warningCommon = {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.btnWarningBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.btnWarningBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.btnWarningBg
+ }
+ };
+ const dangerCommon = {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.btnDangerBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.btnDangerBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.btnDangerBg
+ }
+ };
+ const buttonTheme = {
+ ".disabled": {
+ ".transparent": {
+ backgroundColor: null,
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.btnDisabledBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.btnDisabledBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.btnDisabledBg
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.brandLight
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.brandLight
+ },
+ backgroundColor: variables.btnDisabledBg
+ },
+ ".bordered": {
+ ".dark": {
+ ...darkCommon,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderColor: variables.brandDark,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2
+ },
+ ".light": {
+ ...lightCommon,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderColor: variables.brandLight,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2
+ },
+ ".primary": {
+ ...primaryCommon,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderColor: variables.btnPrimaryBg,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2
+ },
+ ".success": {
+ ...successCommon,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderColor: variables.btnSuccessBg,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2
+ },
+ ".info": {
+ ...infoCommon,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderColor: variables.btnInfoBg,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2
+ },
+ ".warning": {
+ ...warningCommon,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderColor: variables.btnWarningBg,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2
+ },
+ ".danger": {
+ ...dangerCommon,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderColor: variables.btnDangerBg,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2
+ },
+ ".disabled": {
+ backgroundColor: null,
+ borderColor: variables.btnDisabledBg,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2,
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.btnDisabledBg
+ }
+ },
+ ...primaryCommon,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2,
+ elevation: null,
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowOffset: null,
+ shadowOpacity: null,
+ shadowRadius: null,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent"
+ },
+ ".dark": {
+ ".bordered": {
+ ...darkCommon
+ },
+ backgroundColor: variables.brandDark
+ },
+ ".light": {
+ ".transparent": {
+ ...lightCommon,
+ backgroundColor: null
+ },
+ ".bordered": {
+ ...lightCommon
+ },
+ ...darkCommon,
+ backgroundColor: variables.brandLight
+ },
+ ".primary": {
+ ".bordered": {
+ ...primaryCommon
+ },
+ backgroundColor: variables.btnPrimaryBg
+ },
+ ".success": {
+ ".bordered": {
+ ...successCommon
+ },
+ backgroundColor: variables.btnSuccessBg
+ },
+ ".info": {
+ ".bordered": {
+ ...infoCommon
+ },
+ backgroundColor: variables.btnInfoBg
+ },
+ ".warning": {
+ ".bordered": {
+ ...warningCommon
+ },
+ backgroundColor: variables.btnWarningBg
+ },
+ ".danger": {
+ ".bordered": {
+ ...dangerCommon
+ },
+ backgroundColor: variables.btnDangerBg
+ },
+ ".block": {
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ alignSelf: "stretch"
+ },
+ ".full": {
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ alignSelf: "stretch",
+ borderRadius: 0
+ },
+ ".rounded": {
+ // paddingHorizontal: variables.buttonPadding + 20,
+ borderRadius: variables.borderRadiusLarge
+ },
+ ".transparent": {
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ elevation: 0,
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowOffset: null,
+ shadowRadius: null,
+ shadowOpacity: null,
+ ...primaryCommon,
+ ".dark": {
+ ...darkCommon,
+ backgroundColor: null
+ },
+ ".danger": {
+ ...dangerCommon,
+ backgroundColor: null
+ },
+ ".warning": {
+ ...warningCommon,
+ backgroundColor: null
+ },
+ ".info": {
+ ...infoCommon,
+ backgroundColor: null
+ },
+ ".primary": {
+ ...primaryCommon,
+ backgroundColor: null
+ },
+ ".success": {
+ ...successCommon,
+ backgroundColor: null
+ },
+ ".light": {
+ ...lightCommon,
+ backgroundColor: null
+ },
+ ".disabled": {
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderColor: variables.btnDisabledBg,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2,
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.btnDisabledBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.btnDisabledBg
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.btnDisabledBg
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ".small": {
+ height: 30,
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontSize: 14
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ fontSize: 20,
+ paddingTop: 0
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ fontSize: 20,
+ paddingTop: 0
+ }
+ },
+ ".large": {
+ height: 60,
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontSize: 22,
+ }
+ },
+ ".capitalize": {},
+ ".vertical": {
+ flexDirection: "column",
+ height: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontFamily: variables.btnFontFamily,
+ marginLeft: 0,
+ marginRight: 0,
+ color: variables.inverseTextColor,
+ fontSize: variables.btnTextSize,
+ paddingHorizontal: 16,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent"
+ // childPosition: 1
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.inverseTextColor,
+ fontSize: 24,
+ marginHorizontal: 16,
+ paddingTop: platform === "ios" ? 2 : undefined
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.inverseTextColor,
+ fontSize: 24,
+ marginHorizontal: 16,
+ paddingTop: platform === "ios" ? 2 : undefined
+ },
+ ".iconLeft": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ marginLeft: 0
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ marginRight: 0,
+ marginLeft: 16
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ marginRight: 0,
+ marginLeft: 16
+ }
+ },
+ ".iconRight": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ marginRight: 0
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ marginLeft: 0,
+ marginRight: 16
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ marginLeft: 0,
+ marginRight: 16
+ }
+ },
+ ".picker": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ ".note": {
+ fontSize: 16,
+ lineHeight: null
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ paddingVertical: variables.buttonPadding,
+ // paddingHorizontal: variables.buttonPadding + 10,
+ backgroundColor: variables.btnPrimaryBg,
+ borderRadius: variables.borderRadiusBase,
+ borderColor: variables.btnPrimaryBg,
+ borderWidth: null,
+ height: 45,
+ alignSelf: "flex-start",
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ elevation: 2,
+ shadowColor: platformStyle === "material" ? variables.brandDark : undefined,
+ shadowOffset:
+ platformStyle === "material" ? { width: 0, height: 2 } : undefined,
+ shadowOpacity: platformStyle === "material" ? 0.2 : undefined,
+ shadowRadius: platformStyle === "material" ? 1.2 : undefined,
+ alignItems: "center",
+ justifyContent: "space-between"
+ };
+ return buttonTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Card.js b/native-base-theme/components/Card.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f917e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Card.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const cardTheme = {
+ ".transparent": {
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowOffset: null,
+ shadowOpacity: null,
+ shadowRadius: null,
+ elevation: null,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderWidth: 0
+ },
+ ".noShadow": {
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowOffset: null,
+ shadowOpacity: null,
+ elevation: null
+ },
+ marginVertical: 5,
+ marginHorizontal: 2,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ borderRadius: variables.cardBorderRadius,
+ borderColor: variables.cardBorderColor,
+ flexWrap: "nowrap",
+ backgroundColor: variables.cardDefaultBg,
+ shadowColor: "#000",
+ shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 2 },
+ shadowOpacity: 0.1,
+ shadowRadius: 1.5,
+ elevation: 3
+ };
+ return cardTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/CardItem.js b/native-base-theme/components/CardItem.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57724ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/CardItem.js
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+// @flow
+import { StyleSheet } from "react-native";
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const platform = variables.platform;
+ const transparentBtnCommon = {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontSize: variables.DefaultFontSize - 3,
+ color: variables.sTabBarActiveTextColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 10,
+ color: variables.sTabBarActiveTextColor,
+ marginHorizontal: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 10,
+ color: variables.sTabBarActiveTextColor
+ },
+ paddingVertical: null,
+ paddingHorizontal: null
+ };
+ const cardItemTheme = {
+ "NativeBase.Left": {
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ ".note": {
+ color: variables.listNoteColor,
+ fontWeight: "400",
+ marginRight: 20
+ }
+ },
+ flex: 1,
+ marginLeft: 10,
+ alignItems: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ marginLeft: 10,
+ alignSelf: "center"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ ".transparent": {
+ ...transparentBtnCommon,
+ paddingRight: variables.cardItemPadding + 5
+ }
+ },
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ alignItems: "center"
+ },
+ ".content": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: platform === "ios" ? "#555" : "#222",
+ fontSize: variables.DefaultFontSize - 2
+ }
+ },
+ ".cardBody": {
+ padding: -5,
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ marginTop: 5
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ ".note": {
+ color: variables.listNoteColor,
+ fontWeight: "200",
+ marginRight: 20
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ ".transparent": {
+ ...transparentBtnCommon,
+ paddingRight: variables.cardItemPadding + 5,
+ alignSelf: "stretch"
+ }
+ },
+ flex: 1,
+ alignSelf: "stretch",
+ alignItems: "flex-start"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ "NativeBase.Badge": {
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ ".transparent": {
+ ...transparentBtnCommon
+ },
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ alignSelf: null,
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 8,
+ color: variables.cardBorderColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ alignSelf: null,
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 8,
+ color: variables.cardBorderColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontSize: variables.DefaultFontSize - 1,
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Thumbnail": {
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Image": {
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Radio": {
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Checkbox": {
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Switch": {
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ flex: 0.8
+ },
+ ".header": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontSize: 16,
+ fontWeight: platform === "ios" ? "600" : "500"
+ },
+ ".bordered": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.brandPrimary,
+ fontWeight: platform === "ios" ? "600" : "500"
+ },
+ borderBottomWidth: variables.borderWidth
+ },
+ borderBottomWidth: null,
+ paddingVertical: variables.cardItemPadding + 5
+ },
+ ".footer": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontSize: 16,
+ fontWeight: platform === "ios" ? "600" : "500"
+ },
+ ".bordered": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.brandPrimary,
+ fontWeight: platform === "ios" ? "600" : "500"
+ },
+ borderTopWidth: variables.borderWidth
+ },
+ borderBottomWidth: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ ".note": {
+ color: variables.listNoteColor,
+ fontWeight: "200"
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ width: variables.iconFontSize + 5,
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 2
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ width: variables.iconFontSize + 5,
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 2
+ },
+ ".bordered": {
+ borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
+ borderColor: variables.cardBorderColor
+ },
+ ".first": {
+ borderTopLeftRadius: variables.cardBorderRadius,
+ borderTopRightRadius: variables.cardBorderRadius
+ },
+ ".last": {
+ borderBottomLeftRadius: variables.cardBorderRadius,
+ borderBottomRightRadius: variables.cardBorderRadius
+ },
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ alignItems: "center",
+ borderRadius: variables.cardBorderRadius,
+ padding: variables.cardItemPadding + 5,
+ paddingVertical: variables.cardItemPadding,
+ backgroundColor: variables.cardDefaultBg
+ };
+ return cardItemTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/CheckBox.js b/native-base-theme/components/CheckBox.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d143e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/CheckBox.js
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const checkBoxTheme = {
+ ".checked": {
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.checkboxTickColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.checkboxTickColor
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: "transparent",
+ lineHeight: variables.CheckboxIconSize,
+ marginTop: variables.CheckboxIconMarginTop,
+ fontSize: variables.CheckboxFontSize
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: "transparent",
+ lineHeight: variables.CheckboxIconSize,
+ marginTop: variables.CheckboxIconMarginTop,
+ fontSize: variables.CheckboxFontSize
+ },
+ borderRadius: variables.CheckboxRadius,
+ overflow: "hidden",
+ width: variables.checkboxSize,
+ height: variables.checkboxSize,
+ borderWidth: variables.CheckboxBorderWidth,
+ paddingLeft: variables.CheckboxPaddingLeft - 1,
+ paddingBottom: variables.CheckboxPaddingBottom,
+ left: 10
+ };
+ return checkBoxTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Container.js b/native-base-theme/components/Container.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a93fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Container.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// @flow
+import { Platform, Dimensions } from "react-native";
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+const deviceHeight = Dimensions.get("window").height;
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const theme = {
+ flex: 1,
+ height: Platform.OS === "ios" ? deviceHeight : deviceHeight - 20,
+ backgroundColor: variables.containerBgColor
+ };
+ return theme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Content.js b/native-base-theme/components/Content.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72230c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Content.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const contentTheme = {
+ flex: 1,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ "NativeBase.Segment": {
+ borderWidth: 0,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent"
+ }
+ };
+ return contentTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Fab.js b/native-base-theme/components/Fab.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3314da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Fab.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const platform = variables.platform;
+ const fabTheme = {
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ alignItems: "center",
+ padding: null,
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ fontSize: 20,
+ marginLeft: 0,
+ marginRight: 0,
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ fontSize: 20,
+ marginLeft: 0,
+ marginRight: 0,
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ return fabTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Footer.js b/native-base-theme/components/Footer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0021508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Footer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const platformStyle = variables.platformStyle;
+ const platform = variables.platform;
+ const iconCommon = {
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.tabBarActiveTextColor
+ }
+ };
+ const iconNBCommon = {
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.tabBarActiveTextColor
+ }
+ };
+ const textCommon = {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.tabBarActiveTextColor
+ }
+ };
+ const footerTheme = {
+ "NativeBase.Left": {
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ ".transparent": {
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderColor: null,
+ elevation: 0,
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowOffset: null,
+ shadowRadius: null,
+ shadowOpacity: null,
+ ...iconCommon,
+ ...iconNBCommon,
+ ...textCommon
+ },
+ alignSelf: null,
+ ...iconCommon,
+ ...iconNBCommon,
+ // ...textCommon
+ },
+ flex: 1,
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ alignItems: "flex-start"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ flex: 1,
+ alignItems: "center",
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ ".transparent": {
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderColor: null,
+ elevation: 0,
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowOffset: null,
+ shadowRadius: null,
+ shadowOpacity: null,
+ ...iconCommon,
+ ...iconNBCommon,
+ ...textCommon
+ },
+ ".full": {
+ height: variables.footerHeight,
+ paddingBottom: variables.footerPaddingBottom,
+ flex: 1
+ },
+ ...iconCommon,
+ ...iconNBCommon,
+ // ...textCommon
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ ".transparent": {
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderColor: null,
+ elevation: 0,
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowOffset: null,
+ shadowRadius: null,
+ shadowOpacity: null,
+ ...iconCommon,
+ ...iconNBCommon,
+ ...textCommon
+ },
+ alignSelf: null,
+ ...iconCommon,
+ ...iconNBCommon,
+ // ...textCommon
+ },
+ flex: 1,
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ alignItems: "flex-end"
+ },
+ backgroundColor: variables.footerDefaultBg,
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ borderTopWidth:
+ platform === "ios" && platformStyle !== "material"
+ ? variables.borderWidth
+ : undefined,
+ borderColor:
+ platform === "ios" && platformStyle !== "material"
+ ? "#cbcbcb"
+ : undefined,
+ height: variables.footerHeight,
+ paddingBottom: variables.footerPaddingBottom,
+ elevation: 3,
+ left: 0,
+ right: 0
+ };
+ return footerTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/FooterTab.js b/native-base-theme/components/FooterTab.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fcdf03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/FooterTab.js
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// @flow
+import { Platform } from "react-native";
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const platform = variables.platform;
+ const footerTabTheme = {
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ ".active": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.tabBarActiveTextColor,
+ fontSize: variables.tabBarTextSize,
+ lineHeight: 16
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.tabBarActiveTextColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.tabBarActiveTextColor
+ },
+ backgroundColor: variables.tabActiveBgColor
+ },
+ flexDirection: null,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderColor: null,
+ elevation: 0,
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowOffset: null,
+ shadowRadius: null,
+ shadowOpacity: null,
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ flex: 1,
+ height: variables.footerHeight,
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ ".badge": {
+ "NativeBase.Badge": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontSize: 11,
+ fontWeight: platform === "ios" ? "600" : undefined,
+ lineHeight: 14
+ },
+ top: -3,
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ left: 10,
+ zIndex: 99,
+ height: 18,
+ padding: 1.7,
+ paddingHorizontal: 3
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ marginTop: -18
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.tabBarTextColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.tabBarTextColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.tabBarTextColor,
+ fontSize: variables.tabBarTextSize,
+ lineHeight: 16
+ }
+ },
+ backgroundColor: Platform.OS === "android"
+ ? variables.footerDefaultBg
+ : undefined,
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ justifyContent: "space-between",
+ flex: 1,
+ alignSelf: "stretch"
+ };
+ return footerTabTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Form.js b/native-base-theme/components/Form.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d7aedc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Form.js
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const platform = variables.platform;
+ const theme = {
+ "NativeBase.Item": {
+ ".fixedLabel": {
+ "NativeBase.Label": {
+ paddingLeft: null
+ },
+ marginLeft: 15
+ },
+ ".inlineLabel": {
+ "NativeBase.Label": {
+ paddingLeft: null
+ },
+ marginLeft: 15
+ },
+ ".placeholderLabel": {
+ "NativeBase.Input": {}
+ },
+ ".stackedLabel": {
+ "NativeBase.Label": {
+ top: 5,
+ paddingLeft: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ paddingLeft: null,
+ marginLeft: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ marginTop: 36
+ },
+ marginLeft: 15
+ },
+ ".floatingLabel": {
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ paddingLeft: null,
+ top: 10,
+ marginLeft: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Label": {
+ left: 0,
+ top: 6
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ top: 6
+ },
+ marginTop: 15,
+ marginLeft: 15
+ },
+ ".regular": {
+ "NativeBase.Label": {
+ left: 0
+ },
+ marginLeft: 0
+ },
+ ".rounded": {
+ "NativeBase.Label": {
+ left: 0
+ },
+ marginLeft: 0
+ },
+ ".underline": {
+ "NativeBase.Label": {
+ left: 0,
+ top: 0,
+ position: "relative"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ left: -15
+ },
+ marginLeft: 15
+ },
+ ".last": {
+ marginLeft: 0,
+ paddingLeft: 15
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Label": {
+ paddingRight: 5
+ },
+ marginLeft: 15
+ }
+ };
+ return theme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/H1.js b/native-base-theme/components/H1.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd87958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/H1.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const h1Theme = {
+ color: variables.textColor,
+ fontSize: variables.fontSizeH1,
+ lineHeight: variables.lineHeightH1,
+ };
+ return h1Theme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/H2.js b/native-base-theme/components/H2.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a1aa77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/H2.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const h2Theme = {
+ color: variables.textColor,
+ fontSize: variables.fontSizeH2,
+ lineHeight: variables.lineHeightH2,
+ };
+ return h2Theme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/H3.js b/native-base-theme/components/H3.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45e5891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/H3.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const h3Theme = {
+ color: variables.textColor,
+ fontSize: variables.fontSizeH3,
+ lineHeight: variables.lineHeightH3
+ };
+ return h3Theme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Header.js b/native-base-theme/components/Header.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e7f30f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Header.js
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+// @flow
+import { PixelRatio, StatusBar } from "react-native";
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const platformStyle = variables.platformStyle;
+ const platform = variables.platform;
+ const headerTheme = {
+ ".span": {
+ height: 128,
+ "NativeBase.Left": {
+ alignSelf: "flex-start"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ alignSelf: "flex-end",
+ alignItems: "flex-start",
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ paddingBottom: 26
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ alignSelf: "flex-start"
+ }
+ },
+ ".hasSubtitle": {
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ "NativeBase.Title": {
+ fontSize: variables.titleFontSize - 2,
+ fontFamily: variables.titleFontfamily,
+ textAlign: "center",
+ fontWeight: "500",
+ paddingBottom: 3
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Subtitle": {
+ fontSize: variables.subTitleFontSize,
+ fontFamily: variables.titleFontfamily,
+ color: variables.subtitleColor,
+ textAlign: "center"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ".transparent": {
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderBottomColor: "transparent",
+ elevation: 0,
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowOffset: null,
+ shadowRadius: null,
+ shadowOpacity: null,
+ paddingTop: platform === "android" ? StatusBar.currentHeight : undefined,
+ height: platform === "android" ? variables.toolbarHeight + StatusBar.currentHeight : variables.toolbarHeight
+ },
+ ".noShadow": {
+ elevation: 0,
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowOffset: null,
+ shadowRadius: null,
+ shadowOpacity: null
+ },
+ ".hasTabs": {
+ elevation: 0,
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowOffset: null,
+ shadowRadius: null,
+ shadowOpacity: null,
+ borderBottomWidth: null
+ },
+ ".hasSegment": {
+ elevation: 0,
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowOffset: null,
+ shadowRadius: null,
+ shadowOpacity: null,
+ borderBottomWidth: null,
+ "NativeBase.Left": {
+ flex: 0.3
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ flex: 0.3
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ flex: 1,
+ "NativeBase.Segment": {
+ marginRight: 0,
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ paddingLeft: 0,
+ paddingRight: 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ".noLeft": {
+ "NativeBase.Left": {
+ width: platform === "ios" ? undefined : 0,
+ flex: platform === "ios" ? 1 : 0
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ "NativeBase.Title": {
+ paddingLeft: platform === "ios" ? undefined : 10
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Subtitle": {
+ paddingLeft: platform === "ios" ? undefined : 10
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ alignItems: "center",
+ ".transparent": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnTextColor,
+ fontWeight: "600"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor
+ },
+ paddingHorizontal: variables.buttonPadding
+ },
+ paddingHorizontal: 15
+ },
+ ".searchBar": {
+ "NativeBase.Item": {
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ color: variables.dropdownLinkColor,
+ fontSize: variables.toolbarSearchIconSize,
+ alignItems: "center",
+ marginTop: 2,
+ paddingRight: 10,
+ paddingLeft: 10
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ color: null,
+ alignSelf: "center"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ lineHeight: null,
+ height: variables.searchBarInputHeight
+ },
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ alignItems: "center",
+ justifyContent: "flex-start",
+ flex: 1,
+ height: variables.searchBarHeight,
+ borderColor: "transparent",
+ backgroundColor: variables.toolbarInputColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ ".transparent": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontWeight: "500"
+ },
+ paddingHorizontal: null,
+ paddingLeft: platform === "ios" ? 10 : null
+ },
+ paddingHorizontal: platform === "ios" ? undefined : null,
+ width: platform === "ios" ? undefined : 0,
+ height: platform === "ios" ? undefined : 0
+ }
+ },
+ ".rounded": {
+ "NativeBase.Item": {
+ borderRadius:
+ platform === "ios" && platformStyle !== "material" ? 25 : 3
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Left": {
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ ".hasText": {
+ marginLeft: -10,
+ height: 30,
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor,
+ fontSize: variables.iconHeaderSize,
+ marginTop: 2,
+ marginRight: 5,
+ marginLeft: 2
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnTextColor,
+ fontSize: platform === "ios" ? 17 : 0,
+ marginLeft: 7,
+ lineHeight: 19.5
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor,
+ fontSize: variables.iconHeaderSize,
+ marginTop: 2,
+ marginRight: 5,
+ marginLeft: 2
+ }
+ },
+ ".transparent": {
+ marginLeft:
+ platform === "ios" && platformStyle !== "material" ? -3 : 0,
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor,
+ fontSize:
+ platform === "ios" && variables.platformStyle !== "material"
+ ? variables.iconHeaderSize + 1
+ : variables.iconHeaderSize,
+ marginTop: 0,
+ marginRight: 2,
+ marginLeft: 1,
+ paddingTop: 1
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor,
+ fontSize:
+ platform === "ios" && variables.platformStyle !== "material"
+ ? variables.iconHeaderSize + 1
+ : variables.iconHeaderSize - 2,
+ marginTop: 0,
+ marginRight: 2,
+ marginLeft: 1,
+ paddingTop: 1
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnTextColor,
+ fontSize: platform === "ios" ? 17 : 0,
+ top: platform === "ios" ? 1 : -1.5,
+ paddingLeft:
+ platform === "ios" && platformStyle !== "material" ? 2 : 5,
+ paddingRight:
+ platform === "ios" && platformStyle !== "material"
+ ? undefined
+ : 10
+ },
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderColor: null,
+ elevation: 0,
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowOffset: null,
+ shadowRadius: null,
+ shadowOpacity: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor
+ },
+ alignSelf: null,
+ paddingRight: variables.buttonPadding,
+ paddingLeft: platform === "ios" && platformStyle !== "material" ? 4 : 8
+ },
+ flex: platform === "ios" && platformStyle !== "material" ? 1 : 0.4,
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ alignItems: "flex-start"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ flex: 1,
+ alignItems:
+ platform === "ios" && platformStyle !== "material"
+ ? "center"
+ : "flex-start",
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ "NativeBase.Segment": {
+ borderWidth: 0,
+ alignSelf: "flex-end",
+ marginRight: platform === "ios" ? -40 : -55
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ ".transparent": {
+ backgroundColor: "transparent"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.inverseTextColor,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ ".hasText": {
+ height: 30,
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor,
+ fontSize: variables.iconHeaderSize - 2,
+ marginTop: 2,
+ marginRight: 2,
+ marginLeft: 5
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnTextColor,
+ fontSize: platform === "ios" ? 17 : 14,
+ lineHeight: 19.5
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor,
+ fontSize: variables.iconHeaderSize - 2,
+ marginTop: 2,
+ marginRight: 2,
+ marginLeft: 5
+ }
+ },
+ ".transparent": {
+ marginRight: platform === "ios" ? -9 : -5,
+ paddingLeft: 15,
+ paddingRight: 12,
+ paddingHorizontal: 15,
+ borderRadius: 50,
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor,
+ fontSize: variables.iconHeaderSize - 2,
+ marginTop: 0,
+ marginLeft: 2,
+ marginRight: 0
+ // paddingTop: 0
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor,
+ fontSize: variables.iconHeaderSize - 2,
+ marginTop: 0,
+ marginLeft: 2,
+ marginRight: 0
+ // paddingTop: 0
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnTextColor,
+ fontSize: platform === "ios" ? 17 : 14,
+ top: platform === "ios" ? 1 : -1.5,
+ paddingRight:
+ platform === "ios" && variables.platformStyle !== "material"
+ ? 0
+ : undefined
+ },
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderColor: null,
+ elevation: 0,
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowOffset: null,
+ shadowRadius: null,
+ shadowOpacity: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.toolbarBtnColor
+ },
+ alignSelf: null,
+ paddingHorizontal: variables.buttonPadding
+ },
+ flex: 1,
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ alignItems: "flex-end",
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ justifyContent: "flex-end"
+ },
+ backgroundColor: variables.toolbarDefaultBg,
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ // paddingHorizontal: 10,
+ paddingLeft:
+ platform === "ios" && variables.platformStyle !== "material" ? 6 : 10,
+ paddingRight: 10,
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ paddingTop: platform === "ios" ? 18 : 0,
+ borderBottomWidth:
+ platform === "ios" ? 1 / PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(1) : 0,
+ borderBottomColor: variables.toolbarDefaultBorder,
+ height:
+ variables.platform === "ios" && variables.platformStyle === "material"
+ ? variables.toolbarHeight + 10
+ : variables.toolbarHeight,
+ elevation: 3,
+ shadowColor: platformStyle === "material" ? "#000" : undefined,
+ shadowOffset:
+ platformStyle === "material" ? { width: 0, height: 2 } : undefined,
+ shadowOpacity: platformStyle === "material" ? 0.2 : undefined,
+ shadowRadius: platformStyle === "material" ? 1.2 : undefined,
+ top: 0,
+ left: 0,
+ right: 0
+ };
+ return headerTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Icon.js b/native-base-theme/components/Icon.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b75534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Icon.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const iconTheme = {
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize,
+ color: "#000"
+ };
+ return iconTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Input.js b/native-base-theme/components/Input.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad0abff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Input.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from './../variables/platform';
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const inputTheme = {
+ '.multiline': {
+ height: null,
+ },
+ height: variables.inputHeightBase,
+ color: variables.inputColor,
+ paddingLeft: 5,
+ paddingRight: 5,
+ flex: 1,
+ fontSize: variables.inputFontSize
+ };
+ return inputTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/InputGroup.js b/native-base-theme/components/InputGroup.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d33525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/InputGroup.js
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const inputGroupTheme = {
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ fontSize: 24,
+ color: variables.sTabBarActiveTextColor,
+ paddingHorizontal: 5
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ fontSize: 24,
+ color: variables.sTabBarActiveTextColor,
+ paddingHorizontal: 5
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ height: variables.inputHeightBase,
+ color: variables.inputColor,
+ paddingLeft: 5,
+ paddingRight: 5,
+ flex: 1,
+ fontSize: variables.inputFontSize,
+ lineHeight: variables.inputLineHeight
+ },
+ ".underline": {
+ ".success": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ ".error": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ paddingLeft: 5,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ borderTopWidth: 0,
+ borderRightWidth: 0,
+ borderLeftWidth: 0,
+ borderColor: variables.inputBorderColor
+ },
+ ".regular": {
+ ".success": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ ".error": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ paddingLeft: 5,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ borderColor: variables.inputBorderColor
+ },
+ ".rounded": {
+ ".success": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ ".error": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ paddingLeft: 5,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ borderRadius: variables.inputGroupRoundedBorderRadius,
+ borderColor: variables.inputBorderColor
+ },
+ ".success": {
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ ".rounded": {
+ borderRadius: 30,
+ borderColor: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ ".regular": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ ".underline": {
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ borderTopWidth: 0,
+ borderRightWidth: 0,
+ borderLeftWidth: 0,
+ borderColor: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ borderColor: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ ".error": {
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ ".rounded": {
+ borderRadius: 30,
+ borderColor: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ ".regular": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ ".underline": {
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ borderTopWidth: 0,
+ borderRightWidth: 0,
+ borderLeftWidth: 0,
+ borderColor: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ borderColor: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ ".disabled": {
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: "#384850"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: "#384850"
+ }
+ },
+ paddingLeft: 5,
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ borderTopWidth: 0,
+ borderRightWidth: 0,
+ borderLeftWidth: 0,
+ borderColor: variables.inputBorderColor,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ alignItems: "center"
+ };
+ return inputGroupTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Item.js b/native-base-theme/components/Item.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..447f297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Item.js
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+// @flow
+import { Platform } from "react-native";
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const itemTheme = {
+ ".floatingLabel": {
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ height: 50,
+ top: 8,
+ paddingTop: 3,
+ paddingBottom: 7,
+ ".multiline": {
+ minHeight: variables.inputHeightBase,
+ paddingTop: Platform.OS === "ios" ? 10 : 3,
+ paddingBottom: Platform.OS === "ios" ? 14 : 10
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Label": {
+ paddingTop: 5
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ top: 6,
+ paddingTop: 8
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ top: 6,
+ paddingTop: 8
+ }
+ },
+ ".fixedLabel": {
+ "NativeBase.Label": {
+ position: null,
+ top: null,
+ left: null,
+ right: null,
+ flex: 1,
+ height: null,
+ width: null,
+ fontSize: variables.inputFontSize
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ flex: 2,
+ fontSize: variables.inputFontSize
+ }
+ },
+ ".stackedLabel": {
+ "NativeBase.Label": {
+ position: null,
+ top: null,
+ left: null,
+ right: null,
+ paddingTop: 5,
+ alignSelf: "flex-start",
+ fontSize: variables.inputFontSize - 2
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ marginTop: 36
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ alignSelf: Platform.OS === "ios" ? "stretch" : "flex-start",
+ flex: 1,
+ width: Platform.OS === "ios" ? null : variables.deviceWidth - 25,
+ fontSize: variables.inputFontSize,
+ lineHeight: variables.inputLineHeight - 6,
+ ".secureTextEntry": {
+ fontSize: variables.inputFontSize - 4
+ },
+ ".multiline": {
+ paddingTop: Platform.OS === "ios" ? 9 : undefined,
+ paddingBottom: Platform.OS === "ios" ? 9 : undefined
+ }
+ },
+ flexDirection: null,
+ minHeight: variables.inputHeightBase + 15
+ },
+ ".inlineLabel": {
+ "NativeBase.Label": {
+ position: null,
+ top: null,
+ left: null,
+ right: null,
+ paddingRight: 20,
+ height: null,
+ width: null,
+ fontSize: variables.inputFontSize
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ paddingLeft: 5,
+ fontSize: variables.inputFontSize
+ },
+ flexDirection: "row"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Label": {
+ fontSize: variables.inputFontSize,
+ color: variables.inputColorPlaceholder,
+ paddingRight: 5
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ fontSize: 24,
+ paddingRight: 8
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ fontSize: 24,
+ paddingRight: 8
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ ".multiline": {
+ height: null
+ },
+ height: variables.inputHeightBase,
+ color: variables.inputColor,
+ flex: 1,
+ top: Platform.OS === "ios" ? 1.5 : undefined,
+ fontSize: variables.inputFontSize
+ },
+ ".underline": {
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ paddingLeft: 15
+ },
+ ".success": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ ".error": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2,
+ borderTopWidth: 0,
+ borderRightWidth: 0,
+ borderLeftWidth: 0,
+ borderColor: variables.inputBorderColor
+ },
+ ".regular": {
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ paddingLeft: 8
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ paddingLeft: 10
+ },
+ ".success": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ ".error": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2,
+ borderColor: variables.inputBorderColor
+ },
+ ".rounded": {
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ paddingLeft: 8
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ paddingLeft: 10
+ },
+ ".success": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ ".error": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2,
+ borderRadius: 30,
+ borderColor: variables.inputBorderColor
+ },
+ ".success": {
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ ".rounded": {
+ borderRadius: 30,
+ borderColor: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ ".regular": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ ".underline": {
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2,
+ borderTopWidth: 0,
+ borderRightWidth: 0,
+ borderLeftWidth: 0,
+ borderColor: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ borderColor: variables.inputSuccessBorderColor
+ },
+ ".error": {
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ ".rounded": {
+ borderRadius: 30,
+ borderColor: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ ".regular": {
+ borderColor: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ ".underline": {
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2,
+ borderTopWidth: 0,
+ borderRightWidth: 0,
+ borderLeftWidth: 0,
+ borderColor: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ borderColor: variables.inputErrorBorderColor
+ },
+ ".disabled": {
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: "#384850"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: "#384850"
+ }
+ },
+ ".picker": {
+ marginLeft: 0
+ },
+ borderWidth: variables.borderWidth * 2,
+ borderTopWidth: 0,
+ borderRightWidth: 0,
+ borderLeftWidth: 0,
+ borderColor: variables.inputBorderColor,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ alignItems: "center",
+ marginLeft: 2
+ };
+ return itemTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Label.js b/native-base-theme/components/Label.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01aa47b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Label.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const labelTheme = {
+ ".focused": {
+ width: 0
+ },
+ fontSize: 17
+ };
+ return labelTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Left.js b/native-base-theme/components/Left.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a4bc96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Left.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from './../variables/platform';
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const leftTheme = {
+ flex: 1,
+ alignSelf: 'center',
+ alignItems: 'flex-start',
+ };
+ return leftTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/ListItem.js b/native-base-theme/components/ListItem.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94a345d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/ListItem.js
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+// @flow
+import { Platform, PixelRatio } from "react-native";
+import pickerTheme from "./Picker";
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const platform = variables.platform;
+ const selectedStyle = {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.listItemSelected
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.listItemSelected
+ }
+ };
+ const listItemTheme = {
+ "NativeBase.InputGroup": {
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ paddingRight: 5
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ paddingRight: 5
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ paddingHorizontal: 5
+ },
+ flex: 1,
+ borderWidth: null,
+ margin: -10,
+ borderBottomColor: "transparent"
+ },
+ ".searchBar": {
+ "NativeBase.Item": {
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ color: variables.dropdownLinkColor,
+ fontSize:
+ platform === "ios"
+ ? variables.iconFontSize - 10
+ : variables.iconFontSize - 5,
+ alignItems: "center",
+ marginTop: 2,
+ paddingRight: 8
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ color: null,
+ alignSelf: "center"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ alignSelf: "center"
+ },
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ alignItems: "center",
+ justifyContent: "flex-start",
+ flex: 1,
+ height: platform === "ios" ? 30 : 40,
+ borderColor: "transparent",
+ backgroundColor: "#fff",
+ borderRadius: 5
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ ".transparent": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontWeight: "500"
+ },
+ paddingHorizontal: null,
+ paddingLeft: platform === "ios" ? 10 : null
+ },
+ paddingHorizontal: platform === "ios" ? undefined : null,
+ width: platform === "ios" ? undefined : 0,
+ height: platform === "ios" ? undefined : 0
+ },
+ backgroundColor: variables.toolbarInputColor,
+ padding: 10,
+ marginLeft: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.CheckBox": {
+ marginLeft: -10,
+ marginRight: 10
+ },
+ ".first": {
+ ".itemHeader": {
+ paddingTop: variables.listItemPadding + 3
+ }
+ },
+ ".itemHeader": {
+ ".first": {
+ paddingTop: variables.listItemPadding + 3
+ },
+ borderBottomWidth: platform === "ios" ? variables.borderWidth : null,
+ marginLeft: null,
+ padding: variables.listItemPadding,
+ paddingLeft: variables.listItemPadding + 5,
+ paddingTop:
+ platform === "ios" ? variables.listItemPadding + 25 : undefined,
+ paddingBottom:
+ platform === "android" ? variables.listItemPadding + 20 : undefined,
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ borderColor: variables.listBorderColor,
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontSize: 14,
+ color: platform === "ios" ? undefined : variables.listNoteColor
+ }
+ },
+ ".itemDivider": {
+ borderBottomWidth: null,
+ marginLeft: null,
+ padding: variables.listItemPadding,
+ paddingLeft: variables.listItemPadding + 5,
+ backgroundColor: variables.listDividerBg,
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ borderColor: variables.listBorderColor
+ },
+ ".selected": {
+ "NativeBase.Left": {
+ ...selectedStyle
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ ...selectedStyle
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ ...selectedStyle
+ },
+ ...selectedStyle
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Left": {
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ ".note": {
+ color: variables.listNoteColor,
+ fontWeight: "200"
+ },
+ fontWeight: "600"
+ },
+ marginLeft: 10,
+ alignItems: null,
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ width: variables.iconFontSize - 10,
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 10
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ width: variables.iconFontSize - 10,
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 10
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ alignSelf: "center"
+ },
+ flexDirection: "row"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ marginHorizontal: variables.listItemPadding,
+ ".note": {
+ color: variables.listNoteColor,
+ fontWeight: "200"
+ }
+ },
+ alignSelf: null,
+ alignItems: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ "NativeBase.Badge": {
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.PickerNB": {
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ marginRight: -15,
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.topTabBarActiveTextColor
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ alignSelf: null,
+ ".transparent": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.topTabBarActiveTextColor
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ alignSelf: null,
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 8,
+ color: "#c9c8cd"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ alignSelf: null,
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 8,
+ color: "#c9c8cd"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ ".note": {
+ color: variables.listNoteColor,
+ fontWeight: "200"
+ },
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Thumbnail": {
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Image": {
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Radio": {
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Checkbox": {
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Switch": {
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ padding: null,
+ flex: 0.28
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ ".note": {
+ color: variables.listNoteColor,
+ fontWeight: "200"
+ },
+ alignSelf: "center"
+ },
+ ".last": {
+ marginLeft: -(variables.listItemPadding + 5),
+ paddingLeft: (variables.listItemPadding + 5) * 2,
+ top: 1
+ },
+ ".avatar": {
+ "NativeBase.Left": {
+ flex: 0,
+ alignSelf: "flex-start",
+ paddingTop: 14
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ marginLeft: null
+ },
+ flex: 1,
+ paddingVertical: variables.listItemPadding,
+ borderBottomWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ borderColor: variables.listBorderColor,
+ marginLeft: variables.listItemPadding + 5
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ ".note": {
+ fontSize: variables.noteFontSize - 2
+ }
+ },
+ flex: 0,
+ paddingRight: variables.listItemPadding + 5,
+ alignSelf: "stretch",
+ paddingVertical: variables.listItemPadding,
+ borderBottomWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ borderColor: variables.listBorderColor
+ },
+ ".noBorder": {
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ borderBottomWidth: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ borderBottomWidth: null
+ }
+ },
+ borderBottomWidth: null,
+ paddingVertical: null,
+ paddingRight: null
+ },
+ ".thumbnail": {
+ "NativeBase.Left": {
+ flex: 0
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ marginLeft: null
+ },
+ flex: 1,
+ paddingVertical: variables.listItemPadding + 8,
+ borderBottomWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ borderColor: variables.listBorderColor,
+ marginLeft: variables.listItemPadding + 5
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ ".transparent": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontSize: variables.listNoteSize,
+ color: variables.sTabBarActiveTextColor
+ }
+ },
+ height: null
+ },
+ flex: 0,
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ alignSelf: "stretch",
+ paddingRight: variables.listItemPadding + 5,
+ paddingVertical: variables.listItemPadding + 5,
+ borderBottomWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ borderColor: variables.listBorderColor
+ },
+ ".noBorder": {
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ borderBottomWidth: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ borderBottomWidth: null
+ }
+ },
+ borderBottomWidth: null,
+ paddingVertical: null,
+ paddingRight: null
+ },
+ ".icon": {
+ ".last": {
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ borderBottomWidth: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ borderBottomWidth: null
+ },
+ borderBottomWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ borderColor: variables.listBorderColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Left": {
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ marginHorizontal: null,
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 5
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ marginHorizontal: null,
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 8
+ },
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ height: 29,
+ width: 29,
+ borderRadius: 6,
+ paddingVertical: null,
+ paddingHorizontal: null,
+ alignItems: "center",
+ justifyContent: "center"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ width: variables.iconFontSize - 5,
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 2
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ width: variables.iconFontSize - 5,
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 2
+ },
+ paddingRight: variables.listItemPadding + 5,
+ flex: 0,
+ height: 44,
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ alignItems: "center"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ marginLeft: null,
+ fontSize: 17
+ },
+ flex: 1,
+ height: 44,
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ borderBottomWidth: 1 / PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(1),
+ borderColor: variables.listBorderColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ textAlign: "center",
+ color: "#8F8E95",
+ fontSize: 17
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: "#C8C7CC",
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 10,
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ paddingLeft: 10,
+ paddingTop: 3
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: "#C8C7CC",
+ fontSize: variables.iconFontSize - 10,
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ paddingLeft: 10,
+ paddingTop: 3
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Switch": {
+ marginRight: Platform.OS === "ios" ? undefined : -5,
+ alignSelf: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.PickerNB": {
+ ...pickerTheme()
+ },
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ alignItems: "center",
+ flex: 0,
+ alignSelf: "stretch",
+ height: 44,
+ justifyContent: "flex-end",
+ borderBottomWidth: 1 / PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(1),
+ borderColor: variables.listBorderColor,
+ paddingRight: variables.listItemPadding + 5
+ },
+ ".noBorder": {
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ borderBottomWidth: null
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ borderBottomWidth: null
+ }
+ },
+ borderBottomWidth: null,
+ paddingVertical: null,
+ paddingRight: null,
+ height: 44,
+ justifyContent: "center"
+ },
+ ".noBorder": {
+ borderBottomWidth: null
+ },
+ ".noIndent": {
+ marginLeft: null,
+ padding: variables.listItemPadding,
+ paddingLeft: variables.listItemPadding + 6
+ },
+ alignItems: "center",
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ paddingRight: variables.listItemPadding + 6,
+ paddingVertical: variables.listItemPadding + 3,
+ marginLeft: variables.listItemPadding + 6,
+ borderBottomWidth: 1 / PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(1),
+ backgroundColor: variables.listBg,
+ borderColor: variables.listBorderColor
+ };
+ return listItemTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Picker.android.js b/native-base-theme/components/Picker.android.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1867f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Picker.android.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const pickerTheme = {
+ ".note": {
+ color: "#8F8E95"
+ },
+ // width: 90,
+ marginRight: -4,
+ flexGrow: 1
+ };
+ return pickerTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Picker.ios.js b/native-base-theme/components/Picker.ios.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36ea854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Picker.ios.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const pickerTheme = {};
+ return pickerTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Picker.js b/native-base-theme/components/Picker.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1867f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Picker.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const pickerTheme = {
+ ".note": {
+ color: "#8F8E95"
+ },
+ // width: 90,
+ marginRight: -4,
+ flexGrow: 1
+ };
+ return pickerTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Radio.js b/native-base-theme/components/Radio.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6fb0ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Radio.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// @flow
+import { Platform } from "react-native";
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const radioTheme = {
+ ".selected": {
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: Platform.OS === "ios"
+ ? variables.radioColor
+ : variables.radioSelectedColorAndroid,
+ lineHeight: Platform.OS === "ios" ? 25 : variables.radioBtnLineHeight,
+ height: Platform.OS === "ios" ? 20 : undefined
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: Platform.OS === "ios" ? "transparent" : undefined,
+ lineHeight: Platform.OS === "ios"
+ ? undefined
+ : variables.radioBtnLineHeight,
+ fontSize: Platform.OS === "ios" ? undefined : variables.radioBtnSize
+ }
+ };
+ return radioTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Right.js b/native-base-theme/components/Right.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..382e70b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Right.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from './../variables/platform';
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const rightTheme = {
+ 'NativeBase.Button': {
+ alignSelf: null,
+ },
+ flex: 1,
+ alignSelf: 'center',
+ alignItems: 'flex-end',
+ };
+ return rightTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Segment.js b/native-base-theme/components/Segment.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ff15c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Segment.js
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const platform = variables.platform;
+ const segmentTheme = {
+ height: 45,
+ borderColor: variables.segmentBorderColorMain,
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ backgroundColor: variables.segmentBackgroundColor,
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ alignSelf: "center",
+ borderRadius: 0,
+ paddingTop: 3,
+ paddingBottom: 3,
+ height: 30,
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ borderWidth: 1,
+ borderLeftWidth: 0,
+ borderColor: variables.segmentBorderColor,
+ elevation: 0,
+ ".active": {
+ backgroundColor: variables.segmentActiveBackgroundColor,
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.segmentActiveTextColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.segmentActiveTextColor
+ }
+ },
+ ".first": {
+ borderTopLeftRadius: platform === "ios" ? 5 : undefined,
+ borderBottomLeftRadius: platform === "ios" ? 5 : undefined,
+ borderLeftWidth: 1
+ },
+ ".last": {
+ borderTopRightRadius: platform === "ios" ? 5 : undefined,
+ borderBottomRightRadius: platform === "ios" ? 5 : undefined
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.segmentTextColor,
+ fontSize: 14
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ fontSize: 22,
+ paddingTop: 0,
+ color: variables.segmentTextColor
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return segmentTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Separator.js b/native-base-theme/components/Separator.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f31b48a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Separator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from './../variables/platform';
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const theme = {
+ '.group': {
+ height: 50,
+ paddingVertical: variables.listItemPadding - 8,
+ paddingTop: variables.listItemPadding + 12,
+ '.bordered': {
+ height: 50,
+ paddingVertical: variables.listItemPadding - 8,
+ paddingTop: variables.listItemPadding + 12,
+ },
+ },
+ '.bordered': {
+ '.noTopBorder': {
+ borderTopWidth: 0,
+ },
+ '.noBottomBorder': {
+ borderBottomWidth: 0,
+ },
+ height: 35,
+ paddingTop: variables.listItemPadding + 2,
+ paddingBottom: variables.listItemPadding,
+ borderBottomWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ borderTopWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ borderColor: variables.listBorderColor,
+ },
+ 'NativeBase.Text': {
+ fontSize: variables.tabBarTextSize - 2,
+ color: '#777',
+ },
+ '.noTopBorder': {
+ borderTopWidth: 0,
+ },
+ '.noBottomBorder': {
+ borderBottomWidth: 0,
+ },
+ height: 38,
+ backgroundColor: '#F0EFF5',
+ flex: 1,
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ paddingLeft: variables.listItemPadding + 5,
+ };
+ return theme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Spinner.js b/native-base-theme/components/Spinner.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edc811b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Spinner.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const spinnerTheme = {
+ height: 80
+ };
+ return spinnerTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Subtitle.js b/native-base-theme/components/Subtitle.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..897c560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Subtitle.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// @flow
+import { Platform } from "react-native";
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const subtitleTheme = {
+ fontSize: variables.subTitleFontSize,
+ fontFamily: variables.titleFontfamily,
+ color: variables.subtitleColor,
+ textAlign: "center",
+ paddingLeft: Platform.OS === "ios" ? 4 : 0,
+ marginLeft: Platform.OS === "ios" ? undefined : -3
+ };
+ return subtitleTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/SwipeRow.js b/native-base-theme/components/SwipeRow.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3686582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/SwipeRow.js
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const swipeRowTheme = {
+ "NativeBase.ListItem": {
+ ".list": {
+ backgroundColor: "#FFF",
+ },
+ marginLeft: 0,
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Left": {
+ flex: 0,
+ alignSelf: null,
+ alignItems: null,
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ flex: 1,
+ alignItems: "center",
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ alignSelf: "stretch",
+ borderRadius: 0,
+ },
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ flex: 0,
+ alignSelf: null,
+ alignItems: null,
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ flex: 1,
+ alignItems: "center",
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ alignSelf: "stretch",
+ borderRadius: 0,
+ },
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ flex: 1,
+ height: null,
+ alignItems: "center",
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ alignSelf: "stretch",
+ borderRadius: 0,
+ },
+ };
+ return swipeRowTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Switch.js b/native-base-theme/components/Switch.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..116fa8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Switch.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const switchTheme = {
+ marginVertical: -5,
+ };
+ return switchTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Tab.js b/native-base-theme/components/Tab.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35ede8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Tab.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const tabTheme = {
+ flex: 1,
+ backgroundColor: "#FFF"
+ };
+ return tabTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/TabBar.js b/native-base-theme/components/TabBar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9714cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/TabBar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const tabBarTheme = {
+ ".tabIcon": {
+ height: undefined
+ },
+ ".vertical": {
+ height: 60
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ ".transparent": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontSize: variables.tabFontSize,
+ color: variables.sTabBarActiveTextColor,
+ fontWeight: "400"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.sTabBarActiveTextColor
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ color: variables.sTabBarActiveTextColor
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontSize: variables.tabFontSize,
+ color: variables.sTabBarActiveTextColor,
+ fontWeight: "400"
+ },
+ ".isTabActive": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontWeight: "900"
+ }
+ },
+ flex: 1,
+ alignSelf: "stretch",
+ alignItems: "center",
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ borderRadius: null,
+ borderBottomColor: "transparent",
+ backgroundColor: variables.tabBgColor
+ },
+ height: 45,
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ justifyContent: "space-around",
+ borderWidth: 1,
+ borderTopWidth: 0,
+ borderLeftWidth: 0,
+ borderRightWidth: 0,
+ borderBottomColor: "#ccc",
+ backgroundColor: variables.tabBgColor
+ };
+ return tabBarTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/TabContainer.js b/native-base-theme/components/TabContainer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44d4886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/TabContainer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+import { Platform } from "react-native";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const platformStyle = variables.platformStyle;
+ const platform = variables.platform;
+ const tabContainerTheme = {
+ elevation: 3,
+ height: 50,
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ shadowColor: platformStyle === "material" ? "#000" : undefined,
+ shadowOffset: platformStyle === "material"
+ ? { width: 0, height: 2 }
+ : undefined,
+ shadowOpacity: platformStyle === "material" ? 0.2 : undefined,
+ shadowRadius: platformStyle === "material" ? 1.2 : undefined,
+ justifyContent: "space-around",
+ borderBottomWidth: Platform.OS === "ios" ? variables.borderWidth : 0,
+ borderColor: variables.topTabBarBorderColor
+ };
+ return tabContainerTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/TabHeading.js b/native-base-theme/components/TabHeading.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f79903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/TabHeading.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const platform = variables.platform;
+ const tabHeadingTheme = {
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ backgroundColor: variables.tabDefaultBg,
+ flex: 1,
+ alignItems: "center",
+ justifyContent: "center",
+ ".scrollable": {
+ paddingHorizontal: 20,
+ flex: platform === "android" ? 0 : 1,
+ minWidth: platform === "android" ? undefined : 60
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.topTabBarTextColor,
+ marginHorizontal: 7
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.topTabBarTextColor,
+ fontSize: platform === "ios" ? 26 : undefined
+ },
+ ".active": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: variables.topTabBarActiveTextColor,
+ fontWeight: "600"
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ color: variables.topTabBarActiveTextColor
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return tabHeadingTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Text.js b/native-base-theme/components/Text.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c95ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Text.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const textTheme = {
+ fontSize: variables.DefaultFontSize,
+ fontFamily: variables.fontFamily,
+ color: variables.textColor,
+ ".note": {
+ color: "#a7a7a7",
+ fontSize: variables.noteFontSize
+ }
+ };
+ return textTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Textarea.js b/native-base-theme/components/Textarea.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5e3974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Textarea.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const textAreaTheme = {
+ ".underline": {
+ borderBottomWidth: variables.borderWidth,
+ marginTop: 5,
+ borderColor: variables.inputBorderColor
+ },
+ ".bordered": {
+ borderWidth: 1,
+ marginTop: 5,
+ borderColor: variables.inputBorderColor
+ },
+ color: variables.textColor,
+ paddingLeft: 10,
+ paddingRight: 5,
+ fontSize: 15,
+ textAlignVertical: "top"
+ };
+ return textAreaTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Thumbnail.js b/native-base-theme/components/Thumbnail.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efff792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Thumbnail.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from './../variables/platform';
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const thumbnailTheme = {
+ '.square': {
+ borderRadius: 0,
+ '.small': {
+ width: 36,
+ height: 36,
+ borderRadius: 0,
+ },
+ '.large': {
+ width: 80,
+ height: 80,
+ borderRadius: 0,
+ },
+ },
+ '.small': {
+ width: 36,
+ height: 36,
+ borderRadius: 18,
+ '.square': {
+ borderRadius: 0,
+ },
+ },
+ '.large': {
+ width: 80,
+ height: 80,
+ borderRadius: 40,
+ '.square': {
+ borderRadius: 0,
+ },
+ },
+ width: 56,
+ height: 56,
+ borderRadius: 28,
+ };
+ return thumbnailTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Title.js b/native-base-theme/components/Title.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5792e57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Title.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// @flow
+import { Platform } from "react-native";
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const titleTheme = {
+ fontSize: variables.titleFontSize,
+ fontFamily: variables.titleFontfamily,
+ color: variables.titleFontColor,
+ fontWeight: Platform.OS === "ios" ? "700" : undefined,
+ textAlign: "center",
+ paddingLeft: Platform.OS === "ios" ? 4 : 0,
+ marginLeft: Platform.OS === "ios" ? undefined : -3,
+ paddingTop: 1
+ };
+ return titleTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/Toast.js b/native-base-theme/components/Toast.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a595308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/Toast.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const platform = variables.platform;
+ const toastTheme = {
+ ".danger": {
+ backgroundColor: variables.brandDanger
+ },
+ ".warning": {
+ backgroundColor: variables.brandWarning
+ },
+ ".success": {
+ backgroundColor: variables.brandSuccess
+ },
+ backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)",
+ borderRadius: platform === "ios" ? 5 : 0,
+ flexDirection: "row",
+ justifyContent: "space-between",
+ alignItems: "center",
+ padding: 10,
+ minHeight: 50,
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ color: "#fff",
+ flex: 1
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ height: 30,
+ elevation: 0,
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ fontSize: 14
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return toastTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/View.js b/native-base-theme/components/View.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9c7aeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/View.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// @flow
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const viewTheme = {
+ ".padder": {
+ padding: variables.contentPadding
+ }
+ };
+ return viewTheme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/components/index.js b/native-base-theme/components/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1102fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/components/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+// @flow
+import _ from "lodash";
+import bodyTheme from "./Body";
+import leftTheme from "./Left";
+import rightTheme from "./Right";
+import headerTheme from "./Header";
+import switchTheme from "./Switch";
+import thumbnailTheme from "./Thumbnail";
+import containerTheme from "./Container";
+import contentTheme from "./Content";
+import buttonTheme from "./Button";
+import titleTheme from "./Title";
+import subtitleTheme from "./Subtitle";
+import inputGroupTheme from "./InputGroup";
+import badgeTheme from "./Badge";
+import checkBoxTheme from "./CheckBox";
+import cardTheme from "./Card";
+import radioTheme from "./Radio";
+import h3Theme from "./H3";
+import h2Theme from "./H2";
+import h1Theme from "./H1";
+import footerTheme from "./Footer";
+import footerTabTheme from "./FooterTab";
+import fabTheme from "./Fab";
+import itemTheme from "./Item";
+import labelTheme from "./Label";
+import textAreaTheme from "./Textarea";
+import textTheme from "./Text";
+import toastTheme from "./Toast";
+import tabTheme from "./Tab";
+import tabBarTheme from "./TabBar";
+import tabContainerTheme from "./TabContainer";
+import viewTheme from "./View";
+import tabHeadingTheme from "./TabHeading";
+import iconTheme from "./Icon";
+import inputTheme from "./Input";
+import swipeRowTheme from "./SwipeRow";
+import segmentTheme from "./Segment";
+import spinnerTheme from "./Spinner";
+import cardItemTheme from "./CardItem";
+import listItemTheme from "./ListItem";
+import formTheme from "./Form";
+import separatorTheme from "./Separator";
+import pickerTheme from "./Picker"
+import variable from "./../variables/platform";
+export default (variables /*: * */ = variable) => {
+ const theme = {
+ variables,
+ "NativeBase.Left": {
+ ...leftTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Right": {
+ ...rightTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Body": {
+ ...bodyTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Header": {
+ ...headerTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ ...buttonTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Title": {
+ ...titleTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Subtitle": {
+ ...subtitleTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.InputGroup": {
+ ...inputGroupTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Input": {
+ ...inputTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Badge": {
+ ...badgeTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.CheckBox": {
+ ...checkBoxTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Radio": {
+ ...radioTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Card": {
+ ...cardTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.CardItem": {
+ ...cardItemTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Toast": {
+ ...toastTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.H1": {
+ ...h1Theme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.H2": {
+ ...h2Theme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.H3": {
+ ...h3Theme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Form": {
+ ...formTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Container": {
+ ...containerTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Content": {
+ ...contentTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Footer": {
+ ...footerTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Tabs": {
+ flex: 1
+ },
+ "NativeBase.FooterTab": {
+ ...footerTabTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.ListItem": {
+ ...listItemTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.ListItem1": {
+ ...listItemTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Icon": {
+ ...iconTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.IconNB": {
+ ...iconTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Text": {
+ ...textTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Spinner": {
+ ...spinnerTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Fab": {
+ ...fabTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Item": {
+ ...itemTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Label": {
+ ...labelTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Textarea": {
+ ...textAreaTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.PickerNB": {
+ ...pickerTheme(variables),
+ "NativeBase.Button": {
+ "NativeBase.Text": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Tab": {
+ ...tabTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Segment": {
+ ...segmentTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.TabBar": {
+ ...tabBarTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.ViewNB": {
+ ...viewTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.TabHeading": {
+ ...tabHeadingTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.TabContainer": {
+ ...tabContainerTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Switch": {
+ ...switchTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Separator": {
+ ...separatorTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.SwipeRow": {
+ ...swipeRowTheme(variables)
+ },
+ "NativeBase.Thumbnail": {
+ ...thumbnailTheme(variables)
+ }
+ };
+ const cssifyTheme = (grandparent, parent, parentKey) => {
+ _.forEach(parent, (style, styleName) => {
+ if (
+ styleName.indexOf(".") === 0 &&
+ parentKey &&
+ parentKey.indexOf(".") === 0
+ ) {
+ if (grandparent) {
+ if (!grandparent[styleName]) {
+ grandparent[styleName] = {};
+ } else {
+ grandparent[styleName][parentKey] = style;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (style && typeof style === "object" && styleName !== "fontVariant" && styleName !== "transform") {
+ cssifyTheme(parent, style, styleName);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ cssifyTheme(null, theme, null);
+ return theme;
diff --git a/native-base-theme/variables/commonColor.js b/native-base-theme/variables/commonColor.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c004877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/variables/commonColor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+// @flow
+import color from "color";
+import { Platform, Dimensions, PixelRatio } from "react-native";
+const deviceHeight = Dimensions.get("window").height;
+const deviceWidth = Dimensions.get("window").width;
+const platform = Platform.OS;
+const platformStyle = undefined;
+const isIphoneX =
+ platform === "ios" && (deviceHeight === 812 || deviceWidth === 812 || deviceHeight === 896 || deviceWidth === 896);
+export default {
+ platformStyle,
+ platform,
+ //Accordion
+ headerStyle: "#edebed",
+ iconStyle: "#000",
+ contentStyle: "#f5f4f5",
+ expandedIconStyle: "#000",
+ accordionBorderColor: "#d3d3d3",
+ //Android
+ androidRipple: true,
+ androidRippleColor: "rgba(256, 256, 256, 0.3)",
+ androidRippleColorDark: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)",
+ btnUppercaseAndroidText: true,
+ // Badge
+ badgeBg: "#ED1727",
+ badgeColor: "#fff",
+ badgePadding: platform === "ios" ? 3 : 0,
+ // Button
+ btnFontFamily: platform === "ios" ? "System" : "Roboto_medium",
+ btnDisabledBg: "#b5b5b5",
+ buttonPadding: 6,
+ get btnPrimaryBg() {
+ return this.brandPrimary;
+ },
+ get btnPrimaryColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnInfoBg() {
+ return this.brandInfo;
+ },
+ get btnInfoColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnSuccessBg() {
+ return this.brandSuccess;
+ },
+ get btnSuccessColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnDangerBg() {
+ return this.brandDanger;
+ },
+ get btnDangerColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnWarningBg() {
+ return this.brandWarning;
+ },
+ get btnWarningColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnTextSize() {
+ return platform === "ios" ? this.fontSizeBase * 1.1 : this.fontSizeBase - 1;
+ },
+ get btnTextSizeLarge() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.5;
+ },
+ get btnTextSizeSmall() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 0.8;
+ },
+ get borderRadiusLarge() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 3.8;
+ },
+ get iconSizeLarge() {
+ return this.iconFontSize * 1.5;
+ },
+ get iconSizeSmall() {
+ return this.iconFontSize * 0.6;
+ },
+ // Card
+ cardDefaultBg: "#fff",
+ cardBorderColor: "#ccc",
+ cardBorderRadius: 2,
+ cardItemPadding: platform === "ios" ? 10 : 12,
+ // CheckBox
+ CheckboxRadius: platform === "ios" ? 13 : 0,
+ CheckboxBorderWidth: platform === "ios" ? 1 : 2,
+ CheckboxPaddingLeft: platform === "ios" ? 4 : 2,
+ CheckboxPaddingBottom: platform === "ios" ? 0 : 5,
+ CheckboxIconSize: platform === "ios" ? 21 : 16,
+ CheckboxIconMarginTop: platform === "ios" ? undefined : 1,
+ CheckboxFontSize: platform === "ios" ? 23 / 0.9 : 17,
+ checkboxBgColor: "#039BE5",
+ checkboxSize: 20,
+ checkboxTickColor: "#fff",
+ // Color
+ brandPrimary: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#3F51B5",
+ brandInfo: "#62B1F6",
+ brandSuccess: "#5cb85c",
+ brandDanger: "#d9534f",
+ brandWarning: "#f0ad4e",
+ brandDark: "#000",
+ brandLight: "#f4f4f4",
+ //Container
+ containerBgColor: "#fff",
+ //Date Picker
+ datePickerTextColor: "#000",
+ datePickerBg: "transparent",
+ // Font
+ DefaultFontSize: 16,
+ fontFamily: platform === "ios" ? "System" : "Roboto",
+ fontSizeBase: 15,
+ get fontSizeH1() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.8;
+ },
+ get fontSizeH2() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.6;
+ },
+ get fontSizeH3() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.4;
+ },
+ // Footer
+ footerHeight: 55,
+ footerDefaultBg: platform === "ios" ? "#F8F8F8" : "#3F51B5",
+ footerPaddingBottom: 0,
+ // FooterTab
+ tabBarTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#737373" : "#bfc6ea",
+ tabBarTextSize: platform === "ios" ? 14 : 11,
+ activeTab: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ sTabBarActiveTextColor: "#007aff",
+ tabBarActiveTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#2874F0" : "#fff",
+ tabActiveBgColor: platform === "ios" ? "#cde1f9" : "#3F51B5",
+ // Header
+ toolbarBtnColor: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ toolbarDefaultBg: platform === "ios" ? "#F8F8F8" : "#3F51B5",
+ toolbarHeight: platform === "ios" ? 64 : 56,
+ toolbarSearchIconSize: platform === "ios" ? 20 : 23,
+ toolbarInputColor: platform === "ios" ? "#CECDD2" : "#fff",
+ searchBarHeight: platform === "ios" ? 30 : 40,
+ searchBarInputHeight: platform === "ios" ? 30 : 50,
+ toolbarBtnTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ iosStatusbar: "dark-content",
+ toolbarDefaultBorder: platform === "ios" ? "#a7a6ab" : "#3F51B5",
+ get statusBarColor() {
+ return color(this.toolbarDefaultBg)
+ .darken(0.2)
+ .hex();
+ },
+ get darkenHeader() {
+ return color(this.tabBgColor)
+ .darken(0.03)
+ .hex();
+ },
+ // Icon
+ iconFamily: "Ionicons",
+ iconFontSize: platform === "ios" ? 30 : 28,
+ iconHeaderSize: platform === "ios" ? 33 : 24,
+ // InputGroup
+ inputFontSize: 17,
+ inputBorderColor: "#D9D5DC",
+ inputSuccessBorderColor: "#2b8339",
+ inputErrorBorderColor: "#ed2f2f",
+ inputHeightBase: 50,
+ get inputColor() {
+ return this.textColor;
+ },
+ get inputColorPlaceholder() {
+ return "#575757";
+ },
+ // Line Height
+ btnLineHeight: 19,
+ lineHeightH1: 32,
+ lineHeightH2: 27,
+ lineHeightH3: 22,
+ lineHeight: platform === "ios" ? 20 : 24,
+ // List
+ listBg: "transparent",
+ listBorderColor: "#c9c9c9",
+ listDividerBg: "#f4f4f4",
+ listBtnUnderlayColor: "#DDD",
+ listItemPadding: platform === "ios" ? 10 : 12,
+ listNoteColor: "#808080",
+ listNoteSize: 13,
+ listItemSelected: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#3F51B5",
+ // Progress Bar
+ defaultProgressColor: "#E4202D",
+ inverseProgressColor: "#1A191B",
+ // Radio Button
+ radioBtnSize: platform === "ios" ? 25 : 23,
+ radioSelectedColorAndroid: "#3F51B5",
+ radioBtnLineHeight: platform === "ios" ? 29 : 24,
+ get radioColor() {
+ return this.brandPrimary;
+ },
+ // Segment
+ segmentBackgroundColor: platform === "ios" ? "#F8F8F8" : "#3F51B5",
+ segmentActiveBackgroundColor: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ segmentTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ segmentActiveTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#fff" : "#3F51B5",
+ segmentBorderColor: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ segmentBorderColorMain: platform === "ios" ? "#a7a6ab" : "#3F51B5",
+ // Spinner
+ defaultSpinnerColor: "#45D56E",
+ inverseSpinnerColor: "#1A191B",
+ // Tab
+ tabDefaultBg: platform === "ios" ? "#F8F8F8" : "#3F51B5",
+ topTabBarTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#6b6b6b" : "#b3c7f9",
+ topTabBarActiveTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ topTabBarBorderColor: platform === "ios" ? "#a7a6ab" : "#fff",
+ topTabBarActiveBorderColor: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ // Tabs
+ tabBgColor: "#F8F8F8",
+ tabFontSize: 15,
+ // Text
+ textColor: "#000",
+ inverseTextColor: "#fff",
+ noteFontSize: 14,
+ get defaultTextColor() {
+ return this.textColor;
+ },
+ // Title
+ titleFontfamily: platform === "ios" ? "System" : "Roboto_medium",
+ titleFontSize: platform === "ios" ? 17 : 19,
+ subTitleFontSize: platform === "ios" ? 11 : 14,
+ subtitleColor: platform === "ios" ? "#000" : "#fff",
+ titleFontColor: platform === "ios" ? "#000" : "#fff",
+ // Other
+ borderRadiusBase: platform === "ios" ? 5 : 2,
+ borderWidth: 1 / PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(1),
+ contentPadding: 10,
+ dropdownLinkColor: "#414142",
+ inputLineHeight: 24,
+ deviceWidth,
+ deviceHeight,
+ isIphoneX,
+ inputGroupRoundedBorderRadius: 30,
+ //iPhoneX SafeArea
+ Inset: {
+ portrait: {
+ topInset: 24,
+ leftInset: 0,
+ rightInset: 0,
+ bottomInset: 34
+ },
+ landscape: {
+ topInset: 0,
+ leftInset: 44,
+ rightInset: 44,
+ bottomInset: 21
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/native-base-theme/variables/material.js b/native-base-theme/variables/material.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce917a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/variables/material.js
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+// @flow
+import color from "color";
+import { Platform, Dimensions, PixelRatio } from "react-native";
+const deviceHeight = Dimensions.get("window").height;
+const deviceWidth = Dimensions.get("window").width;
+const platform = Platform.OS;
+const platformStyle = "material";
+const isIphoneX =
+platform === "ios" && (deviceHeight === 812 || deviceWidth === 812 || deviceHeight === 896 || deviceWidth === 896);
+export default {
+ platformStyle,
+ platform,
+ //Accordion
+ headerStyle: "#edebed",
+ iconStyle: "#000",
+ contentStyle: "#f5f4f5",
+ expandedIconStyle: "#000",
+ accordionBorderColor: "#d3d3d3",
+ // Android
+ androidRipple: true,
+ androidRippleColor: "rgba(256, 256, 256, 0.3)",
+ androidRippleColorDark: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)",
+ btnUppercaseAndroidText: true,
+ // Badge
+ badgeBg: "#ED1727",
+ badgeColor: "#fff",
+ badgePadding: 0,
+ // Button
+ btnFontFamily: "Roboto",
+ btnDisabledBg: "#b5b5b5",
+ buttonPadding: 6,
+ get btnPrimaryBg() {
+ return this.brandPrimary;
+ },
+ get btnPrimaryColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnInfoBg() {
+ return this.brandInfo;
+ },
+ get btnInfoColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnSuccessBg() {
+ return this.brandSuccess;
+ },
+ get btnSuccessColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnDangerBg() {
+ return this.brandDanger;
+ },
+ get btnDangerColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnWarningBg() {
+ return this.brandWarning;
+ },
+ get btnWarningColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnTextSize() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase - 1;
+ },
+ get btnTextSizeLarge() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.5;
+ },
+ get btnTextSizeSmall() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 0.8;
+ },
+ get borderRadiusLarge() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 3.8;
+ },
+ get iconSizeLarge() {
+ return this.iconFontSize * 1.5;
+ },
+ get iconSizeSmall() {
+ return this.iconFontSize * 0.6;
+ },
+ // Card
+ cardDefaultBg: "#fff",
+ cardBorderColor: "#ccc",
+ cardBorderRadius: 2,
+ cardItemPadding: platform === "ios" ? 10 : 12,
+ // CheckBox
+ CheckboxRadius: 0,
+ CheckboxBorderWidth: 2,
+ CheckboxPaddingLeft: 2,
+ CheckboxPaddingBottom: 5,
+ CheckboxIconSize: 16,
+ CheckboxIconMarginTop: 1,
+ CheckboxFontSize: 17,
+ checkboxBgColor: "#039BE5",
+ checkboxSize: 20,
+ checkboxTickColor: "#fff",
+ // Color
+ brandPrimary: "#3F51B5",
+ brandInfo: "#62B1F6",
+ brandSuccess: "#5cb85c",
+ brandDanger: "#d9534f",
+ brandWarning: "#f0ad4e",
+ brandDark: "#000",
+ brandLight: "#f4f4f4",
+ //Container
+ containerBgColor: "#fff",
+ //Date Picker
+ datePickerTextColor: "#000",
+ datePickerBg: "transparent",
+ // Font
+ DefaultFontSize: 16,
+ fontFamily: "Roboto",
+ fontSizeBase: 15,
+ get fontSizeH1() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.8;
+ },
+ get fontSizeH2() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.6;
+ },
+ get fontSizeH3() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.4;
+ },
+ // Footer
+ footerHeight: 55,
+ footerDefaultBg: "#3F51B5",
+ footerPaddingBottom: 0,
+ // FooterTab
+ tabBarTextColor: "#bfc6ea",
+ tabBarTextSize: 11,
+ activeTab: "#fff",
+ sTabBarActiveTextColor: "#007aff",
+ tabBarActiveTextColor: "#fff",
+ tabActiveBgColor: "#3F51B5",
+ // Header
+ toolbarBtnColor: "#fff",
+ toolbarDefaultBg: "#3F51B5",
+ toolbarHeight: 56,
+ toolbarSearchIconSize: 23,
+ toolbarInputColor: "#fff",
+ searchBarHeight: platform === "ios" ? 30 : 40,
+ searchBarInputHeight: platform === "ios" ? 40 : 50,
+ toolbarBtnTextColor: "#fff",
+ toolbarDefaultBorder: "#3F51B5",
+ iosStatusbar: "light-content",
+ get statusBarColor() {
+ return color(this.toolbarDefaultBg)
+ .darken(0.2)
+ .hex();
+ },
+ get darkenHeader() {
+ return color(this.tabBgColor)
+ .darken(0.03)
+ .hex();
+ },
+ // Icon
+ iconFamily: "Ionicons",
+ iconFontSize: 28,
+ iconHeaderSize: 24,
+ // InputGroup
+ inputFontSize: 17,
+ inputBorderColor: "#D9D5DC",
+ inputSuccessBorderColor: "#2b8339",
+ inputErrorBorderColor: "#ed2f2f",
+ inputHeightBase: 50,
+ get inputColor() {
+ return this.textColor;
+ },
+ get inputColorPlaceholder() {
+ return "#575757";
+ },
+ // Line Height
+ btnLineHeight: 19,
+ lineHeightH1: 32,
+ lineHeightH2: 27,
+ lineHeightH3: 22,
+ lineHeight: 24,
+ // List
+ listBg: "transparent",
+ listBorderColor: "#c9c9c9",
+ listDividerBg: "#f4f4f4",
+ listBtnUnderlayColor: "#DDD",
+ listItemPadding: 12,
+ listNoteColor: "#808080",
+ listNoteSize: 13,
+ listItemSelected: "#3F51B5",
+ // Progress Bar
+ defaultProgressColor: "#E4202D",
+ inverseProgressColor: "#1A191B",
+ // Radio Button
+ radioBtnSize: 23,
+ radioSelectedColorAndroid: "#3F51B5",
+ radioBtnLineHeight: 24,
+ get radioColor() {
+ return this.brandPrimary;
+ },
+ // Segment
+ segmentBackgroundColor: "#3F51B5",
+ segmentActiveBackgroundColor: "#fff",
+ segmentTextColor: "#fff",
+ segmentActiveTextColor: "#3F51B5",
+ segmentBorderColor: "#fff",
+ segmentBorderColorMain: "#3F51B5",
+ // Spinner
+ defaultSpinnerColor: "#45D56E",
+ inverseSpinnerColor: "#1A191B",
+ // Tab
+ tabDefaultBg: "#3F51B5",
+ topTabBarTextColor: "#b3c7f9",
+ topTabBarActiveTextColor: "#fff",
+ topTabBarBorderColor: "#fff",
+ topTabBarActiveBorderColor: "#fff",
+ // Tabs
+ tabBgColor: "#F8F8F8",
+ tabFontSize: 15,
+ // Text
+ textColor: "#000",
+ inverseTextColor: "#fff",
+ noteFontSize: 14,
+ get defaultTextColor() {
+ return this.textColor;
+ },
+ // Title
+ titleFontfamily: "Roboto",
+ titleFontSize: 19,
+ subTitleFontSize: 14,
+ subtitleColor: "#FFF",
+ titleFontColor: "#FFF",
+ // Other
+ borderRadiusBase: 2,
+ borderWidth: 1 / PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(1),
+ contentPadding: 10,
+ dropdownLinkColor: "#414142",
+ inputLineHeight: 24,
+ deviceWidth,
+ deviceHeight,
+ isIphoneX,
+ inputGroupRoundedBorderRadius: 30,
+ //iPhoneX SafeArea
+ Inset: {
+ portrait: {
+ topInset: 24,
+ leftInset: 0,
+ rightInset: 0,
+ bottomInset: 34
+ },
+ landscape: {
+ topInset: 0,
+ leftInset: 44,
+ rightInset: 44,
+ bottomInset: 21
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/native-base-theme/variables/platform.js b/native-base-theme/variables/platform.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5a5252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/variables/platform.js
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+// @flow
+import color from "color";
+import { Platform, Dimensions, PixelRatio } from "react-native";
+const deviceHeight = Dimensions.get("window").height;
+const deviceWidth = Dimensions.get("window").width;
+const platform = Platform.OS;
+const platformStyle = undefined;
+const isIphoneX =
+platform === "ios" && (deviceHeight === 812 || deviceWidth === 812 || deviceHeight === 896 || deviceWidth === 896);
+export default {
+ platformStyle,
+ platform,
+ //Accordion
+ headerStyle: "#edebed",
+ iconStyle: "#000",
+ contentStyle: "#f5f4f5",
+ expandedIconStyle: "#000",
+ accordionBorderColor: "#d3d3d3",
+ // Android
+ androidRipple: true,
+ androidRippleColor: "rgba(256, 256, 256, 0.3)",
+ androidRippleColorDark: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)",
+ btnUppercaseAndroidText: true,
+ // Badge
+ badgeBg: "#ED1727",
+ badgeColor: "#fff",
+ badgePadding: platform === "ios" ? 3 : 0,
+ // Button
+ btnFontFamily: platform === "ios" ? "System" : "Roboto_medium",
+ btnDisabledBg: "#b5b5b5",
+ buttonPadding: 6,
+ get btnPrimaryBg() {
+ return this.brandPrimary;
+ },
+ get btnPrimaryColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnInfoBg() {
+ return this.brandInfo;
+ },
+ get btnInfoColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnSuccessBg() {
+ return this.brandSuccess;
+ },
+ get btnSuccessColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnDangerBg() {
+ return this.brandDanger;
+ },
+ get btnDangerColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnWarningBg() {
+ return this.brandWarning;
+ },
+ get btnWarningColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnTextSize() {
+ return platform === "ios" ? this.fontSizeBase * 1.1 : this.fontSizeBase - 1;
+ },
+ get btnTextSizeLarge() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.5;
+ },
+ get btnTextSizeSmall() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 0.8;
+ },
+ get borderRadiusLarge() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 3.8;
+ },
+ get iconSizeLarge() {
+ return this.iconFontSize * 1.5;
+ },
+ get iconSizeSmall() {
+ return this.iconFontSize * 0.6;
+ },
+ // Card
+ cardDefaultBg: "#fff",
+ cardBorderColor: "#ccc",
+ cardBorderRadius: 2,
+ cardItemPadding: platform === "ios" ? 10 : 12,
+ // CheckBox
+ CheckboxRadius: platform === "ios" ? 13 : 0,
+ CheckboxBorderWidth: platform === "ios" ? 1 : 2,
+ CheckboxPaddingLeft: platform === "ios" ? 4 : 2,
+ CheckboxPaddingBottom: platform === "ios" ? 0 : 5,
+ CheckboxIconSize: platform === "ios" ? 21 : 16,
+ CheckboxIconMarginTop: platform === "ios" ? undefined : 1,
+ CheckboxFontSize: platform === "ios" ? 23 / 0.9 : 17,
+ checkboxBgColor: "#039BE5",
+ checkboxSize: 20,
+ checkboxTickColor: "#fff",
+ // Color
+ brandPrimary: platform === "ios" ? "#e42612" : "#e42612",
+ brandInfo: "#62B1F6",
+ brandSuccess: "#5cb85c",
+ brandDanger: "#d9534f",
+ brandWarning: "#f0ad4e",
+ brandDark: "#000",
+ brandLight: "#f4f4f4",
+ //Container
+ containerBgColor: "#fff",
+ //Date Picker
+ datePickerTextColor: "#000",
+ datePickerBg: "transparent",
+ // Font
+ DefaultFontSize: 16,
+ fontFamily: platform === "ios" ? "System" : "Roboto",
+ fontSizeBase: 15,
+ get fontSizeH1() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.8;
+ },
+ get fontSizeH2() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.6;
+ },
+ get fontSizeH3() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.4;
+ },
+ // Footer
+ footerHeight: 55,
+ footerDefaultBg: platform === "ios" ? "#F8F8F8" : "#3F51B5",
+ footerPaddingBottom: 0,
+ // FooterTab
+ tabBarTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#6b6b6b" : "#b3c7f9",
+ tabBarTextSize: platform === "ios" ? 14 : 11,
+ activeTab: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ sTabBarActiveTextColor: "#007aff",
+ tabBarActiveTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ tabActiveBgColor: platform === "ios" ? "#cde1f9" : "#3F51B5",
+ // Header
+ toolbarBtnColor: platform === "ios" ? "#e42612" : "#fff",
+ toolbarDefaultBg: platform === "ios" ? "#F8F8F8" : "#e42612",
+ toolbarHeight: platform === "ios" ? 64 : 56,
+ toolbarSearchIconSize: platform === "ios" ? 20 : 23,
+ toolbarInputColor: platform === "ios" ? "#CECDD2" : "#fff",
+ searchBarHeight: platform === "ios" ? 30 : 40,
+ searchBarInputHeight: platform === "ios" ? 30 : 50,
+ toolbarBtnTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#e42612" : "#fff",
+ toolbarDefaultBorder: platform === "ios" ? "#a7a6ab" : "#ba1f0f",
+ iosStatusbar: platform === "ios" ? "dark-content" : "light-content",
+ get statusBarColor() {
+ return color(this.toolbarDefaultBg)
+ .darken(0.2)
+ .hex();
+ },
+ get darkenHeader() {
+ return color(this.tabBgColor)
+ .darken(0.03)
+ .hex();
+ },
+ // Icon
+ iconFamily: "Ionicons",
+ iconFontSize: platform === "ios" ? 30 : 28,
+ iconHeaderSize: platform === "ios" ? 33 : 24,
+ // InputGroup
+ inputFontSize: 17,
+ inputBorderColor: "#D9D5DC",
+ inputSuccessBorderColor: "#2b8339",
+ inputErrorBorderColor: "#ed2f2f",
+ inputHeightBase: 50,
+ get inputColor() {
+ return this.textColor;
+ },
+ get inputColorPlaceholder() {
+ return "#575757";
+ },
+ // Line Height
+ btnLineHeight: 19,
+ lineHeightH1: 32,
+ lineHeightH2: 27,
+ lineHeightH3: 22,
+ lineHeight: platform === "ios" ? 20 : 24,
+ listItemSelected: platform === "ios" ? "#e42612" : "#e42612",
+ // List
+ listBg: "transparent",
+ listBorderColor: "#c9c9c9",
+ listDividerBg: "#f4f4f4",
+ listBtnUnderlayColor: "#DDD",
+ listItemPadding: platform === "ios" ? 10 : 12,
+ listNoteColor: "#808080",
+ listNoteSize: 13,
+ // Progress Bar
+ defaultProgressColor: "#E4202D",
+ inverseProgressColor: "#1A191B",
+ // Radio Button
+ radioBtnSize: platform === "ios" ? 25 : 23,
+ radioSelectedColorAndroid: "#3F51B5",
+ radioBtnLineHeight: platform === "ios" ? 29 : 24,
+ get radioColor() {
+ return this.brandPrimary;
+ },
+ // Segment
+ segmentBackgroundColor: platform === "ios" ? "#F8F8F8" : "#3F51B5",
+ segmentActiveBackgroundColor: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ segmentTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ segmentActiveTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#fff" : "#3F51B5",
+ segmentBorderColor: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ segmentBorderColorMain: platform === "ios" ? "#a7a6ab" : "#3F51B5",
+ // Spinner
+ defaultSpinnerColor: "#45D56E",
+ inverseSpinnerColor: "#1A191B",
+ // Tab
+ tabDefaultBg: platform === "ios" ? "#F8F8F8" : "#e42612",
+ topTabBarTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#6b6b6b" : "#b3c7f9",
+ topTabBarActiveTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#e42612" : "#fff",
+ topTabBarBorderColor: platform === "ios" ? "#a7a6ab" : "#fff",
+ topTabBarActiveBorderColor: platform === "ios" ? "#e42612" : "#fff",
+ // Tabs
+ tabBgColor: "#F8F8F8",
+ tabFontSize: 15,
+ // Text
+ textColor: "#000",
+ inverseTextColor: "#fff",
+ noteFontSize: 14,
+ get defaultTextColor() {
+ return this.textColor;
+ },
+ // Title
+ titleFontfamily: platform === "ios" ? "System" : "Roboto_medium",
+ titleFontSize: platform === "ios" ? 17 : 19,
+ subTitleFontSize: platform === "ios" ? 11 : 14,
+ subtitleColor: platform === "ios" ? "#8e8e93" : "#FFF",
+ titleFontColor: platform === "ios" ? "#000" : "#FFF",
+ // Other
+ borderRadiusBase: platform === "ios" ? 5 : 2,
+ borderWidth: 1 / PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(1),
+ contentPadding: 10,
+ dropdownLinkColor: "#414142",
+ inputLineHeight: 24,
+ deviceWidth,
+ deviceHeight,
+ isIphoneX,
+ inputGroupRoundedBorderRadius: 30,
+ //iPhoneX SafeArea
+ Inset: {
+ portrait: {
+ topInset: 24,
+ leftInset: 0,
+ rightInset: 0,
+ bottomInset: 34
+ },
+ landscape: {
+ topInset: 0,
+ leftInset: 44,
+ rightInset: 44,
+ bottomInset: 21
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/native-base-theme/variables/platformDark.js b/native-base-theme/variables/platformDark.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3fe4c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-base-theme/variables/platformDark.js
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+// @flow
+import color from "color";
+import { Platform, Dimensions, PixelRatio } from "react-native";
+const deviceHeight = Dimensions.get("window").height;
+const deviceWidth = Dimensions.get("window").width;
+const platform = Platform.OS;
+const platformStyle = undefined;
+const isIphoneX =
+ platform === "ios" && (deviceHeight === 812 || deviceWidth === 812 || deviceHeight === 896 || deviceWidth === 896);
+export default {
+ platformStyle,
+ platform,
+ //Accordion
+ headerStyle: "#edebed",
+ iconStyle: "#000",
+ contentStyle: "#f5f4f5",
+ expandedIconStyle: "#000",
+ accordionBorderColor: "#d3d3d3",
+ // Android
+ androidRipple: true,
+ androidRippleColor: "rgba(256, 256, 256, 0.3)",
+ androidRippleColorDark: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)",
+ btnUppercaseAndroidText: true,
+ // Badge
+ badgeBg: "#ED1727",
+ badgeColor: "#fff",
+ badgePadding: platform === "ios" ? 3 : 0,
+ // Button
+ btnFontFamily: platform === "ios" ? "System" : "Roboto_medium",
+ btnDisabledBg: "#b5b5b5",
+ buttonPadding: 6,
+ get btnPrimaryBg() {
+ return this.brandPrimary;
+ },
+ get btnPrimaryColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnInfoBg() {
+ return this.brandInfo;
+ },
+ get btnInfoColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnSuccessBg() {
+ return this.brandSuccess;
+ },
+ get btnSuccessColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnDangerBg() {
+ return this.brandDanger;
+ },
+ get btnDangerColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnWarningBg() {
+ return this.brandWarning;
+ },
+ get btnWarningColor() {
+ return this.inverseTextColor;
+ },
+ get btnTextSize() {
+ return platform === "ios" ? this.fontSizeBase * 1.1 : this.fontSizeBase - 1;
+ },
+ get btnTextSizeLarge() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.5;
+ },
+ get btnTextSizeSmall() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 0.8;
+ },
+ get borderRadiusLarge() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 3.8;
+ },
+ get iconSizeLarge() {
+ return this.iconFontSize * 1.5;
+ },
+ get iconSizeSmall() {
+ return this.iconFontSize * 0.6;
+ },
+ // Card
+ cardDefaultBg: "#2b2b2b",
+ cardBorderColor: "#ccc",
+ cardBorderRadius: 2,
+ cardItemPadding: platform === "ios" ? 10 : 12,
+ // CheckBox
+ CheckboxRadius: platform === "ios" ? 13 : 0,
+ CheckboxBorderWidth: platform === "ios" ? 1 : 2,
+ CheckboxPaddingLeft: platform === "ios" ? 4 : 2,
+ CheckboxPaddingBottom: platform === "ios" ? 0 : 5,
+ CheckboxIconSize: platform === "ios" ? 21 : 16,
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+ CheckboxFontSize: platform === "ios" ? 23 / 0.9 : 17,
+ checkboxBgColor: "#039BE5",
+ checkboxSize: 20,
+ checkboxTickColor: "#fff",
+ // Color
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+ brandInfo: "#62B1F6",
+ brandSuccess: "#5cb85c",
+ brandDanger: "#d9534f",
+ brandWarning: "#f0ad4e",
+ brandDark: "#000",
+ brandLight: "#f4f4f4",
+ //Container
+ containerBgColor: "#2b2b2b",
+ //Date Picker
+ datePickerTextColor: "#000",
+ datePickerBg: "transparent",
+ // Font
+ DefaultFontSize: 16,
+ fontFamily: platform === "ios" ? "System" : "Roboto",
+ fontSizeBase: 15,
+ get fontSizeH1() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.8;
+ },
+ get fontSizeH2() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.6;
+ },
+ get fontSizeH3() {
+ return this.fontSizeBase * 1.4;
+ },
+ // Footer
+ footerHeight: 55,
+ footerDefaultBg: platform === "ios" ? "#F8F8F8" : "#3F51B5",
+ footerPaddingBottom: 0,
+ // FooterTab
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+ sTabBarActiveTextColor: "#007aff",
+ tabBarActiveTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ tabActiveBgColor: platform === "ios" ? "#cde1f9" : "#3F51B5",
+ // Header
+ toolbarBtnColor: platform === "ios" ? "#e42612" : "#fff",
+ toolbarDefaultBg: platform === "ios" ? "#F8F8F8" : "#e42612",
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+ toolbarSearchIconSize: platform === "ios" ? 20 : 23,
+ toolbarInputColor: platform === "ios" ? "#CECDD2" : "#fff",
+ searchBarHeight: platform === "ios" ? 30 : 40,
+ searchBarInputHeight: platform === "ios" ? 30 : 50,
+ toolbarBtnTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#e42612" : "#fff",
+ toolbarDefaultBorder: platform === "ios" ? "#a7a6ab" : "#ba1f0f",
+ iosStatusbar: platform === "ios" ? "dark-content" : "light-content",
+ get statusBarColor() {
+ return color(this.toolbarDefaultBg)
+ .darken(0.2)
+ .hex();
+ },
+ get darkenHeader() {
+ return color(this.tabBgColor)
+ .darken(0.03)
+ .hex();
+ },
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+ iconHeaderSize: platform === "ios" ? 33 : 24,
+ // InputGroup
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+ inputBorderColor: "#D9D5DC",
+ inputSuccessBorderColor: "#2b8339",
+ inputErrorBorderColor: "#ed2f2f",
+ inputHeightBase: 50,
+ get inputColor() {
+ return this.textColor;
+ },
+ get inputColorPlaceholder() {
+ return "#575757";
+ },
+ // Line Height
+ btnLineHeight: 19,
+ lineHeightH1: 32,
+ lineHeightH2: 27,
+ lineHeightH3: 22,
+ lineHeight: platform === "ios" ? 20 : 24,
+ listItemSelected: platform === "ios" ? "#e42612" : "#e42612",
+ // List
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+ listDividerBg: "#f4f4f4",
+ listBtnUnderlayColor: "#DDD",
+ listItemPadding: platform === "ios" ? 10 : 12,
+ listNoteColor: "#808080",
+ listNoteSize: 13,
+ // Progress Bar
+ defaultProgressColor: "#E4202D",
+ inverseProgressColor: "#1A191B",
+ // Radio Button
+ radioBtnSize: platform === "ios" ? 25 : 23,
+ radioSelectedColorAndroid: "#3F51B5",
+ radioBtnLineHeight: platform === "ios" ? 29 : 24,
+ get radioColor() {
+ return this.brandPrimary;
+ },
+ // Segment
+ segmentBackgroundColor: platform === "ios" ? "#F8F8F8" : "#3F51B5",
+ segmentActiveBackgroundColor: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ segmentTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#007aff" : "#fff",
+ segmentActiveTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#fff" : "#3F51B5",
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+ segmentBorderColorMain: platform === "ios" ? "#a7a6ab" : "#3F51B5",
+ // Spinner
+ defaultSpinnerColor: "#45D56E",
+ inverseSpinnerColor: "#1A191B",
+ // Tab
+ tabDefaultBg: platform === "ios" ? "#2b2b2b" : "#e42612",
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+ topTabBarActiveTextColor: platform === "ios" ? "#e42612" : "#fff",
+ topTabBarBorderColor: platform === "ios" ? "#a7a6ab" : "#fff",
+ topTabBarActiveBorderColor: platform === "ios" ? "#e42612" : "#fff",
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+ tabBgColor: "#2b2b2b",
+ tabFontSize: 15,
+ // Text
+ textColor: "#fff",
+ inverseTextColor: "#000",
+ noteFontSize: 14,
+ get defaultTextColor() {
+ return this.textColor;
+ },
+ // Title
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+ titleFontSize: platform === "ios" ? 17 : 19,
+ subTitleFontSize: platform === "ios" ? 11 : 14,
+ subtitleColor: platform === "ios" ? "#8e8e93" : "#FFF",
+ titleFontColor: platform === "ios" ? "#000" : "#FFF",
+ // Other
+ borderRadiusBase: platform === "ios" ? 5 : 2,
+ borderWidth: 1 / PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(1),
+ contentPadding: 10,
+ dropdownLinkColor: "#414142",
+ inputLineHeight: 24,
+ deviceWidth,
+ deviceHeight,
+ isIphoneX,
+ inputGroupRoundedBorderRadius: 30,
+ //iPhoneX SafeArea
+ Inset: {
+ portrait: {
+ topInset: 24,
+ leftInset: 0,
+ rightInset: 0,
+ bottomInset: 34
+ },
+ landscape: {
+ topInset: 0,
+ leftInset: 44,
+ rightInset: 44,
+ bottomInset: 21
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/navigation/AppNavigator.js b/navigation/AppNavigator.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e01d704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/navigation/AppNavigator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { createAppContainer, createSwitchNavigator } from 'react-navigation';
+import MainDrawerNavigator from './MainDrawerNavigator';
+export default createAppContainer(
+ createSwitchNavigator({
+ Main: MainDrawerNavigator,
+ })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/navigation/MainDrawerNavigator.js b/navigation/MainDrawerNavigator.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a27059a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/navigation/MainDrawerNavigator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import {createDrawerNavigator} from 'react-navigation';
+import HomeScreen from '../screens/HomeScreen';
+import PlanningScreen from '../screens/PlanningScreen';
+import ProxiwashScreen from '../screens/ProxiwashScreen';
+import ProximoScreen from '../screens/ProximoScreen';
+import SettingsScreen from '../screens/SettingsScreen';
+import AboutScreen from '../screens/AboutScreen';
+import SideMenu from "../components/SideMenu";
+export default createDrawerNavigator({
+ Home: {screen: HomeScreen},
+ Planning: {screen: PlanningScreen,},
+ Proxiwash: {screen: ProxiwashScreen,},
+ Proximo: {screen: ProximoScreen,},
+ Settings: {screen: SettingsScreen,},
+ About: {screen: AboutScreen,},
+ }, {
+ contentComponent: SideMenu,
+ }
diff --git a/navigation/MainTabNavigator.js b/navigation/MainTabNavigator.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc422c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/navigation/MainTabNavigator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import {Platform} from 'react-native';
+import {createStackNavigator} from 'react-navigation';
+import {createMaterialBottomTabNavigator} from "react-navigation-material-bottom-tabs";
+import TabBarIcon from '../components/TabBarIcon';
+import HomeScreen from '../screens/HomeScreen';
+import PlanningScreen from '../screens/PlanningScreen';
+const HomeStack = createStackNavigator({
+ Home: HomeScreen,
+HomeStack.navigationOptions = {
+ tabBarLabel: 'Home',
+ tabBarIcon: ({focused}) => (
+ ),
+const ProfileStack = createStackNavigator({
+ Profile: PlanningScreen,
+ProfileStack.navigationOptions = {
+ tabBarLabel: 'Profile',
+ tabBarIcon: ({focused}) => (
+ ),
+export default createMaterialBottomTabNavigator(
+ {
+ Home: HomeStack,
+ Profile: ProfileStack
+ }, {
+ initialRouteName: 'Home',
+ shifting: true,
+ activeColor: Colors.tabIconSelected,
+ inactiveColor: Colors.tabIconDefault,
+ barStyle: {backgroundColor: Colors.mainColor},
+ }
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"eject": "expo eject"
"dependencies": {
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"devDependencies": {
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diff --git a/screens/AboutScreen.js b/screens/AboutScreen.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbda873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/screens/AboutScreen.js
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import {Platform, StyleSheet, Linking, Alert} from 'react-native';
+import {Container, Content, Text, Card, CardItem, Body, Icon, Left, Right, Thumbnail, H1} from 'native-base';
+import CustomHeader from "../components/CustomHeader";
+import i18n from "i18n-js";
+const version = 'a0.0.1';
+const links = {
+ appstore: 'https://qwant.com',
+ playstore: 'https://qwant.com',
+ gitlab: 'https://qwant.com',
+ bugs: 'https://qwant.com',
+ changelog: 'https://qwant.com',
+ license: 'https://qwant.com',
+ mail: "mailto:arnaud.vergnet@netc.fr?subject=Application Amicale INSA Toulouse&body=",
+ linkedin: 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/arnaud-vergnet-434ba5179/',
+ facebook: 'https://www.facebook.com/arnaud.vergnet',
+ react: 'https://facebook.github.io/react-native/',
+export default class AboutScreen extends React.Component {
+ openWebLink(link) {
+ Linking.openURL(link).catch((err) => console.error('Error opening link', err));
+ }
+ render() {
+ const nav = this.props.navigation;
+ return (
+ Amicale INSA Toulouse
+ v.{version}
+ this.openWebLink(Platform.OS === "ios" ? links.appstore : links.playstore)}>
+ {Platform.OS === "ios" ? i18n.t('aboutScreen.appstore') : i18n.t('aboutScreen.playstore')}
+ this.openWebLink(links.gitlab)}>
+ Gitlab
+ this.openWebLink(links.bugs)}>
+ {i18n.t('aboutScreen.bugs')}
+ this.openWebLink(links.changelog)}>
+ {i18n.t('aboutScreen.changelog')}
+ this.openWebLink(links.license)}>
+ {i18n.t('aboutScreen.license')}
+ {i18n.t('aboutScreen.author')}
+ Alert.alert('Coucou', 'Whaou')}>
+ Arnaud VERGNET
+ this.openWebLink(links.mail)}>
+ {i18n.t('aboutScreen.mail')}
+ this.openWebLink(links.linkedin)}>
+ Linkedin
+ this.openWebLink(links.facebook)}>
+ Facebook
+ {i18n.t('aboutScreen.technologies')}
+ this.openWebLink(links.react)}>
+ {i18n.t('aboutScreen.reactNative')}
+ console.log('libs')}>
+ {i18n.t('aboutScreen.libs')}
+ );
+ }
+const styles = StyleSheet.create({
+ container: {
+ flex: 1,
+ backgroundColor: '#fff',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ },
diff --git a/screens/HomeScreen.js b/screens/HomeScreen.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77769b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/screens/HomeScreen.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import {Container, Content, Text, Button, Icon} from 'native-base';
+import CustomHeader from '../components/CustomHeader';
+import i18n from "i18n-js";
+import { Notifications } from 'expo';
+export default class HomeScreen extends React.Component {
+ render() {
+ const nav = this.props.navigation;
+ return (
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/screens/PlanningScreen.js b/screens/PlanningScreen.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c74290a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/screens/PlanningScreen.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native';
+import {Container, Text} from 'native-base';
+import CustomHeader from "../components/CustomHeader";
+import i18n from "i18n-js";
+export default class PlanningScreen extends React.Component {
+ render() {
+ const nav = this.props.navigation;
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+const styles = StyleSheet.create({
+ container: {
+ flex: 1,
+ backgroundColor: '#fff',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ },
diff --git a/screens/ProximoScreen.js b/screens/ProximoScreen.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d928e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/screens/ProximoScreen.js
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import {StyleSheet, View, Alert, ScrollView, RefreshControl, FlatList} from 'react-native';
+import {Container, Text, Content, ListItem, Left, Thumbnail, Right, Badge} from 'native-base';
+import CustomHeader from "../components/CustomHeader";
+const DATA_URL = "https://etud.insa-toulouse.fr/~vergnet/appli-amicale/data.txt";
+const IMG_URL = "https://etud.insa-toulouse.fr/~vergnet/appli-amicale/img/";
+const defaultImage = require('../assets/image-missing.png');
+export default class ProximoScreen extends React.Component {
+ constructor(props) {
+ super(props);
+ this.state = {
+ refreshing: false,
+ data: undefined
+ };
+ }
+ async readData() {
+ try {
+ let response = await fetch(
+ 'https://etud.insa-toulouse.fr/~vergnet/appli-amicale/data.txt',
+ );
+ let responseText = await response.text();
+ let responseArray = responseText.split('\n');
+ let responseFinal = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < responseArray.length; i++) {
+ if (responseArray[i] !== "") {
+ let itemArray = responseArray[i]
+ .replace('[', '')
+ .replace(']', '')
+ .split(',')[1]
+ .split(';');
+ let object = {
+ name: itemArray[0],
+ price: itemArray[1],
+ image: defaultImage
+ };
+ responseFinal.push(object);
+ }
+ }
+ this.setState({data: responseFinal});
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(error);
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ componentDidMount() {
+ this._onRefresh();
+ }
+ _onRefresh = () => {
+ this.setState({refreshing: true});
+ this.readData().then(() => {
+ this.setState({refreshing: false});
+ // console.log(this.state.data);
+ });
+ };
+ render() {
+ const nav = this.props.navigation;
+ return (
+ item.name}
+ refreshControl={
+ }
+ style={{minHeight: 300, width: '100%'}}
+ renderItem={({item}) =>
+ {
+ console.log(IMG_URL + item.name + '.jpg')
+ }}
+ >
+ {item.name}
+ {item.price}€
+ }
+ />
+ );
+ }
+const styles = StyleSheet.create({
+ container: {
+ flex: 1,
+ backgroundColor: '#fff',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ },
diff --git a/screens/ProxiwashScreen.js b/screens/ProxiwashScreen.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0b92a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/screens/ProxiwashScreen.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import {StyleSheet, View} from 'react-native';
+import {Container, Text} from 'native-base';
+import CustomHeader from "../components/CustomHeader";
+export default class ProxiwashScreen extends React.Component {
+ render() {
+ const nav = this.props.navigation;
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+const styles = StyleSheet.create({
+ container: {
+ flex: 1,
+ backgroundColor: '#fff',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ },
diff --git a/screens/SettingsScreen.js b/screens/SettingsScreen.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ea5ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/screens/SettingsScreen.js
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import {Alert} from 'react-native'
+import {Badge, Container, Content, Icon, Left, ListItem, Right, Text, List, CheckBox} from "native-base";
+import CustomHeader from "../components/CustomHeader";
+import ThemeManager from '../utils/ThemeManager';
+import i18n from "i18n-js";
+const nightModeKey = 'nightMode';
+export default class SettingsScreen extends React.Component {
+ state = {
+ nightMode: ThemeManager.getInstance().getNightMode(),
+ };
+ toggleNightMode() {
+ this.setState({nightMode: !this.state.nightMode});
+ ThemeManager.getInstance().setNightmode(!this.state.nightMode);
+ Alert.alert(i18n.t('settingsScreen.nightMode'), i18n.t('settingsScreen.restart'));
+ }
+ render() {
+ const nav = this.props.navigation;
+ return (
+ this.toggleNightMode()}
+ >
+ {i18n.t('settingsScreen.nightMode')}
+ this.toggleNightMode()}/>
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/translations/en.json b/translations/en.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71214ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/en.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ "screens": {
+ "home": "Home",
+ "planning": "Planning",
+ "settings": "Settings",
+ "about": "About"
+ },
+ "settingsScreen": {
+ "nightMode": "Night Mode",
+ "restart": "Restart the app to apply changes"
+ },
+ "aboutScreen": {
+ "appstore": "See on the Appstore",
+ "playstore": "See on the Playstore",
+ "bugs": "Report Bugs",
+ "changelog": "Changelog",
+ "license": "License",
+ "author": "Author",
+ "mail": "Send an email",
+ "technologies": "Technologies",
+ "reactNative": "Made with React Native",
+ "libs": "Libraries used"
+ },
diff --git a/translations/fr.json b/translations/fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cb581d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ "screens": {
+ "home": "Accueil",
+ "planning": "Planning",
+ "settings": "Paramètres",
+ "about": "À Propos"
+ },
+ "settingsScreen": {
+ "nightMode": "Mode Nuit",
+ "restart": "Redémarrez l'application pour appliquer les changements"
+ },
+ "aboutScreen": {
+ "appstore": "Voir sur l'Appstore",
+ "playstore": "Voir sur le Playstore",
+ "bugs": "Rapporter des Bugs",
+ "changelog": "Historique des modifications",
+ "license": "Licence",
+ "author": "Auteur",
+ "mail": "Envoyer un mail",
+ "technologies": "Technologies",
+ "reactNative": "Créé avec React Native",
+ "libs": "Librairies utilisées"
+ }
diff --git a/utils/LocaleManager.js b/utils/LocaleManager.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36eb711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/LocaleManager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import i18n from 'i18n-js';
+import * as Localization from 'expo-localization';
+import en from '../translations/en';
+import fr from '../translations/fr';
+export default class LocaleManager {
+ static instance = null;
+ static getInstance() {
+ if (LocaleManager.instance == null) {
+ LocaleManager.instance = new LocaleManager();
+ }
+ return this.instance;
+ }
+ initTranslations() {
+ i18n.fallbacks = true;
+ i18n.translations = {fr, en};
+ i18n.locale = Localization.locale;
+ }
diff --git a/utils/ThemeManager.js b/utils/ThemeManager.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07b5319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ThemeManager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import {DefaultTheme} from 'react-native-paper';
+import {AsyncStorage} from 'react-native'
+import platform from '../native-base-theme/variables/platform';
+import platformDark from '../native-base-theme/variables/platformDark';
+import getTheme from '../native-base-theme/components';
+const nightModeKey = 'nightMode';
+export default class ThemeManager {
+ static instance = null;
+ constructor() {
+ this.nightMode = false;
+ this.updateThemeCallback = undefined;
+ }
+ static getInstance() {
+ if (ThemeManager.instance == null) {
+ ThemeManager.instance = new ThemeManager();
+ }
+ return this.instance;
+ }
+ setUpdateThemeCallback(callback) {
+ this.updateThemeCallback = callback;
+ console.log(this.updateThemeCallback);
+ }
+ async getDataFromPreferences() {
+ let result = await AsyncStorage.getItem(nightModeKey);
+ if (result === '1')
+ this.nightMode = true;
+ console.log('nightmode: ' + this.nightMode);
+ }
+ setNightmode(isNightMode) {
+ this.nightMode = isNightMode;
+ AsyncStorage.setItem(nightModeKey, isNightMode ? '1' : '0');
+ if (this.updateThemeCallback !== undefined)
+ this.updateThemeCallback();
+ }
+ getNightMode() {
+ return this.nightMode;
+ }
+ getCurrentTheme() {
+ if (this.nightMode)
+ return getTheme(platformDark);
+ else
+ return getTheme(platform);
+ }